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a tale of two Brothers // Two sides of a coin

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats)


The Janser brothers had played two games each since we last reported from their adventures. Please find a summary of said encounters here below.


Marcel's Iron Eagles had to face Cologne a third time in a row and kept the streak alive by losing 5-3. This time though, Vasteras looked like they could win this game for a long time. They won the first period 2-1, with Martin scoring in powerplay and Bernier netting in for the Swedes on even strength. The second period ended with a 1-1 draw. It was Martin's second goal of the night. Unfortunately, Marcel's team ran out of steam and folded like house of card in the third period, when they allowd Simeoni to score a natural Hattrick. The three stars went to Simeoni (4g/1a), Komaryk (1g/4a) and Martin (2g/0a). Utonium (.839) was bested by both Protagonist (.885) and Wilson (1.000). The latter only minded the net for 17:13 minutes as he was sent off for Abuse of Officials (at that point his team was leading 1-0). It is interesting to note that Protagonist let his rage have the better of him as well and received a minor for slashing. From what we could see, the officials could also have pulled the 'intent to injure' card, which would have left Cologne to play with a Zamboni Driver in net. This handicap could have had changed the flow of the game considerably. Vasteras' power play was respectable (2/7), the penalty killing abysmal (2/5).

Marcel was noted with 0g, 0a, +0, 4 PIM (2xHooking, both penalties lead to a goal against), 1 hits and 2sb


The next match was against Bratislava and the Eagles lost 3-2 after a thriller of a game, where no team was able to score the decisive goal in either regulation or over time. So it was up to the shootout lottery to find a winner. The first period went to the Watchmen with a 1-0 lead. The second period was a 1-1 draw, Bernier scored for Vasteras. The third (but not final) period ended 1-0 in the Scandinavian's favour. Jockesson with his first of the season tied the game. As already mentioned, Sudden Death did not happen, so it was for the keepers to decide this game. Buzzer was the only one who could beat his opponent and sealed the deal for Bratislava. Jockesson (1g/1a), Galvins (1g/1a) and Chiester (37 saves) were named the three stars of the game. Both Chiester (.949) and Utonium (.946) performed on all star level, with a slight edge for the American keeper. We think, that Utonium was anally fisted by a troupe of circus monkeys for not being named one of the three stars. Vasteras' power play was okay (1/4), but the penalty kill (2/4) cost them the game.

Marcel had 0g, 0a, 2 PIM (Interference, lead to a goal against), 3 hits and 4sb to his name.


We had a chance to talk to Marcel after either game. Here is what he said after the Cologne game (still fuming):


'Disgraceful, these refs should see an ophthalmologist or two. I learned that when you double-handedly apply your stick to a players calf, without the biscuit even near, that this is a game misconduct. Protagonist should have been sent off. I cannot think of any explanation why he was not. Maybe the refs did not have the guts to send off two goalkeepers of the same team in one match. This 'oversight' cost us the game.'


and here his statement after the Bratislava game: 'They are one of the best teams in the league and they are deservedly on third. We are quite happy to have them brought to the brink of defeat, looking at the standings. I just saw a spot from the local tourist office on TV Bratislava, where they brag to be home of this season's Renaissance Cup holder. I have been taught to not a sell a bear's hide, when you have not killed the beast yet. My lesson learned from these two matches is, that I cannot take to many penalties, as at the moment we seem to have troubles to keep the puck out of the net when I am in the sin bin.'


