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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. name change alert! 

    1. Triller


      What prompted the change?  I'm considering it as well.

    2. Aimee


      @Triller because I felt like aimkin sounded stupid when people said it in podcasts lol. So I just went with my name. Also no one else seems to have my actual name yet. 

    3. Triller


      Lol makes sense!  I've have been using Triller for so long and only just found out that Triller is also some kind of boxing league or something? 

  2. Amazing graphic as always!
  3. Well, white doesn't show up on the blinding white forum background lol. I feel bad for non-dark mode users.
  4. An amazing career that deserves all the accolades! It's always a blast sharing a locker room with you.
  5. I forgot how torturous it is to keep earning and not be able to apply. 🫠

    1. Ricer13


      But it is so much fun to apply it all afterwards!

    2. der meister

      der meister

      I've done some mock-applications of my TPE just to check out potential builds. {sadly kicks rock down dusty road}

  6. Lights flash and a clamor of noise fills the conference room as Ahsoka Tano enters. The various cameras turn towards her as she settles into the chair in front of the crowd of journalists. She takes a sip of the unmarked bottle which is clearly a Glacier Freeze Gatorade but without sponsorship, can’t show. She finally looks up to the crowd and points for her first question. “Ahsoka, is it true that only one VHL team has reached out to you since the end of the season?” So far, yes. I won’t confirm or deny who but yes, just one team so far. No VHLE teams have come to me yet regarding the draft but I’m hopeful that someone will. “Do you assume that if no VHLE team calls you up, you’ll be moving on from the league?” I don’t think so. I’m beyond the average ability here in the VHLM so I guess we’ll see what happens. Just because no one reaches out in advance doesn’t mean there isn’t interest. “Rumor has it that you’re a Jedi. Is that correct? And if so, how can you justify the tyranny of the Jedi Council?” I was once a Jedi, yes. I walked away from the order after I became disillusioned with the institution during the Clone Wars. I will never call myself a Jedi, however others may if they wish. I am a Force user and identify as such. An uproar hits the crowd, and she holds her hand up to silence them. I have never, and will never, use my Force powers while playing hockey. This sport is too important to me so mess with it in such a way. Perhaps my Jedi training has given me a better sense of myself and my surroundings, but I have no intention of manipulating the sport in that manner. As for the ‘tyranny’ comment, I would not agree with that classification. Overbearing, sure. Arrogant, yes. But the Jedi are anything but tyrannical. The room stays silent as hands carefully raise again. Ahsoka once again points to the group. “You’ve been quiet since the season ended both on and off the ice. Is everything alright?” I’m not great, to be honest. I know we don’t tend to discuss personal matters in this line of work, but I have been struggling with my mental health lately. It’s an old issue that pops up occasionally, but recently it’s been bad. I’ve spoken with my agent, and we don’t think it will be an issue regarding playing as long as I take care of myself. If things get bad, then I will take a step back so that I don’t affect the team. But for now, I feel okay enough to keep it up. I love hockey too much to not push through. Hands shot up again as she finished speaking but then she stood, signaling that she was done. But she did look around the room and said one more thing. If you or a friend is struggling with mental health and you are here in the US, please call or text 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. And with that, she grabbed her barely touched not-Gatorade and walked out of the room. 540 words for week ending 7/21/2024 (ps. I'm okay and not in any crisis.)
  7. Can confirm that 30 is when everything starts to hurt.
  8. I've been a busy little reader the last few weeks and have gotten back into the habit of listening to audiobooks on 2x speed during my drives to and from work. Just this month alone I have read/listened to: An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good - Helene Tursten (hardcover) 4 stars Dune - Frank Herbert (Audible) 3.5 stars Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan (Audible) 3.75 stars An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed - Helene Tursten (hardcover) 3.75 stars The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening - L J Smith (Audible) 2.5 stars She Drives Me Crazy - Kelly Quindlen (paperback) 4.25 stars Currently I am listening to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by she who shall not be named, and up next will be Dungeon Calamity (Dramatized Adaptation) by Dakota Krout.
  9. During this off season, I have needed to take a bit of a step away from being a max earner. And that makes me sad. Honestly. I truly enjoy interacting in the forums and discord servers but life and work have just been too overwhelming and busy for me to give the VHL the attention I want to. I miss writing and I miss doing the occasional podcast. I’ll be honest and say that part of it is my mental health. I’ve started back up on anti-depressants and I’ve started seeing a new therapist. So I’m hoping to get back to where I was. I’m not burnt out; I can say that for sure. I’ve just lost ability to find joy in things, one of which is online interaction. Not to say that I’m not always reading discord or muting Moscow during the work day. I’m still around, just keeping it quiet for a bit. I do love that I finally got the updater job. It’s the one job I have wanted since I joined 2 years ago and I think this was my 4th(?) time applying. So thanks to the updater team for hiring me! It’s for sure making this funk easier to get through knowing I don’t have to sweat some TPE. I miss interacting and I’m sorry I’ve not been reading anything that any of my friends have been posting. Maybe this weekend I’ll find some time to catch up and check it all out. But for now, I’m just going to do what I can, and I would understand if that hurt my draft stock. Though I do promise that whoever drafts me, I’m going to do all that I can. 285 words for week ending 7/21/2024
  10. I am so overwhelmed by life and work right now. I miss you guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Triller


