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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. #Jeffership Dating Adventures of RJ Stafford was better though
  2. Personally I'm on the other end of this. I can handle some occasional assholes but strongly prefer not to have to.
  3. diamond_ace


    I know you're bitter about that side of it (and I get your frustration on that end, because it does technically still say that in the rules), but look at the trades that have already happened prior to this one. Precedent had been established re: S64 picks. You can't suddenly decide to have a problem with this trade when you didn't have a problem with the other trades that had S64 picks in them before this.
  4. diamond_ace


    Neither is Barzal. If these next few drafts are anything like that last one, 2nds are valuable as hell. Plus the VHLM is nothing like the VHL, the turnaround down here is crazy. Standing pat is a much more viable VHL strategy than it is a VHLM one. Do as you will though, I got mine.
  5. diamond_ace


    @Gooningitup now you know why I made the offer I did. I was trying to get you into a reverse bidding war with Yukon, pit you against each other for lower offers (since Yukon's offer was already pretty good). When you didn't budge, I accepted what was on the table for Yukon.
  6. 1.5m to come to Ottawa, you'd be 3rd pair but you'd be part of a really strong defensive group
  7. Ottawa offers 1.5m. You'll only be 3rd line for us but we're competitive, and just picked up another guy who could push us over the top EDIT: After having gotten Randoms, I've filled that spot on the 3rd line, so Ottawa pulls the deal as I can't offer you much playing time at all.
  8. diamond_ace


    You do realize there's another big defenseman on the block from another team, right - as well as a forward (same team) so you can still make deals
  9. diamond_ace


    OTT receives Ryan Kastelic YUK receives Chat JP Desjardin S63 2nd S64 2nd S63 6th OTT accept @BarzalGoat
  10. @ShawnGlade @McWolf @Banackock@Beaviss @.sniffuM
  11. @hedgehog337 You know the drill of course. The thing that's interesting is I could actually use a 3rd liner, so a guy with a bunch of checking is perfect - Desjardin hasn't added anything to his guy yet (he's done two practice facilities and a press conference but has updated none of them). I'll still find a spot for him since he's technically active (or ship him somewhere) but Mitchell and Rzerk would likely have better seasons if you were their linemate, as they'd be freed up to only have to worry about their offensive game. Come reunite with your other guy Kriketers for the rest of the season. 1.5m offer to go to Ottawa. @BarzalGoat @jacobaa19 @Jubo07 @Gooningitup @Dtayl @Laflamme
  12. To be fair, he's not mad you didn't pick a random country, he's mad you didn't pick a random conutry
  13. diamond_ace

    LVA / YUK

    Not a bad deal for either side!
  14. Scotland? Serbia? This is a hockey league, right? Czech Republic and Russia for me, or Cologne comes back.
  15. So as many of you know, I tend to keep my GMing as a one man job. Most of the others seem to have two guys in the staff in some capacity, and I've tended not to do that. However, in the interest of teaching a promising new guy how it's done so the M can carry on successfully, I gladly take on @McWolf as the AGM of Ottawa, with a view toward a main role somewhere in the future.
  16. I mean my top forward line is pretty stacked (Odinsson-Matthews-King) but my second line is pretty damn solid too (Trepanier-James-Wilinsky) and even my third line, for being the line that's usually the less active guys, Mitchell and Rzerk are active (Desjardin, not so much).
  17. I did this also. Right now I have McWolf and Rasputinov on top pair, and Baxter on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I figure he's good enough to balance out any deficiencies in Chat and Renner, and to put my best guy against weaker competition is never a bad idea either.
  18. If there is one thing that can be said about you no matter what gimmick you're in at any given time, it's that you're entertaining as hell.
  19. 5-2 halifax
  20. Muller was also good, no denying that, but I don't think it's that debatable. Krigars was ridiculous. First ballot HOFer if he wasn't in a class with two other first ballot HOFers.
  21. You were good with Moon, but Krigars is the 2nd best player in that trade
  22. I don't think determining a #1 is particularly useful, at least among current players. All time, it's not much of a contest.
  23. Pretty damn good in real life as well
  24. It appears as though the answer is "not much" sadly
  25. I find that second trade interesting, as someone who wasn't here when it happened. Other than obviously Cornerstone, who'd have expected the next best guy to be one of the 2nds?
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