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Beers with Boot - Episode 4 - S81 MOCK DRAFT


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This was supposed to be the most researched mock draft of all time, but in classic Boot fashion this turned into getting pissed with next to no research. This podcast is a shit show and have no idea how it went an hour and a half, however; I did make 16 picks in the first round and recommend listening. I didn't meet how many beer I wanted to drink and maybe I'm slowing down with age, but still a good effort. 


If you have any suggestions, complaints or topics you want me to discuss, hit me up. Go here and ask questions for the podcast and earn TPE as a press conference! Cheers.



I'm sure there's more but some tags for definite mentioned players:


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Even though it has its lengths (and not nearly enough beers consumed) and I was tempted to skip the remainder of the podcast, I did listen the whole shabang. It turned out very informative, especially for a rookie like me. You explained well and in detail, why you think who is picked when and by whom. I also think you were closest with your prediction regarding my player, umming and arring whether I go 7th or 9th, when I became 8th.


a solid 9/10


btw: Thanks for plugging my articles, much appreciated

Edited by Daniel Janser
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Needs more beers in it. In all seriousness I really enjoyed this one. I thought your choices were more logical and analytical than all the other mock drafts I saw. I cant complain about your formatting or really anything other than im disappointed with the lack of beers. 9.5 / 10

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  • 4 weeks later...

Accidentally got tricked into listening to this when @dasboot multi-claimed on it thinking it was a new podcast (what's a post date anyways?). But it had some incredibly useful insights on how prospects are looked at and what actually matters to your draft stock. So it was honestly probably one of the more informative podcasts I've listened to for the league. Because it just really helped give perspective in a way that nothing else I'd read or listened to before had. Not enough beers though, so that was a bummer.

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