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Britain leaves EU Membership


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I'm just glad I don't have stock in the British Pound. Took the Canadian dollar a year to fall as much as the pound did overnight.

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Shit really. The area I live in was actually one of the few in England outside of London who voted to stay in the EU (58% voted in). This could be the start of a real shitty shift, I can't see Scotland staying in the UK after all of their regions voted to stay in the EU and Northern Ireland may choose to follow suit. 


And now we're stuck with Boris Johnson and that absolute cunt Michael Gove leading the way...

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1 hour ago, Beketov said:

I'm just glad I don't have stock in the British Pound. Took the Canadian dollar a year to fall as much as the pound did overnight.


My British friends are all pretty upset. One asked what it would take to make the leap to America. I had encourage him to slow down and wait until we know what happens with this whole Donald Trump fiasco <_<

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  • Commissioner
5 minutes ago, Shaka said:


My British friends are all pretty upset. One asked what it would take to make the leap to America. I had encourage him to slow down and wait until we know what happens with this whole Donald Trump fiasco <_<

Everyone move to Canada. Saves you from Trump and from the incoming economic crash of Britain.


What's funny is one of my British CoD friends seems to think it won't affect him at all. Says that because he doesn't deal with anything internationally a declining British Pound means nothing. I'm biting my tongue and not wanting to tell him that the companies he buys things from sure as hell deal internationally and their rates are about to go up since their money became 12% less useful overnight. It's why Canadians are paying $20 more for games, $5-$10 per month more for cell / ISP and a pile more for groceries than we were 2 years ago...


On second thought to my original point, maybe coming to Canada isn't for everyone.

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Scotland's all like "Please don't associate us with them. We had nothing to do with it. We swear. Can we stay?"

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"I think they made a mistake."


"You saying, after 17 million people have voted for leave, I don't know how many people have voted on the basis of that advert, but that was a huge part of the propaganda, you'r now saying that's a mistake?"

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"In the wee hours of Friday morning, the people of the UK voted to leave the European Union with a majority of 52 percent—and according to Google, they don't really know why. Two hours after the referendum polls closed, roughly midnight UK time, the Google Trends Twitter account reported a 250 percent increase in people searching "what happens if we leave the EU." "Are we in or out of the EU?" spiked by 2,450 percent.

Other search terms that peaked following the result include "what happens to foreigners if we leave the EU," "what happens if we stay in the EU," and—perhaps most worryingly considering the gravity of the decision—"what is Brexit?""


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15 minutes ago, Phil said:



"I think they made a mistake."


"You saying, after 17 million people have voted for leave, I don't know how many people have voted on the basis of that advert, but that was a huge part of the propaganda, you'r now saying that's a mistake?"


Holy fuck. That's dirty.

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14 minutes ago, Daniel said:

As a Canadian living and studying in Wales I'm just glad I'm not here permanently. Seems like a ridiculous thing for a country to do, even more so when it actually gets voted in by the people


As Winston Churchill once said, the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter :P 


7 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Does anyone know what this actually means for Britain?


I don't think they know themselves really. The mechanism for leaving the EU is only specific about time-frames and things like that, all the other specifics like trade and whatnot have to be negotiated by the UK and EU in a way that will separate the UK economy from the EU. It will be really interesting to watch what Scotland and Ireland do because really this could be the end of the United Kingdom.


p.s. I only know what i heard on BBC on the way to work this morning :lol:

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  • Commissioner
1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

Does anyone know what this actually means for Britain?

In the short team, a pretty big hit to their economy I would imagine as people are hesitant without quite knowing how the new trade rules will work out.


If you believe the propaganda it will save them 350 million pounds a week in fees but that number is actually far lower and they'll likely end up spending it to get the benefits they had before anyway. Also according to the propaganda they'll be able to govern their own immigration and borders but it's been said before that that might also not be the case and immigration might stay exactly the same.


John Oliver actually went over a good amount of the issues with it before the vote, not that people listened apparently. Worth a watch if you are interested:



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This is equivalent to Quebec leaving Canada, what a dumb thing to do. As if the EU markets weren't struggling enough, this is going to pound them into oblivion. Then they'll want to take revenge on the UK and block them on future favourable deals. This is going to be a rough time for Europe. Honestly it seems they voted via patriotism and not with their heads. What reasonable benefit was there to leaving?


I feel bad for all the younger generation, they are the most affected by this because they can't work in other countries now and they have a debt crisis already and employment issues at home already.



Edited by tfong
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1 hour ago, Beketov said:

John Oliver actually went over a good amount of the issues with it before the vote, not that people listened apparently. Worth a watch if you are interested:



John Oliver's stuff is always good (like his FIFA rants especially) but unfortunately, this wouldn't have really reached many UK citizens prior to the vote. We have a law that prevents that kind of stuff being shown on TV in the lead-up shortly before a vote (so weirdly enough, this will eventually be shown now that the vote has passed), plus, while I like John Oliver, he's a lot more popular in the States than over here, I don't even know what TV channel he's on over here tbh. Ironically enough for a British guy who talks a lot on British stuff, quite a lot of his youtube stuff ends up unavailable in our region on youtube haha. 

Edited by YEAH!stlemania
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16 minutes ago, tfong said:

This is equivalent to Quebec leaving Canada, what a dumb thing to do. As if the EU markets weren't struggling enough, this is going to pound them into oblivion. Then they'll want to take revenge on the UK and block them on future favourable deals. This is going to be a rough time for Europe. Honestly it seems they voted via patriotism and not with their heads. What reasonable benefit was there to leaving?


I feel bad for all the younger generation, they are the most affected by this because they can't work in other countries now and they have a debt crisis already and employment issues at home already.



From what I gathered this just means the UK will have to become very very self-sufficient if they want to succeed.

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