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Would a Continental Cup allow Vasteras to keep its team?


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Their success story seems to have slipped from them in the past decade right? Seems underdog to me. You want a real challenge, head on over to Cologne.

I wouldn't say Calgary is an underdog. We won in S30, more recently than three teams (Seattle, Vasteras, Cologne) two of which are pre-expansion. If you want an underdog that's not Vasteras, Seattle is probably your example.

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Relocation doesn't affect things like in real life that's for sure, but there's positive history. Avangard won a cup in S7 but did little else, was in a terrible location (if you can even call that a location) then moved to Davos and boom, best franchise in the league.

Stockholm, S1-S7, just not good, moved to Riga and was possibly the best team in the league for its first 15ish seasons. Still alright now. Hamilton to New York didn't pay dividends straight away but New York is just a good location even when they have had laughably bad luck.

Hell, Vasteras moved to Madrid and was a decent success in terms of perception, until Zach Voss came along.

To answer the actual thread question, not for me.

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And is forcing a move to a franchise such as this such a bad thing? I feel like you constantly bring up random BoG stuff every week. Either your unhappy that your not on it or have some grudge with how things are run.

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And is forcing a move to a franchise such as this such a bad thing? I feel like you constantly bring up random BoG stuff every week. Either your unhappy that your not on it or have some grudge with how things are run.

Nah, it's just that I saw some new posts in Corco's GM retirement thread about how Phil doesn't want Vasteras to move and Kyle (or someone) does, so I figured I'd write a Fan590 and let people know what's going on, since there are people who care about what happens.


And if I wanted to be on the BoG, I'd just say "put me on the BoG" and I would be put on the BoG. That's how I got on the first time, and I'm sure my return would be very welcome (and I'd fit in with the rest of the opinionated assholes).

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Yeah but the thing is the Vasteras relocation stuff has been an ongoing discussion for several seasons now. Not just in the BoG either. It isn't like it just came out of the blue "relocate this bitch." 


I'm not saying there aren't a vocal minority against it, but their arguments have been heard. We've dissected enough regarding the conversation both in the BoG and otherwise. A decision has been made. People can make their opinions known when that decision gets revealed, and we can go from there. 


There is nothing wrong with the discussion, but it's pretty past that point now. I think I was just thrown by the title of this thread. 

Edited by Devise22
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It's not so much as saying that you would rather than doing so. If you guys are serious about either Vasty or Cologne, then why not nut up. I mean seriously. You guys talk about either wanting to play there or would. How about actually going to either team and doing something. Hell I was with Cologne basically 3 years of which 2 counted towards Davey's career. Despite how we tried to recruit FA's, we still busted our asses (majority of us) to try and have people come in. I actually enjoyed my time in Cologne. Granted I did want a change of scenery, but fact of the matter is I would have went back to Cologne. Fact of the matter, as much as I hate and would not want to go to Vasty, if Klaus ends up there, I will give them 110%. I always do with every team and always will. Hell I would even go the route that Boom did and be a traveler. If it were possible to play for all 10 teams in 1 career, why not do it? Then you can see what it is like to be on that team. Of course you are only given 8 years. I have played for 3/10 teams in the VHL. Granted when it was Seattle, it was pre S30 and I was under a different name and player name. Still got to see and experience their LR. I have been to Cologne and Davos with Davey. I would love to see what it is like with the other teams. That might even be my intentions with Klaus. I could hit free agency every chance I get to see what it is like. Point I am getting at, if you want to play for Cologne or Vasty and just say it and dont do it, either nut up or shut up.

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