      We are here now and when you return!  Don't let it get yah down!

    3. Banackock
    4. Garsh


      hope life/work chills out soon

  11. I feel weirdly homeless now that my VHLM season is over.

    1. Triller


      Soon to be homed!

    2. Vice


      I feel this.

  12. Thanks for the shoutout! Glad you enjoyed my podcasts. I am definitely going to be getting into it again, just need to find the time amongst the chaos life has been throwing me lol.
  13. Heading into the end of the first round of the playoffs, Ahsoka Tano currently has an average of a point per game over the last five games. With 2 goals and 3 assists, she isn’t making any big waves, but she is producing at least. And with only 2 penalty minutes, it seems the Greenlander has started to learn her lesson in discipline. Currently the Houston Bulls are on the brink of elimination against the Mexico City Kings, Tano’s first team in the VHLM. With a loss tonight, her time in the playoffs will end and it will be a long off season until her VHLE and VHL drafts. “I hope we can keep it together tonight but we’re so well matched with Mexico City that I really can see the series going either way. I’d love to see us take it to Game 7 but taking it one game at a time is the goal right now.” 158 words for week ending 7/14/2024
  14. Ahsoka Tano seems frustrated by her recent performance near the end of this season. After being traded from San Diego to Houston, Tano’s performance has, for some reason, taken a bit of a drop. Before being traded, Tano was earning 1.45 points per game and after she is now earning 1.05 points per game. With Houston being a better team than the one she was traded from, it’s possible that when surrounded by good players, Tano is unable to get the puck or play in a way that benefits her. San Diego Games Played: 44 22 Goals, 42 Assists, 64 Points +9, 4 Game Winning Goals, and 11 Power Play Goals Houston Games Played: 22 7 Goals, 16 Assists, 23 Points +7, 1 Game Winning Goal, 3 Power Play Goals It’s possible that Tano performs better when she is one of the top players on the team. But when playing alongside comparable players, she seems to lose that edge. Hopefully when she moves up to the VHLE she will be able to stand out a bit more. TLDR: Tano was traded and hit 200 tpe and no longer kicks ass the way she did. Word count 194 for week ending 7/7/2024
  15. London United Presser week ending June 30 2024 1. We're dominating the European Conference! Think we can keep it up to the end of the season? 2. Unlucky 13 games remaining. What do you think our win/loss ratio will be? 3. How are you feeling rounding into the end of the season? 4. Except for Keegan Gamble, the entire roster on London is either retiring or will be a UFA. What do you think London needs to do in the off season to manage some level of competitiveness next season? 5. How did you feel after seeing Jacob say he was stepping down after this playoffs? 6. Is a hotdog a sandwich?
  16. Since being traded to the Houston Bulls from San Diego, Ahsoka Tano has continued to put up good numbers, though her production seems to have fallen off the last few games. During her first 10 games with Houston, Tano has 4 goals and 8 assists for 12 points, with a +4. Currently she is on track for at least a 100 point season which would be incredible for her. Tano is the number 12 overall player in the VHLM and currently the 3rd best defenseman, though she had been 1st or 2nd for quite a while. Hopefully the lack of production the last few days will turn around and she can take the top spot once more. “I just want to thank San Diego for giving me the chance to prove myself and to Houston for taking me on near the end of the season. Being traded is never easy but I feel like this was the right thing to do all around.” 163 words for week ending 6/30/2024
  17. Congrats on an amazing GM run. I'm sure you have so much more to do going forward. Thank you for trusting in Teno and I to keep it together.
  18. According to algebra, Ahsoka is on track for a 100 point season. Will she hit it?

