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John C Reilly Trade GIF by Dynasty Drunks


I would really like make this a series and throw together a 1000 to 1500 word media spots on some of my experiences as GM.  Everything from how i got the job in Calgary to begin with, to trades i have made.  Another idea might be what the drafts are like from the Gms perspective. On a separate media spot maybe ill share what each GM was like to trade with. I am sure there is lots i can write about especially if i start busting out some stats to get me interested in throwing a media spot together.  I want to try and set myself up for multi claims. I forgot why i hate doing media spots.  The word police always be out in bunches. I can just throw graphics together moving forward and not contribute to media spots anymore.  Unfortunately I am committed to this particular media spot now so i am getting my 3 weeks one way or another. If that means writing 2500 words to equal 1500 so be it.  My trades , mean my words. Im only joking I won't be counting the trade total when it comes to my actual claiming.  This media spot will be in the 2300 to 2500 word area and i will only be claiming 3 weeks. So for the members who want to spend their Saturday and Sunday mornings counting all my words here , relax.  There is more than enough content here to claim for 3 weeks. Take that word police !!!

police GIF

I will do whatever is necessary at this point to claim 3 weeks. 

hops GIF


So this trade looks like a trade a rookie GM would make. From a value standpoint this may be one of the worst trades i made.  We did make the Cup finals that season so it was not a complete bust. After making a trade like this you quickly begin to learn the value of picks.  All the new GM's recently hired have already made better first trades than mine. Congrats!




So this was the the peak of the salary cap troubles. Bringing in an inactive Joe Proto. 


Anthoner trade but this time im moving away from an inactive player.

A trade that occurred during the draft.  Malmo had a target and i was willing to receive multiple picks.

Tried moving up the draft.  Did not go as planned but everything has a way of working out.

Further salary cap problems.  I was forced to move Paddywagon in his final season.


Looking back i dont like this trade but i was learning.


Player rights deal that worked. Tear helped us win a Victory Cup.


Now i started getting more comfortable in my position.  Trades, trades and more trades.  Salary cap troubles most definitely, as i continued trying to contend.  This S73 draft I had a few forwards i was targeting heavily.  Two forwards to be specific.  Both Laine and Lamb ended up being selected just before our spot.  We ended up selecting Kramerev and he ended up being amazing for the team.






Calgary Acquires:

This was a big one. So Mitchell was not sure about his future in Calgary and i really wanted to move that Dredge contract. I think everyone ended up ok in this deal. especially the players.


Live draft trade.  Toronto had a target and i was willing to acquire picks to a later draft.


Another live draft trade. i traded one of the Seattle picks i had acquired bellow.

Bana Traded every pick he had left that draft for that early 2nd.


Oh yes it was finally time to move on from Proto.


From a value standpoint, this trade was bad for me but i tried competing and it did not work.



This was some of the easier trade talks with Bana that I've had.

  • Calgary Acquires:

I was having delays signing Lahtinen and Victor approached me with an offer.  Lahtinen went on to be the leagues best player in Moscow.  Im glad Calgary still has Thornton who is leading the way as captain.


Wow i did not realize all these big trades were all in the same season and all considered S74.  I traded away Mikko Lahtinen , Latrell Mitchell and Kris Rice. What everyone needs to realize is if i thought i could not re-sign a player or if they were going to test Free agency, 9 times out of 10 i traded them. Not saying that is what happened with these 3 players. This was just my general approach to constantly re-coop value. I honestly loved having all 3 of these superstars on my team.  All 3 of these trades seemed to have worked out well for players and teams. 



A trade put me over the cap and i immediatly made this deal to get back under the cap.


  • Calgary Acquires:
  • Lewis Dawson
  • S75 MAL 1ST
  • Malmo Acquires:
  • Arthur Dayne

This was a trade fully initiated by Malmo.  Good trade talks and it looks like it helped them win the cup.


I wont beat this one to death.  It is actually 3 trades combined into one for dramatic effect.  Overall a swing and a miss on my attempt at a cup.


Based on tpe i thought Chicago was going to be bad. They squeaked into the playoffs then went on that cinderalla run. smh

  • Calgary Acquires:
  • S76 NYA 4TH
  • New York Acquires:
  • Gary Rush

No teams had cap space or roster space it seemed this off-season.  i was forced to give Rush away essentially for free.


