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Posts posted by GioSivo

  1. On 5/27/2024 at 6:24 PM, badcolethetitan said:


    You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 Questions
    WEEK OF May 27th - June 2nd


    1: Who is one player on Chicago (besides your own) that you think is going to have a good season and why?


    2: Is there any player you would like to call out before the season starts on another team? Start the trash talking!

    3: Who is going to be the most underrated player on Chicago (besides your own) and why?


    4: Who do you think is going to win playoff MVP in the NHL and why?

    5: How do you like to spend your free time?

    6: What is one team in the VHL you're looking forward to playing and why?


    7: What do you think the new Utah team should be called? Is there a reason you picked the name you did?


    8: What type of music do you like to listen to?




    2. Not so call out but more with good luck, Jasper David, I've basically been his teammate my entire career. So, a little strange to not be now.

    4. Depends who wins, Dallas otter or Robinson, Edmonton, McDavid, Florida, Bobrobsky or Tkatchuk, or New York, Shesterkin.

    5. If not playing video games, I'm playing hockey.

    6. New York. For obvious reasons.

    7. Utah Swarm I think is the best choice. I mean imagine the Delta Center being nicknamed "The Hive", with the fans "joining the swarm." Really works well to me.

    8. Imagine Dragons, I will die on their hill

  2. 2 hours ago, badcolethetitan said:


    You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 Questions
    WEEK OF May 13th - May 19th


    1: With all the new players joining the team, is there anything you want to say to them? If you're a new player joining, what do you want to say to the team?


    2: Where do you think the Chicago Phoenix will finish in the standings and why?


    3: What is one team this off-season (besides Chicago) that has surprised you the most?


    4: This has been a busy off-season for the Chicago Phoenix. What do you think our biggest move so far was?


    5: Are you going on vacation this summer? If so, where are you heading? If not, do you have anything fun planned during the summer?


    6: In the upcoming draft (VHL), who do you think is going to go first overall and why?


    7: Do you have a favorite food/dish? If so, what is it and why is it your favorite?


    8: Do you think the Carolina Hurricanes can pull off the reverse sweep? Or will the Rangers close them out?




    1. I'm glad to be here, really excited about the season. About time Chicago got their own godfather, I think.

    2. Hard to say exactly, but I got a good feeling about a top three finish in the conference.

    3. New York. I'd be lying if I said I was expecting a trade, they've made some pretty decent moves too.

    5. Going on a cruise to Europe, stopping in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, and the UK for about 2.5 weeks.

    7. Auntie Anne's or Wetzels Pretzels. I will always get them if I get the chance. Nothing better in my opinion.

    8. If they win game six, I'm convinced they will. They've outplayed the Rags in every game, Igor has stolen three, but I don't think he's gonna be able to steal the series.

  3. On 3/5/2024 at 12:21 PM, hylands said:


    off-season edition!


    1. What are your early thoughts on the team's chances of success for next season?
         I really think we have a good shot at success next season, we've got good core coming through with a lot of youth talent that has been producing well.

    2. Do you enjoy the off-season break? Or are you someone who would prefer for it to be shorter?
         I would prefer it to be shorter, but then again its only because we didn't have the best post-season. That'll change.

    3. Where in New York City does your player live? Is it right in downtown Manhattan or further away in the suburbs? (i swear i'm not trying to doxx your player)
         Brooklyn. But I mean I've got friends and... associates... all across town.

    4. What are your goals for your player next season?
         Point per game at least, maybe my expectations were too high after that 100+ point season I had, but Point per game feels like a good place to be.

    5. What is the most interesting place you would love to visit?
         Probably the grand canyon, never been there, would like to go.

    6. In Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, what is your favourite trap that Kevin sets for The Wet Bandits?
         The nail in the stair trap. You know exactly the one I'm talking about. Every time I watch it I feel it, its awful.


  4. 6 hours ago, Alex said:


    The Dustin Funk is awarded to that season's most improved player, this season we had a lot of players take a huge step forward. For this award each VHL GM can nominate 1 player from their own team, this ensures that no player is overlooked in any way. This can lead to a crowded field and with that it was narrowed down to two finalists, who stood out above the rest. These were:


    S90: Legacy Gaming @Gaming Ringleader (HSK) - 13G, 24A, 37P, 13, 11PIM, 33HIT, 15SB

    S91: Legacy Gaming (CHI) - 39G, 47A, 86P, 5, 62PIM, 192HIT, 40SB


    S90: Francesco Mancini @GioSivo (NYA) - 20G, 19A, 39P, -30, 38PIM, 131HIT, 33SB

    S91: Francesco Mancini (NYA) - 47G, 54A, 101P, 3, 47PIM, 112HIT, 70SB


    And the winner is…

      Hide contents

    Francesco Mancini!!