Daniel's team had much more fortuna in their dealings and stand proud with an immaculate record. The first match was against Riga, which is managed by a distant cousin of Klamasteris'. The Wranglers came out of the gate strong and were the first on the score board when 'Miss Calgary Hockey' Reinhart put the biscuit past her relative Tobias in Riga's crease. Reign equalized in power play but Jokinen would have none of it and reinstated the one goal lead during a Calgary power play. The second period went 1-0 to the Wranglers, when Perry scored his first goal of the season during a man advantage. The Latvians won the last period 2-1 but it was too little, too late. For Calgary's last goal, Daniel won the draw in Riga's zone, the puck lands with Nasherov, who only hits metal, Funk picks up the biscuit but misses the net. However, luck is on his side and the disc bounces right back on his stick and this time he did not miss. The three stars for this match were Jokinen (1g/1a), Sandstrom (1g/2a) and Eagles (0g/3a). Klamasteris (.906) had Reinhart's number (.889). Calgary's power play was remarkably efficient (3/5). Same cannot be said about the penalty killing unit (4/7).

Daniel was credited with 0g, 1a, +1, 4 PIM (Hooking and Roughing, both lead to a goal against), 1 hit, 1sb and FOW of 48.65%


The second match was against Chicago and was won in a convincing manner 6-1. The Phoenix never had a chance, as the Wranglers scored three goals within the first two minutes of the game and won the period 4-0. Kotkakoivu with his first of the season, Jokinen, Reinhart and Eagles scored for the Alberta team. For our readers entertainment, we will take a closer look at the third goal: Daniel wins the draw at Chicago's hash mark, passes the puck to Nasherov, he releases, misses the crease but gets a second chance. This time a Phoenix defender stands in the way. Reinhart picks up the lose disc and buries it via the post. The second period ends 0-0 and Klamasteris has a solid chance for a first shutout this season. Alas, halfway through the third, Chicago scores the so called 'dignity goal' which is very unfortunate for the veteran net minder. However, Reinhart and Janser, with his first goal ever in the VHL, set the record straight. Reinhart's goal was almost a carbon copy of her first goal. Daniel takes the draw after a Chicago Icing and wins it. This time the puck ends up directly with Reinhart who one-times it. Due to the traffic in front of the net, the Chicago goalkeeper's view is obstructed and he sees the puck too late to parry it. For Daniel's first goal the video shows the following. The young Swiss wins the draw yet again in the offensive zone. The biscuit lands with Nasherov, who blasts away, the shot is deflected by Reinhart and misses the net, but ends up on Daniel's tape and he forces the puck through the goalie by pure determination. Chicago bench screams 'the toe was in' and the goal is reviewed. After what appears an eternity the referees call it a good goal. The Chicago netminder is not happy with the decision and refuses to hand over the puck to Johnson, who wanted to give it as a souvenir to Dan. Before the two can come to blows, the referee casually skates to the Chicago player and tells him to let go of the puck if he does not want to get a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct. Grudgingly the net minder releases the biscuit. One can see that the rookie is very popular amongst the Wrangler as everyone and their mothers hug and high-five the Rotkreuz native on his way to the bench. Reinhart (2g/2a), Janser (1g/2a) and Nasherov (0g/3a) were declared three stars of the game. And even though Janser was 'only' second star, we cannot help but feel that the cheering and clapping in the Saddledome was the loudest when the 'Swiss God' took the stage to receive the honours. Klamasteris (.950) was clearly better than the Chicago netminder (.902), who was still decent. Calgary's penalty kill was as efficient (1/1) as the power play was not (0/3).

Daniel left the ice with a record of 1g, 2a, +3, 2 PIM (Tripping, no effect on the score), 7 hits (most of both teams) and FOW ratio of 80%!


Quellbild anzeigen

Happiest moment in Daniel's career sofar. The goal counts.


The Jansers' stats as of now:

Marcel: 4gp, 0g, 1a, 1pt, -2, 8 PIM, 9 hits, 8sb

Daniel: 3gp, 1g, 5a, 6pts, +9, 8 PIM, 11 hits, 2sb, FOW 58.40%





GM 10: Cologne Express vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com)

GM 16: Bratislava Watchmen vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com)


GM 18: Riga Reign vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com)

GM 23: Calgary Wranglers vs. Chicago Phoenix (vhlportal.com)


1513 words

Edited by Daniel Janser
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