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So I went over to SHL?


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Richardson also has put in tons of work. You guys have always painted it as a bad thing that I have so much TPE from recruitment. It got so bad I stopped doing it and we had barely 20 prospects in last seasons draft. I actually put in work, and the amount of negative comments I've received over time for basically following the recruitment rules is unfair.

You mean you went on SHL and canvased members to make a player here, right?

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You mean you went on SHL and canvased members to make a player here, right?

I only recently used the SHL to recruit. However that's a poor example because I have a 1300+ TPE player there and have been there for almost 4 years now. Also if you want to point fingers over there look no further than Cuffy who has recruited for various leagues over there and other areas to gain new members. I even gave him trouble for it too, but in the end it doesn't take away from the league you are recruiting from. I should also mention three of my recruits from the SHL play on my team over there, if that is illegal than half the recruits from both leagues are at fault.


So go ahead accuse me of something I did do, not like it matters.

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Richardson also has put in tons of work. You guys have always painted it as a bad thing that I have so much TPE from recruitment. It got so bad I stopped doing it and we had barely 20 prospects in last seasons draft. I actually put in work, and the amount of negative comments I've received over time for basically following the recruitment rules is unfair.

No one is saying that you did anything wrong. It's the fault of the recruitment compensation rules, not you.

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Do I agree recruitment points are high? Yes, not as high as they used to be though. What I do find baffling though is the same guys telling me my TPE is too high because of it, have recruited jack shit for the forum. Thus isn't it TPE envy?


I mean there have been posts well in the past where I simply post and get out. But now forums don't allow you to do that so I actually more than likely do have to stay around and lurk before recruiting. Hell, on some sights I've been there for years talking people up before posting. It takes time and because it's me doing it, people here have a problem with it. I will stop recruiting for now on and we'll continue to be dry and stale.

Hey, I only brought you into it because you've gotten more TPE than Karnage through recruiting, despite Coach's claim.

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No one is saying that you did anything wrong. It's the fault of the recruitment compensation rules, not you.

Words like "abuse the recruitment incentive" might want to be re-worded.

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Words like "abuse the recruitment incentive" might want to be re-worded.

Well you'll have to talk to Coach about that, because I specifically made sure to say that you added the most from recruitment. I haven't used the word "abuse" in this thread once (though it does show up in my quote of Coach's post).

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Hey, I only brought you into it because you've gotten more TPE than Karnage through recruiting, despite Coach's claim.

Cool, you guys need to re-word your shit. There is a different between abusing the recruitment rules and working alongside them. The way you all have painted it is that recruiting is looked at negatively in this league. So "Hey VHL! Go out and recruit, but only a couple guys here and there, not several member in a small time frame. Otherwise it looks bad that you are loaded with TPE!".


The incentives were there for a reason. If you have an issue with inflation don't point to recruitment as thats one area where we actually need to have an incentive otherwise you will have those low numbered draft classes. Look at all the free TPE in Fantasy Zones, VHFL League, Holiday giveaways and shit. Those simply reward people for being here and not getting people here. A couple years ago I raised a point about cutting some of the fantasy points, yet Bushito had a big stink and you guys sided with him. 

Edited by Kendrick
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A couple years ago I raised a point about cutting some of the fantasy points, yet Bushito had a big stink and you guys sided with him. 

I was totally on board with cutting fantasy leagues, actually.

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Cool, you guys need to re-word your shit. There is a different between abusing the recruitment rules and working alongside them. The way you all have painted it is that recruiting is looked at negatively in this league.

Here, allow me to link you to the post that you should actually be getting upset about:



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i apologize for my wording.  abuse was a poor choice.  


i'm passionate about the issue because despite all of my complaining about it, and the vast majority of the VHL agreeing with me... it took a long ass time to fix.

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