    Mancini - 10, Gaming - 1



    Ronaldo Award GIF by Feluko

  5. On 12/9/2023 at 3:33 PM, Rin said:


    Week ending 12/10


    1) Unfortunately, the Americans didn't make it to the dance this season. What are your player's plans for the offseason?

    Gonna head back to Italy, see the family, maybe get more family in New York for... business reasons.

    2) Are there any offseason tournaments or activities you particularly enjoy?

    Junior Prospect Tournament is great, I'm the all-time honorary coach of the Royals. /j

    3) What's the biggest need for the Americans heading into the offseason, in your opinion?

    Defense, we really need to limit the amount of GA and shots against. Special teams wouldn't hurt either.

    4) With the VHL Playoffs live, who's your pick to take home the Continental Cup?

    D.C. Dragons, not in any particular logical reason, they just give me good vibes.


    5) What's your favorite playoff tradition in all of hockey?

    Handshake line after every series.

    6) If you could accept a sponsorship from any company, what would it be?

    Ferrari, they've got motorsports, why not hockey next?


  6. 4 hours ago, Rin said:


    Week ending 12/3


    1) The Christmas season has officially begun! If you celebrate, what are some of your plans for the upcoming month? If not, is there something else that makes this a special time of year for you?

    2) At the time of writing this, Jasper Davis is in a three-way tie for first in points scored with 89. Be honest, will you (or would you, for prospects) feed him the puck a little more than usual to help him take home the scoring title?

    3) What about our game needs to change to make the playoffs a realistic goal?

    4) What are some of the little things within VHL locker rooms that make the overall experience better for you?

    5) Now that we're in the season of gift-giving, what NYA merch makes the best gift for loved ones?

    6) What's your pre-game ritual?

    1) Gonna be able to play a lot more hockey. And thank god because i really need time off from university oh my god.
    2) He can keep feeding me assists so he can get the title in points and i can get the title in goals.
    3) Quite a bit, our special teams are one of the worst in the league, and we let them take way too many shots. Definitely have to tighten up on defense if we can.
    4) Just people asking how everyone's day is, its nice.
    5) Francecsco Mancini jersey with complimentary copy of The Godfather
    6) Just a small bit of tiramisu. (don't worry the team can have some too)

  7. 22 hours ago, Rin said:


    (We REALLY need a cute graphic for this)


    1) Happy theme week! This season's theme is, fittingly, "Recruitment." Do you plan on submitting something for theme week, and if so, what's your idea?
    I do hope to, but as for what ideas I have, nothing so far.


    2) Speaking of recruitment, how were you first introduced to the VHL?

    Found an advertisement on a hockey subreddit, looked interesting, so I gave it a look.


    3) How big of a hockey fan are you? What first got you interested in the sport?
    Very big hockey fan, both watch and play it. My dad is also a very big hockey fan, so he definitely got me interested in it.

    4) For those in the U.S., Happy Thanksgiving! Seeing as we are the New York Americans, how should the team celebrate the holiday?

    5) How does your player like to spend their days off?
    Cooking. Testing out new recipies his nonna keeps sending him.

    6) In your opinion, when SHOULD the Christmas season officially begin?
    Only after American thanksgiving for americans, but the rest of the world I guess November 1st, I think thats fair.


  8. R2KlAQP.png
    (whoops meant to send this yesterday but i guess i didn't lol)

    Ciao Roma! Back again for another season, that means its time for pressers!

    1. How are you feeling about playing for Rome this season?

    2. Are you happy with the captains and leadership decisions?

    3. We're first in the league! How do you feel about that start?

    4. Does your player wear a tinted visor?

    5. Who would you consider our rivals?


    6. If you could prank the GM of Rome without getting caught, what would you do? (don't tell baby bob)


  9. 1 hour ago, thadthrasher said:



    1. S91 has begun! How are you feeling now that we are a few games into the season?

      Feel like it's probably gonna be a lot similar to last year unfortunately.
    2. What are you hoping to see your player excel at this season?

      Hoping to see a solid breakout season, cementing himself in the league.
    3. Does your player prefer a tucked-in sweater, or a loose and hanging one? Tell us why.

      Loose and hanging, not only looks better in my opinion but also feels more comfortable.
    4. What hobby does your player have that keeps their mind free of the stress of a busy schedule?

      Cooking! You can't keep the Italian out of the kitchen.
    5. If your player could only read one book for a year, what would it be and why?

      The Godfather.
    6. Your player has one chance to prank the GM of New York without getting caught. A) Do they take that chance? B) If so, what is the prank?

      Oh he commits one of the most devious pranks of all.... leaving him food in his office.


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