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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Welcome to the VHL.
  2. I would post my Davos dance gif but I would like to avoid a ban.
  3. Now, let's talk about boobie pics....
  4. Is this where I post?
  5. Well shit. I must have fucked up those picks completely LOL.
  6. Required reply.
  7. Better than my attempt at making a media spot.
  8. That - 155 goal difference is a great look.
  9. Well, well, well. Three holes in the ground.
  10. Nice end result here, good job. The coloring, BG and text all work well to produce a pretty clean end result. A logo swap is always a bonus and the stroke looks good as well. Only slight thought is the player sig up there in the corner. Maybe bringing it down above the main text would look a little tidier, but minor thing. 9/10
  11. I like this banner, here's why. I think the consistent render size, stroke and good JC's work well. The text/font is simple but works OK here and I appreciate you making the effort to switch the NHL logo on the jerseys. It can be tricky to use multiple renders but nice one here. I think incorporating the trophy/cup in one of them would have been cool, but understand that it would probably look odd with only one render holding the cup. 8.5/10
  12. 38. How has your player done this season? Not too bad up until this point. Not quite as effective as I'd hoped, so I've readjusted my goal slightly, down to getting 100 points minimum. 39. Who has been the Bears MVP so far? You can name more than one! Lose has led the team offensively, but the entire defense should be proud of their efforts so far. 44. youloser1337leads the league with FOUR hat tricks. What does he do with all the hats? I imagine he's had to buy a big new shipping container to store all those damn things. 46. dasboot ITS OFFICIAL. The Bears Den (Bears restaurant) named a Beer after him! What did they name it and why? The Plaid Kangaroo. Pretty obvious, he's half Aussie, half Canadian 48. BladeMaiden Country music legend George Strait wrote a song about Venus Thightrap. What was it called? Can you share some lyrics? "Keep em closed" - No to the lyrics. I'm pretty sure I'd end up violating the CoC. 50. Fans keep asking Hogan to sign some pretty weird items.. what are they asking him to autograph? I'm not sure, but I imagine it's some weird shit for sure. We don't exactly mix in the same circles.
  13. Last minute edition...nice. I believe that you follow the VHL very closely. Wait, you're in the top 10? Jesus. The sweet sound of the indicator. Don't forget to record your own entry for the tournament. Mate, you're hilarious. Trust me. Survey says..... You won 4 TPE. A blind squirrel really does find a nut once in a while. Nope, I listened to the end. See yas.
  14. One entry please and thanks.
  15. That's quality content down here mate.
  16. Greetings.
  17. A mythical creature posted before me.
  18. When did you realise that you first had an addiction? Has any particular thing in the VHL contributed to the issue? Expressed as a percentage, what chance you change your mind?
  19. It's hard to go cold turkey. Weaning yourself off the VHL is the best approach.
  20. That's not what you said in the Bears LR. I was kind of shocked with the language you used.
  21. Me too. Fuck this place.
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