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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Since there are no games anymore in any of the VHL leagues at the moment, we have a look at the Janser's inter-season schedule. Marcel will undergo extensive training in the Calgary torture chamber and revamp his offensive skills, which are elemental in the big show for any player since the new rules were implemented, giving the goalkeepers an edge. He spent some off-time on Lake Ontario fishing with his father and brother. It is during his stay where he answered a phone call on his brother's cell phone. It rang while Dan and the old man were on the lake, and neither of them take electronic devices aboard, Firstly they are disruptive to the serious fishing which needs done and secondly it is too risky to have them falling over board and getting destroyed. Marcel took the call and simply answered with 'Janser', which is what people do in Switzerland, if an unknown number is calling. The person at the other end of course was assuming to talk to Dan, and started off telling Marcel that he was elected to represent Team Western Europe in the upcoming S84 Worldcup. Marcel laughed out and said: 'You are talking to Marcel, not Daniel. He is not available at the moment, but I have him call you back as soon as he is back.' Hours later, when the Jansers were eating freshly caught trout, the younger brother said: 'Ah, by the way Dan, there was a fellow by the name of @v.2 who wanted to chat with you about your participation in the World Cup. I told him to sod off, and that it was a poor joke to start with.' Dan let go of the cutlery and glared at Marcel: 'You didn't!' Marcel grinned: 'No I did not. But you may want to call them back, before they come to their senses and nominate someone else.' Dan took leave from the dinner table and called v.2 immediately back and confirmed his attendance and also mentioning that he needs to sack the secretary. When he came back, he smacked Marcel in the back of the head. 'That is for telling me so late and giving me a jumpstart.' Kurt burst out laughing and Marcel joined in seconds later. The Swiss defender was embarassed and still rubbing his head mumbled: 'I got so excited about the haul you brought in, that I completely forgot. I am sorry, Dan.' Still excited about this unexpected news, the three of them went to a sports bar nearby to watch the S85 VHL Draft on the telly. They were surprised that Calgary traded up, to get the third overall pick to secure the rights on up and coming defenseman Phil Strasmore, who will join the Wranglers' roster as soon as the coming season. 'Good choice, that.' Kurt commented. 'Had this kid for a dozen games in Mississauga in S83 and five post season games. Solid defender with a lot of potential and his production is no slouch either. And physical, but all players going through the Phil Knight Agency are.' The rest of the Calgary draftees were unfamiliar to the Jansers and we will see how they will fit into the Calgary prospect pool. Here is a list of the players who will be fed into the Wranglers' system: 3rd Overall: Phil Strasmore, UK, Houston Bulls 14th Overall: Larry Abass Jr., CAN, Las Vegas Aces 49th Overall: Ty Justice, CAN, Philadelphia Reapers Congrats and welcome to the Wranglers. https://vhlforum.com/topic/125317-a-tale-of-two-brothers-all-the-good-things/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125486-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-in-the-vhle/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125626-a-tale-of-two-brothers-still-on-the-run-for-a-title/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125731-a-tale-of-two-brothers-heartbreak-ridge/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125969-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-fat-lady-sang/ 2/5 uncapped package
  2. Daniel Janser

    Cologne GM

    Frosty goes through AGM's like no-one's business... congrats Leandro
  3. congrats on your extension to the family. Good health to all three of you.
  4. Well, we do not know for sure that some 'strong arming' was afoot... I think it is legitimate for any player to test the free market if they are not happy with their present franchise. And if the player has no NTC/NMC in the contract, Hedge could have shipped him off everywhere (well, everywhere where interest/cap space existed)... apparently this must have been the best offer he got for Johnston...
