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Stockholm Vikings GM Steps Down

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This was happening regardless, but given the ending happening so soon I will be posting this now.


I will be stepping down from Stockholm and stepping away from the league.  I'll still probably leave Lane around and work on him but definitely stepping away from roles and such.


At the end of the day, I did not accomplish my one goal.


If anyone's interested in the Stockholm role, please let the admins know.

Edited by Advantage
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2 minutes ago, punkhippie said:

Oh shit you're leaving? Will miss your presence, hope you come back one day and continue your builder legacy :cheers:


In the mean time, does Sokolov want to sign in Cologne since you'll be the only decent D in T-dot next year? :P @Beketov

I mean I said I'd be active with Lane.

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  • Commissioner
7 minutes ago, Advantage said:

point tasks

That's more active than Sokolov has been thus far haha

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Whether or not you reached your goal, you're a good person and GM on this site. Really enjoyed having the ability to attempt a cup run with you in my final season with Sven Wolf.


Take it easy, enjoy the break and catch yah on the flip side or whatever. :cheers: 

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22 minutes ago, Beketov said:

That's more active than Sokolov has been thus far haha


Sokolov is not worthy of playing with the likes of Lane, Boeser, Reinholdt, and Ironside. Come join Cologne and shit away for a year or two without anyone noticing :ph34r:

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28 minutes ago, Frank said:

@Corco you know what to do.


21 minutes ago, The Trollfecta said:

@Corco the time has presented itself to you. Do you accept the challenge?



Historic Team Västerås, assemble!








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  • Commissioner
17 minutes ago, punkhippie said:


Sokolov is not worthy of playing with the likes of Lane, Boeser, Reinholdt, and Ironside. Come join Cologne and shit away for a year or two without anyone noticing :ph34r:

I see absolutely no advantage to doing that.

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One of the better GM's all time. This was a bit coming now with life busy and activity dropping. I'm honestly stunned you guys couldn't get a Cup in this run. The loss last year to Helsinki after having one of the best regular seasons ever was stunning, and then again this season to Davos. Still some very good runs though, and had some great members on board. 


Congrats on all time as well, no doubt in my mind your GM record and career alone is enough to make you worthy of Builder, regardless of the rest of your many contributions. :cheers: @Advantage seriously bud! 

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