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  1. Like
    twists reacted to JCarson in New GMs for Stockholm and Istanbul   
    Congratulations to both of you. 
  2. Like
    twists got a reaction from AJW in New GMs for Stockholm and Istanbul   
    Thanks Eno/Thad for putting faith in me. I really do appreciate the opportunity. Time to go IA see yall
  3. Woah
    twists got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in New GMs for Stockholm and Istanbul   
    Thanks Eno/Thad for putting faith in me. I really do appreciate the opportunity. Time to go IA see yall
  4. Like
    twists got a reaction from Masu Chan in New GMs for Stockholm and Istanbul   
    Thanks Eno/Thad for putting faith in me. I really do appreciate the opportunity. Time to go IA see yall
  5. Like
    twists got a reaction from Viper in New GMs for Stockholm and Istanbul   
    Thanks Eno/Thad for putting faith in me. I really do appreciate the opportunity. Time to go IA see yall
  6. Fire
    twists reacted to Enorama in New GMs for Stockholm and Istanbul   
    If you know me at all, you know I am terrible at any kind of long winded speeches so I'll keep it short.
    Huge thank you to @Daniel Janser and @MubbleFubbles for their care of the Stockholm and Istanbul franchises for the past few seasons.
    As for our new faces, please welcome:
  7. Like
    twists got a reaction from Banackock in London and DC GMs   
    They firing u next
  8. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Frank in London and DC GMs   
    They firing u next
  9. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Arce in London and DC GMs   
    They firing u next
  10. Like
    twists got a reaction from JardyB10 in S88 Salary Changes   
    Players we must go on strike! The bad man BEKETOV is literally STEALING money from us! We deserve EQUAL pay! MVGA!
  11. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Ahma in S88 Salary Changes   
    Players we must go on strike! The bad man BEKETOV is literally STEALING money from us! We deserve EQUAL pay! MVGA!
  12. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Thunder in S88 Salary Changes   
    Players we must go on strike! The bad man BEKETOV is literally STEALING money from us! We deserve EQUAL pay! MVGA!
  13. Fire
    twists reacted to frescoelmo in Forgive my Sentimentality   
    Twists PE
    Twists Physical Education?
    Are you a gym teacher?
  14. Like
    twists got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Forgive my Sentimentality   
    Hello everyone,
    Not gonna bother with a members tag on this, if you see it then great, you will be rewarded for that. If you don’t then…. Well why am I writing this because if you don’t see it how can you read this part?
    Anyway, today marks 5717 days (that’s 15 years, 7 months, and 26 days if you’re curious) since the VHL opened its doors. What a random number you might say, why does that matter? Well if I do the math, and I have, I was born 4963 days before the start of the VHL. Given that I joined some time during the pandemic and went inactive within like 4 months means today marks the official day that I have been inactive in the VHL far longer than when I was inside of it. Is that a stupid thing to celebrate? Probably but that won’t stop me; so please let me indulge in a bit of sentimentality for a moment.
    When the VHL started I had not yet completed high school, I had never had a girlfriend, hell I had never kissed a girl. I was literally a kissless virgin similar to @Beketov. I was a lonely nerd turning to the internet to find something to do; and I found it. The VHL was my first sim league, was the first one I joined ran by the people who ran it, but it was the first that felt different and felt like it had a good chance of surviving which so few at that point had done. I found a community here. I cannot honestly say that everything went perfectly or that my start in the VHL was without fault; I very nearly left for good within 4 months, but I stayed after a 2 year hiatus. I have now not only finished high school but university and going on 8 years working post-schooling. I have now dated lots of fucked up women and hate myself more than ever, a life. All the while the VHL has been there, constantly evolving with the times sure but present. Over 2 years ago I took up the mantel of AGM of Las Vegas. I did it not because I thought I was necessarily the best person for the job but because I thought the VHLM needed something, it was in trouble and I didn’t want to see it fail. I like to think that in these 2 years of growth I have at least stalled that failure.
