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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Great job, this definitely needed clarification, as evidenced by a few of the new guys not realizing it was a thing. I'm still curious as to whether anything will go on re: Crimson and Revchenko, who've both already applied over 200. I'm assuming they weren't aware, so I'm not faulting them, and you definitely already know of their case, but just to clarify what is going on with them? Ultimately they're not over by a ton, so if the answer is "nothing, they can sit there where they're at, just don't apply more" it's not too much of a concern.
  2. 1 member signed in (me) and 100 guests. If even a tenth of these guys signed up, that would be great
  3. Limerick, I like it.
  4. Haikus are good but Tankas are superior It's just a haiku With two additional lines Of seven syllables each
  5. I like it both ways. Kind of leaning toward words
  6. Didn't work
  7. Imgur is blocked at work. Tagging myself so I get a notification, and therefore remember to take a look when I get home in about 7 hours @diamond_ace
  8. Good to hear bud. Wanted to leave the jobs to the new guys since I'm already getting job pay, plus I'm enjoying my creative freedom outside of a regular article. If you need me though, I'll be here, I want to see this take off.
  9. Do you guys want a grammar editor, just to run the articles through before final publish? It's simple enough and since I already get job pay for VHLM GM, I'd do it for free weekly and maybe like 2-3 as a bonus at the end of the season. EDIT: Unless you're using the guys with "Editor" role for that - it used to be when we had the mag before, Editor role was basically just putting everything together, but I see you have 3 of them, so the grammar side of it might be already covered within that.
  10. So I have to figure out how Hynes got minutes, but maybe whatever happened I need to just leave it be?
  11. 5 of the top 6 are Calgary (although Bogdanovic has been depreciated hard)
  12. I had 4 paragraphs, not 3
  13. No you were fine! Like I said, it was simply something you as a newer guy weren't likely to have thought of. I have no problem with that (not sure how you came up with Saskatoon ahead of us, but I have no problem at all with you rating on what you know, just giving you some insight as to what you might be missing). It was Cornflakers' reaction to it that I'm upset with, as he's calling me a liar.
  14. Baxter is 190 (15 banked). What's 190 minus 15? I know it says TPA 177, but the math says he's 175. Crimson and Revchenko are illegal, I wasn't going to bring them up, @Will is aware and he'll deal with that privately. I'd assume they'll be able to unapply some TPE. If it turns out the actual attributes added to Baxter are also over, the same will apply. So yes, there is a cap, and just because a few guys didn't catch it doesn't completely remove the rule. Don't get all sarcastic and act like you know the league rules better, then actually be wrong about it. I tried to be nice to OP and simply point out something he was missing. You, however, are calling me a liar. I am under no such pretense to be nice to you.
  15. Which is still more offensive upside than Wolf Edmunds. That's a guy I really felt bad for - just after he joined the league, he ended up with some health issues and was in the hospital for a while, and I think he forgot about us when he got out. I hope that's what happened anyway, I'd hate to hear he's still in.
  16. Last year I started off relatively hot, then just kind of fell off a cliff
  17. He's being sarcastic. Will used to go by Draper - this is the announcement where he was named a commissioner of the league.
  18. Ok not complaining but how tf does the game winner go to ultra-defensive McWolf? Definitely taking the win though
  19. At that rate, you'd run away with it, and I'd just be nominated. I don't expect you'll keep that rate though, 126 is a shit ton
  20. @Munk come back to us
  21. diamond_ace


    Accept - it would be a cold day in hell before inactive Durgen saw the ice, and he does have a decent chunk of TPE, so swap him for a worse inactive who also won't see the ice and get a late pick? Works for me. Vegas might actually use Durgen every once in a while (although Pepper has been great)
  22. You can blame your friendly neighborhood commissioner @.sniffuM for that particular correction...
  23. the fuck is this also? how are we beating davos and losing to shitbasket teams
  24. the fuck is this?
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