One thing i can admit i was not scared to make big moves and trade picks to ''try'' and win.  Trading away everything for the lotto 1st , Tallinder and Mann got us a Victory Cup but no continental cup as we ran into the weaker cinderella Chicago team who upset us. That loss to the pheonix stung,  I think they finished that season 7-13-1, in their final 21 games or something in that range. Then out of nowhere they were absolutely just unstoppable. Congrats to them they have a good team now and just won a cup.  

I was always against the salary cap each season and finding Gary Rush a good home was something i was willing to lose on a trade for.  Trading Arthur Dayne to Malmo was one of the hardest trades i made.  I think i received good value but @Infernal was not a player i wanted to trade. In a trade where i traded away a player, this one hurt.   I am happy things worked out and this trade helped get him and Frostbeard a Continental Cup.  





The last trade i made. Glad they signed Prout long term.


Live draft trade. Pushing the pick to s77.


This trade occurred minutes before the draft started.  I wanted to land another 1st round pick and Malmo wanted to move out of the draft.

Live draft tarde i moved up and DC acquired couple picks.


A simple 1st swap. s76 to s77



Was trying to go younger in Calgary so this trade transpired.


Too many goalies and i was forced to find some of them new homes.


This trade took like 8 or 9 days to finalize.  Sad Couture is gone from Calgary now but happy Juniper is still there.


  • Calgary Acquires:
  • S78 MOS 4th
  • Moscow Acquires:
  • Michael Olson
  • S78 CGY 4th

Another goalie i had to move due to having too many.


This trade happened very quickly. That is all i remember.


What happened here was, i had concerns with Toronto trading up and taking my target.  I paid the price to lock in the player i really wanted. EAGLES!



My 6 trades in one calendar day is the most I have seen in my time as GM.  I doubt it is a record or anything though.  I was happy to bring Prout to Calgary and help get him locked up long term there.  trading for him will forever be my final trade as Calgary GM.  Ironically enough i end up on New York with my new player shortly after the trade. 


I mean in hindsight some trades were good and some were bad.  Some big plays did not  pan out the way i had hoped but i am sure most Gm's can say the same thing. I will admit overall i was a bit too trigger happy when it came to trades and its not always a good approach.


So I gave Ricer details on all GMs and what to expect from trade talks with each one.  I also said I regretted not making more trades with @Peace.   Over the seasons he made some great offers that I was too dumb to realize at the time were the best offers.  I feel like there are a hand full of GMs i made most of my trades with.  Wait what, I never made a trade with Helsinki.  I never realized that.  Jubo and I had good trade talks a few times , i guess just nothing materialized. If i wasn't so lazy right now, i would  compile a list of the amount of trades i made with each GM. The truth is i am really trying to reach the 1500 word mark.


This is all i have for now.  I worked nightshift all week and have been awake many many hours and am too tired to continue lol. 


If you have read this far, thank you. Forgive me for any spelling mistakes , typos and just any errors.  Like i said i am very tired. I am going to take a power nap , so i can start my weekend.  Yay 1500+++ words i made it. 

Actually with some heavy editing i have added over 700+ more words to this media spot. To bring this to over 2200 words but i am not done. If this is going to continue to be a headache to claim going forward I will simply make this my last media spot.  I mean if it is going to be this difficult i will just do my graphics. Graphics take less time and garner less bs.




Edited by Jubis
2300+ words
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2 hours ago, Jubis said:

got us a Victory Cup but no continental cup as we ran into the weaker cinderella Chicago team who upset us. That loss to the pheonix stung,  I think they finished that season 7-13-1, in their final 21 games or something in that range. Then out of nowhere they were absolutely just unstoppable


I believe this is what @Spartan would call living rent free? 😛

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20 minutes ago, Quik said:


I believe this is what @Spartan would call living rent free? 😛

Considering you're tagging me in a thread I never opened or knew existed, I think we know who's living rent free and where.

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4 hours ago, Sonnet said:


Wait...no? This is 889 words at most, and then the rest is just copy-pasting the text from the trades. Are we really allowed to cheese that hard?

