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S43 Prediction Points


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Season 43 Prediction Points

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Lists are in alphabetical order, double and triples are listed at the bottom.


Fill out your S44 predictions here.


Master List:

Advantage - 4

Ahma - 3

Andybj - 2

Ball - 4

Banackock - 5

Beketov - 2

boom - 4

Boomcheck - 3

boubabi - 5

BPH - 1

Brovy - 1

Christmas - 2

CoachReilly - 3

Corco - 4

CowboyInAmerica - 3

Cuffy - 2

Da Trifecta - 4

der meister - 2

diamond_ace - 4

DollarAndADream - 1

Doomsday - 1

Draper - 5

Duddy - 2

eaglesfan - 2

edgar - 1

fever95 - 2

Flocka - 2

flyersfan1493 - 3

Frank - 0

FueledByRamen - 2

GoodLeftUndone - 2

Gooningitup - 2

gorlab - 3

Green - 2 

gregreg - 5

Harumpf - 1

Higgins - 3

Hybrid1486 - 1

Individual - 1

jaladolar - 5

Jamie - 4

JardyB10 - 3

Jedi  -2

Jericho - 4

jRuutu - 2

JumpierPegasus - 4

Kel - 5

Kendrick - 2

Kylrad - 5

Lunaro - 5

Mike - 1

Molholt - 1

mpclardy - 1

Mr. Escabar - 4

Mr. Grumpy Bear - 5

Mr. Power - 2

Muffins - 3

Munk - 4

Nike - 5

nikkuri17 - 3

Ninetyfourgoalie - 4

Noah!! - 2

NotJayTee - 0

Phil - 7

philthethrill - 2

Ramicus - 1 

RomanesEuntDomus - 2

rum_ham - 1

Seth - 2

sixersfan - 5

solas - 2

sterling - 3

stevo - 2

Streetlight - 4

STZ - 1

tfong - 2

Toast - 1

Tylar - 3

Tyler - 1

Velevra - 4

Victor - 6

Wastlund - 1

YEAH! - 3


Double Predictions:

Ball - 4 x 2 = 8

Beketov - 2 x 2 = 4

Cuffy - 2 x 2 = 4

Nikkuri - 3 x 2 = 6

Solas - 2 x 2 = 4


Triple Predictions:

Brovy - 1 x 3 = 3

Draper - 5 x 3 = 15

Gorlab - 3 x 3 = 9

Green - 2 x 3 = 6

Greg - 5 x 3 = 15

Jamie - 4 x 3 = 12

Kendrick - 2 x 3 = 6

Muffins - 3 x 3 = 9

STZ - 1 x 3 = 3

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