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Town of Salem #21 Game Thread


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27 minutes ago, Berocka said:

Hey @Jericho can I get a role please. You might have some explaining to do


I'm a trapper. I was jailed so I haven't had a chance to set my trap yet.

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21 minutes ago, Jericho said:


I'm a trapper. I was jailed so I haven't had a chance to set my trap yet.

Ummm no, I was jailed. The jailor is a bad jailor and never showed up, but I was jailed.

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4 minutes ago, osens said:



Ricer, Doomsday or BigAl is evil.



Sunny sunny.



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Osens had Dooms as evil in two visions, that’s uhhhhhhhhhh not good for him

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10 minutes ago, bigAL said:



Osens had Dooms as evil in two visions, that’s uhhhhhhhhhh not good for him

It does look weird.


I also noticed @BarzalGoat looking at the thread for a bit after I tagged everyone to vote but he didn't.. which makes me think he may not have wanted to vote Doomsday in order to keep him from being Lynched. just speculation of course.


Need to hear from a few others too.  


Anyone have a claim list?

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29 minutes ago, Jericho said:


I'm a trapper. I was jailed so I haven't had a chance to set my trap yet.

What’d the jailor say? I’m so curious about this.

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24 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Jericho also lying about being jailed….

He did claim N1 to be jailed.  Did he claim any others?  I guess if he didn't get his trap off, he must be claiming it.


I'm at the point where I think we have a few suspects.  Doom and Jericho stand out.  I'd like to hear from some others I tagged last night.

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It was night 1, but that prevented me from building my trap night 1. They mostly just asked what I was and told me they were 70 or 75% sure i was telling the truth.


You know how on night 1 they don't have much to go on. It was pretty late at night when I was spoken to, like 3 hours after end of day

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Doom is the obvious choice today, as he directly contradicted the last will of the confirmed lookout. And that lookout was voted out, so we know that will isn't forged. Though RIP for doom, as the last will was posted after he contradicted it lol


Vote Doom

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I will claim later today, in case I have a chance to catch someone in a lie. Here is what I have for a role list:



Berocka - invest n1 gus invest/consig/mayor/tracker/pB/, n2 bigAl survivor/VH/amne/medusa/psychic
Gus - tracker n1 rory n2 berocka>bigAl
Ricer - medium
Advantage - doc n1 ricer n2 jericho
Barzal - "TI"
Osens - psychic n1 flex/doom/adv n2  barzal/rory n3 ricer/doom/bigAl
Doom - visits people
Ptyrell *redacted*
Jericho - trapper, jailed n1. Hasnt placed trap yet?
Big Al - psychic n1 mmflex/omg/pty, m2 devise/pty n3 jailed


Spartan jester? Or forged
Flex LO - n1 doom>Adv
Rory - psychic n1 mmflex/ricer/spartan
Omg - jester? Or forged. Claims attacked someone n2 as crusader

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Yo jailor, you should jail Big Al again since nothing happened last night, assuming he was telling the truth about being jailed. If nothing happens two nights in a row that would make an easy lynch

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8 minutes ago, Jericho said:

Yo jailor, you should jail Big Al again since nothing happened last night, assuming he was telling the truth about being jailed. If nothing happens two nights in a row that would make an easy lynch

This could be true.  This also sounds like it's coming from someone else's words.

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1 minute ago, Advantage said:

This could be true.  This also sounds like it's coming from someone else's words.

Could you explain what you mean?

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10 minutes ago, Jericho said:

Yo jailor, you should jail Big Al again since nothing happened last night, assuming he was telling the truth about being jailed. If nothing happens two nights in a row that would make an easy lynch

Hmmm so you’re saying the jailor jails you N1, you tell him you’re a trapper, he says LOL NO TRAP 4 U and jails you again? HMMMMMMMMM

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3 minutes ago, Jericho said:

Could you explain what you mean?

The baddies have a discord channel so sometimes someone smarter will write a message for someone else to make them sound smart

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