I would probably think the same thing but honestly this literally took me 3 hours due to formating. I wish I was lying but its true. If I dont get multiple weeks oh my God ill be rattled. 

Stanley Tucci Fx GIF



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17 hours ago, Jubis said:

I would probably think the same thing but honestly this literally took me 3 hours due to formating. I wish I was lying but its true. If I dont get multiple weeks oh my God ill be rattled. 

Stanley Tucci Fx GIF



All this time formatting and the trades aren't even in chronological order??

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41 minutes ago, Victor said:

All this time formatting and the trades aren't even in chronological order??

that would have taken like 5 hours 

Taking Forever Tom Hanks GIF by PBS SoCal


I beefed it up over 2000+ words to silence the haters.

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On 3/19/2021 at 10:53 AM, Jubis said:

Wait what, I never made a trade with Helsinki.  I never realized that.  Jubo and I had good trade talks a few times , i guess just nothing materialized.

Many have mistaken us for being the same person, so trading with each-other would cause a butterfly-effect resulting in the earth being swallowed into a black hole. Simple science really.

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Just now, Jubo07 said:

Many have mistaken us for being the same person, so trading with each-other would cause a butterfly-effect resulting in the earth being swallowed into a black hole. Simple science really.




Jub trades ____ to jub for____

wait what ?  

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Just now, Sonnet said:


I guess you read my first comment but didn't internalize it, so I'll say it again.


Copy-pasting trade information is lazy word-padding that should not count toward your overall total. At this point, I should just fucking slap in the STHS game summary and add one or two lines of commentary, then claim it for a 1k word article. I don't care how pretty your formatting was. And if took you three hours to get it to look like this...might I suggest some lessons in using a text editor.

ill go to 2500 words i guess

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25 minutes ago, Sonnet said:


Maybe at least 1500 of them will actually be yours this time, then you can finally get the three weeks you want to claim

im not counting what words are considered or not considered mine in your world  but im done for now so 1st claim coming tomorrow😛

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56 minutes ago, Sonnet said:


Maybe at least 1500 of them will actually be yours this time, then you can finally get the three weeks you want to claim

I have tried not to comment  much when it comes to your rants Sonnet but maybe you need to take a deep look at your own words and consider if you are leading by example. No shade, we all can be hypocritical at times but having the introspection to realize when you are part of the issue that is causing behaviours that you don’t enjoy is integral to change.

Hopefully this can be resolved before @Jubis makes his character count take up half the page lol 



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@Sonnet So that's why I never receive a like/review from you :(


Stats are cool. I agree it shouldn't takeover the article but he has explanations for all of them. Take that as a review Jubis and next time you come out with another episode do something a little different? I know it's a lot easier to see the information right there and respond because I do it but try imagine writing out each trade, that's a good few hundred words every time. Now lastly, I also understand the want to include every trade and if you were to explain all those trades we might have a 10K article, that's where the work he put into finding all the information should be considered and not flaked off but this wouldn't be a bad article idea for the next few weeks either 😛

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38 minutes ago, Fire Vigneault said:

Wait...is this really allowed?

Another member who wants to spend their weekend counting my words 🤣


IM NOT CLAIMING The words from the actual trades. Everyone can calm down  "eyeroll"

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6 minutes ago, Jubis said:

Another member who wants to spend their weekend counting my words 🤣


I mean, I counted 1,500+ words so it's not exactly like I'm saying you shouldn't be able to multi-claim it at all. Just like @Sonnet said, copy and pasting trade information or STHS game output generally doesn't (or at least didn't, back in my day /s) count towards the total word count.

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2 minutes ago, Fire Vigneault said:


I mean, I counted 1,500+ words so it's not exactly like I'm saying you shouldn't be able to multi-claim it at all. Just like @Sonnet said, copy and pasting trade information or STHS game output generally doesn't (or at least didn't, back in my day /s) count towards the total word count.

^ I know I agree 👍 and im all for that. That part makes sense.  


We should be allowed to paste things from the site to use the info. Just not claim that portion of the article or media spot.  


But like you said I got the word count now without the pasted trades, after I added to this.

Counting the total 2300 words or whatever was more for dramatic effect after this garnered attention. 

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