The process by which the Grimm Jonsson trophy is selected is clouded in mystery. Usually, there are conference-wide votes, from which the top vote getters are placed on a single ballot and the public votes again. Then, the top vote getters from this vote are placed on the official ballot sent to the GMs, chosen from the poll by the BOG. Or at least this is what we're told.
As it turns out, the second poll is essentially just for show. Votes on this poll are irrelevant as the BOG will simply select who they like from said ballot. Voters can get a person onto the second vote - voters can't get a person onto the BOG ballot, only the BOG can do that, despite the dog and pony show that is the second vote.
Proof of concept here is that Marcus Hurley is not on the final ballot to be selected by the GMs, with no other explanation than that the BOG simply left him off, despite being the single leading vote getter in the second vote. Hurley wasn't even tied - his 12 votes trumped that of teammate Tyler Cote with 10, Thomas O'Malley with 8, Travis Boychuk with 7, Lloyd Light with 6, and Ron World Peace with 4.
Sure, the BOG is a collection of the most active and respected members, but the opinions of the many should outweigh the opinions of the few, or at the very least it should get them on the ballot. Marcus Hurley has been sacrificed as a martyr to show the power of the BOG over the league.
I hereby bring this to the attention of those with the power to fix it; our esteemed GMs. Unless the BOG has changed this in recent seasons (and it's entirely possible they have) the GMs have the power to write in a candidate for an award. GMs, you know what you have to do. A vote for Hurley represents so much more than just a vote for Hurley; it represents taking the power back for the sake of the league. Sure, maybe you think O'Malley is the actual top leader this year, or Light, or what have you. This campaign is bigger than that. For the true interests and desires of the league, for letting the process work and not removing "undesirables" from consideration, for votation with representation, vote Marcus Hurley.