  5. Welcome to the VHL Jack, We are entering the draft in the foreseeable future. Until then you can boost your draft stock by earning TPE and start boosting your attributes. You can find a tutorial how to earn here: and here is a build guide which I recommend to have a look at The latter is only a guideline, you can of course build your goalkeeper as you see fit. Until you are drafted, you are more than welcome to join my team's discord channel https://discord.gg/4kVKNJmV and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to DM me, either here on the forum or on discord. Good luck and lots of fun in your VHL career. Daniel
  6. I think Dil referred to the non-canonical Wolves logo, not the league logo
  7. I never talked to Brandon AND do not know how to deal with the purchases which makes me an even more suitable candidate than Alex, applied
  8. and he may or may not live in Turkey
  9. Rookie season was 17 points?
  10. Yeah no disrespect to you, but I think a line with Atreides/Idaho/Deatwalker is any GM's wet dream come true...
  11. After a Hiatus of four seasons, Janser is back in Team Western Europe.
  12. This is how wars are started Gus. I mean El Salvador and Honduras fought a (albeit short) war due to a soccer game. And considering the past between Pakistan and India...
  13. rejected as Media spot as only containing one sentence. Geez, Gus take a breath when talking
  14. transaction code 202123356N214874R USD 1 Mill Player store cash 5 TPE uncapped Doubles week
  15. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Jansers' season has finished and it is time now to reload the batteries and to prepare for the next season. The brothers will be united in the same club yet again and can prove that the performance they were able to show in their first season in the VHLM can be duplicated. Just as a small reminder for readers who did miss the Swiss' inaugural season, let's take a walk down memory lane with their stats from S80 (MIS and PHI combined). Marcel regular season/playoffs: 72gp, 14g, 40a, 54pts, -8, 52 PIM, 75 hits, 137sb, 1gwg, 6ppg 5gp, 0g, 1a, 1pt, -2, 2 PIM, 3 hits, 7sb Daniel regular season/playoffs: 72gp, 40g, 40a, 80pts, -10, 52 PIM, 152 hits, 26sb, 6gwg, 14ppg, 1shg 5gp, 2g, 2a, 4pts, +0, 4 PIM, 12 hits, 2sb, 0gwg, 1ppg, 0shg It is safe to say, that GM Kris Rice would be more than happy if the brothers could repeat such numbers after their reunion. Daniel is prepping for the season as is custom with the ProAM tournament where he will be dressing for the Birmingham Tiddlywinks. Marcel will stay in the Wranglers training center and get a brush up on his offensive play for his VHL rookie season. Our correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) was able to talk to the brothers at their father's place at Lake Ontario, where they spent a week fishing with their dad. JLL: 'Marcel, you must be excited to play in the big show and meet up with all the other Wranglers.' Marcel (MJ): 'I sure am, and looking forward to it, too. Dan described all of them as capital fellows and dapper dressers and I cannot wait to skate with them in the Big Show at long last.' JLL: 'Dan, what will it be like to play with your brother again?' Daniel (DJ): 'Well, we always were like-minded when it came to hockey. We both appreciate the defensive work and enjoy the physical aspect of the game. We know where the other is and more importantly, where he will be in the next few seconds. This is something which could give us an advantage during the game as we can pull off no-look passes and moves which otherwise were impossible or at least highly risky and give the GM a cardiac arrest.' JLL: 'Marcel, how would you describe the hockey player Daniel Janser?' MJ: 'Well, he is a reliable shut down forward with an extraordinary hockey sense and good offensive tools. He can score clutch goals and last season's three hatties proved that he is good for multi-goal games. Never afraid of laying down to law with earthshattering checks and opponents who think he is a push over just because he is relatively short, will learn the hard way that he is ferocious in the in-fight. He does not block shots though and takes too many penalties for my taste.' JLL: 'And Dan how do you see Marcel as a hockey player?' DJ: 'A solid defensive minded defense man who is king in his own zone. He is good at anticipating shot lanes and shuts them down, if need be with his body. More of a set up guy than taking the shot himself, He has very underrated offensive skills at his disposal, but so far he has focussed so hard on defence, that they did not get to bear. Something people would refer to as 'pylon' in the best sense of the word. But I am sure Kris will address this topic, and I would be surprised if Marcel would not improve in that area before too long. Due to his eccentric skating style, which he developed due to a hernia he suffered as an infant and went unnoticed until his late teens, he