  19. With this being my first re-create and second go around the VHLM, I thought I would share the differences in my experience between my first time with Jesse, and this time with Ahsoka. 2 years ago I joined the VHL (no like, actually – the 13th was my 2 year anniversary in this league) with no sim experience. I was leaning on others to try and figure everything out that I could. I was putting in so much effort and energy into creating content that I was being warned that I should make sure I don’t work so hard that I burn myself out. I was drafted by a team that had only 1 other actually active player and a GM who said all of 5 words to me the whole season. It was a lonely locker room and I had very few people to talk to. Thankfully I had enough support that I didn’t allow the silence on discord to stop me from stocking around. I remember having to go into the gen chat just to figure out how to ask someone if they would be willing to make me a sig. I really had no freaking clue what I was doing. I was also, at the time, hiding my gender because I was afraid of being a female in a male dominated hobby. I was scared that I would be ridiculed or bullied. Yes, I’m in my 30s but that doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about the online spaces I put myself in. Now all this time later, I am on a new player with a whole new experience. Instead of asking the questions, I’m helping to answer those that others ask. I know my way around the site, I put in good effort without putting in too much of me, and I have friends. This time around, I am in a very active locker room and even though I don’t participate in the conversation much due to work and life being busy, it’s nice to see conversation happening among my teammates and GM. It feels good to know that I can actually celebrate my player’s accomplishments with people instead of having to keep the joy to myself. It also feels good to be able to help the 1st-gens who I catch asking questions once in a while. I like thinking back to when I was asking the same thing, wondering if I would ever get the hang of how the league worked. My time in the VHLM this go around is about half over and I’m looking forward to moving on to the VHLE soon enough. But for now, I am going to enjoy my time in the minors, watching my new player become amazing. She’s been kicking ass and taking names and I couldn’t be more proud of the player that I have built. And I will think about the next player that I’ll have who will come through the VHLM in their own time as well. 501 words for week 6/23/2024
  20. I really like the look of this graphic. The overall red hue really works with the broken glass look. I also like the use of the lightning like effect, and it doesn’t seem overdone nor does it overtake the image. It seems to balance it quite well. I think the only thing that doesn’t work (in my opinion) is the color and effect on the name. I think the multi-directional blur is a bit much and makes looking at it a little hard. But overall great graphic. 9/10
  21. Last night in a much-needed win again Halifax, Ahsoka Tano recorded the first hat trick of her career. Her first goal was the first of the game and only 45 seconds in. Her other two came in the second period. Tano also gained an assist on Meghan Dancalot’s goal. Tano is proving to be not only one of the best players on the Marlins but within the league. Currently she sits at 8th in goals (17), 2nd among all Defensemen with 37 points (only 2 behind leader Samsayz I-Smell, 5th in shots blocked (45), 1st in power play goals (8), and 5th for game winners (4). She is certainly proving herself to be worth the first overall draftee with no signs of stopping. The hard work Ahsoka has put into her game is showing itself around every corner. Even in games where San Diego loses, Tano still manages to contribute in significant ways. 153 words for week ending 6/16/2024
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