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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. S40 is your time Helsinki. Still, good game Calgary.
  2. You should have gone with something related to Scotch. The .......Highlanders or something
  3. Nice, although I think I may be dyslexic. I originally thought the title was Robin Gow Rainbow Apparel. I thought "that's nice, a clothing range."
  4. The riggery in the minors knows no bounds.
  5. Another podcast to listen to. God dammit.
  6. Good improvement.
  7. Just a note for myself... Current Balance: $11.5 Million New Balance after Recruit Reward http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/10724-s39-recruitment-drive/page-7#entry116426 $12.5 Million $12.5 Million
  8. Cockroaches, cocaine dust etc. It's highly unsanitary.
  9. I told you, I'm gifted when it comes to International phonics. For example, the way you just typed the word "figure" above, gives me a sense of a Gelderland accent. Am I close?
  10. You forgot the part where the Asst GM of Yukon gave an inspirational speech that carried the team to victory....well he promised to take the team to Hooters if they won anyway. Close enough.
  11. It's only now I realize that yes, he's quite OK at this hockey thing.
  12. I have a PW for Brazzers if that's of any help?
  13. Ivo, from your post I have deduced that you probably have a dutch accent, especially when speaking english. #sherlockoflanguages
  14. Yeah, I hate blowing into glasses too! As for the accent, it sounded Canadian enough to me, eh. Although I did detect traces of Germanic and possibly NW United States...I have a gift.
  15. It's not his fault, he was concussed.
  16. Mmmmm, skittles Also, Sam to the Cowboys pending a physical.
  17. That just sounds horrible.
  18. What a disgrace! I vote for immediate replacement of the GM's and relocation of the franchises involved.
  19. Not always....rigged!
  20. Rigged!
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