looks slower and more cumbersome on the ice than he really is. I cannot count the times he caught some opponents offguard because they underestimated his speed.' JLL: 'That are very interesting assessments, thanks. So what are your goals for next season?' DJ: 'Well, Kris has not locked the whole S83 draft class for 4-5 seasons just for their good looks. It is the worst kept secret in Alberta that we strive for the cup. And I am sure Marcel and I can do our fair share to achieve this admittedly ambitious goal. But as the Australians say: 'We are not here to fuck spiders.' If you compete at this level, there is only one goal and we think that Calgary can do it.' MJ: 'I could not have said it better myself. I will need to get used to the new level of hockey, but no-one ever accused me of being a slack and I do what I can to help the team to get to the top.' JLL: 'Okay, thanks that was all the questions I had. Thanks for your time and good luck.' DJ and MJ in unison: 'Thanks for having as and godspeed.' Stay tuned for further updates. While you wait, why not read some of our previous articles, linked down below. https://vhlforum.com/topic/125211-a-tale-of-two-brothers-express-train-to-the-final/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125317-a-tale-of-two-brothers-all-the-good-things/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125486-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-in-the-vhle/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125626-a-tale-of-two-brothers-still-on-the-run-for-a-title/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125731-a-tale-of-two-brothers-heartbreak-ridge/
  16. Yay... excited to play with you in the foreseeable future
  17. a bargain for one mill per... take this salary cap
  18. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Both Jansers have wrapped up their respective seasons now, after Vasteras lost game six against Istanbul. 3-2 Vasteras lost their final game of the season to Istanbul in a tight contest 3-2. Vasteras started strong with two consecutive goals by Young on even strength and Maple on the power play. Alas, Istanbul tied the game with a brace of their own before the first horn. In the second period, Burns delivered the dagger with his game winner in the 35th minute. Vasteras was not able to score anymore and had to yield the game as well as the series. Burns (1g/1a), Young (1g/0a) and Adison (1g/0a) were named the three stars of the game. Jute (.919) with a very solid performance had to leave the crown to Murdock (.944) who just was the better netminder over the series. The Swedish special teams were extraordinary with a 100% performance on the man advantage (1/1) as well as the man down (7/7). Marcel had 0g, 1a, -2, 2 PIM (Holding, no goal scored against), 3 hits and 2sb to his name. The younger Janser finished the playoffs with the following stats: 10gp, 1g, 5a, 6pts, +1, 6 PIM, 13 hits, 27sb https://vhlforum.com/topic/125122-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-dark-horse-on-the-rise/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125211-a-tale-of-two-brothers-express-train-to-the-final/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125317-a-tale-of-two-brothers-all-the-good-things/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125486-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-in-the-vhle/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/125626-a-tale-of-two-brothers-still-on-the-run-for-a-title/ GM 20: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) Uncapped claim 1/5
  19. Yeah that is what meant to say. I started my innebandy career as netminder so I probably respect the position more than most. Having said that I later on played on the wing and ended my career as defender, sooo.... And we do not have the benefit of televised game like in real life, where you at least could be forgiven to choose the most 'flashy' player, regardless of position. So we have to go by thwarted stats and personal preference, I agree.
  20. His numbers are remarkable (especially the production), he took a lot of penalties though and was outhit by two other nominees and outblocked by Sova. Alas, I think with the candidates to pick from, a valid argument can be made for any of them to be deserving the most outstanding player. As in real life, people are sucker for points for this specific award (I chose Papa because this save rate is just insane and certainly won some games his team had no business winning). Not trying to argue with you, yours is a valid choice, just saying that in my opinion is not so much disregarding Markinson's stellar performance, but people preferring other stats over his.
  21. same argument could be made for skaters though, just saying...
  22. Recruitment can use any of my contributions, if they so wish.
  23. it is not called 'lazyness' it is 'time efficient'
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