    5717 days likely means nothing to any of you, just as that paragraph likely means nothing to any of you, but it means absolutely nothing to me. This league, this place, this community has been a standard in my life for like 6 months max. I’m not going anywhere right now, that’s not what this is, but I did want to mark the occasion because this league does mean a lot to me.
    So if you’ve made it this far feel free to take 0 uncapped TPE for your troubles, on me. I’m not sure the insane total I’ve had over the years (probably over 600 by now) so  for everyone that I bored with this story should suffice as a thank you for being my weird extended internet family.
  15. Like
    twists got a reaction from JardyB10 in Forgive my Sentimentality   
    Damn it....
  16. Like
    twists reacted to Beketov in Forgive my Sentimentality   
    Hello everyone,
    Not gonna bother with a members tag on this, if you see it then great, you will be rewarded for that. If you don’t then…. Well why am I writing this because if you don’t see it how can you read this part?
    Anyway, today marks 5717 days (that’s 15 years, 7 months, and 26 days if you’re curious) since the VHL opened its doors. What a random number you might say, why does that matter? Well if I do the math, and I have, I was born 5717 days before the start of the VHL. Given that I joined on day one and have been here ever since that means today marks the official day that I have been in the VHL just as long as I was outside of it. Is that a stupid thing to celebrate? Probably but that won’t stop me; so please let me indulge in a bit of sentimentality for a moment.
    When the VHL started I had not yet completed high school, I had never had a girlfriend, hell I had never kissed a girl. I was a lonely nerd turning to the internet to find something to do; and I found it. The VHL was not my first sim league, wasn’t even the first one I joined ran by the people who ran it, but it was the first that felt different and felt like it had a good chance of surviving which so few at that point had done. I found a community here. I cannot honestly say that everything went perfectly or that my start in the VHL was without fault; I very nearly left for good within 2 months, but I stayed. I have now not only finished high school but university and going on 10 years working post-schooling. I have now not only had a steady relationship but a wife and two children, a life. All the while the VHL has been there, constantly evolving with the times sure but present. Over 5 years ago I took up the mantel of commissioner. I did it not because I thought I was necessarily the best person for the job but because I thought the league needed something, it was in trouble and I didn’t want to see it fail. I like to think that in these 5 years of growth I have at least stalled that failure.
    5717 days likely means nothing to any of you, just as that paragraph likely means nothing to any of you, but it means something to me. This league, this place, this community has been a standard in my life for longer than most anything else. I’m not going anywhere right now, that’s not what this is, but I did want to mark the occasion because this league does mean a lot to me.
    So if you’ve made it this far feel free to take 5 uncapped TPE for your troubles, on me. I’m not sure the insane total I’ve had over the years (probably over 10k by now) so 5 for everyone that I bored with this story should suffice as a thank you for being my weird extended internet family.
  17. Like
    twists got a reaction from Ricer13 in S87 World Junior Championship GM Announcement   
  18. Like
    twists got a reaction from Viper in S87 World Junior Championship GM Announcement   
  19. Fire
    twists reacted to Ricer13 in S87 World Junior Championship GM Announcement   
    It is time for our next edition of the World Junior Championship and with that, we are bringing in a new wave of members to fill out our GM Positions. We took our time to make these decisions but are thrilled with the turnout of newer members who decided to give it a shot. With that being said it's time to unveil who is going to be our next batch of General Managers. Congratulations to the following:
    United States of America
  20. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Ricer13 in s87 World Junior Gm Application   
  21. Like
    twists got a reaction from Viper in s87 World Junior Gm Application   
  22. Woah
    twists reacted to STZ in Gaming With Twists ep. 1   
    Am I not a special guest??
    wtf wowww
  23. Fire
    twists reacted to Ricer13 in s87 World Junior Gm Application   
    Sign ups closed. Announcements coming today.
  24. Like
    twists got a reaction from Viper in s87 World Junior Gm Application   
    I highly suggest all new members or members looking for an intro into GMing to take a look at applying. This is some of the best experience a young GM can get!
  25. Like
    twists got a reaction from Tetricide in s87 World Junior Gm Application   
    I highly suggest all new members or members looking for an intro into GMing to take a look at applying. This is some of the best experience a young GM can get!
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