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Oslo Storm Press Conference

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On 3/18/2024 at 10:27 PM, fonziGG said:


Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. How are you and your teammates acclimating to Oslo?


2. Have you found a home to live in for the season? If so, describe it!


3. Who’s the biggest bum in the VHLE and why?


4. Do you think you are a one and done VHLE player or?


5. What can the staff here in Oslo do to improve your experience?


6. How much beer can @CowboyinAmerica chug?

1. I'm doing well as its my 3rd season here, I think the rest of the team is doing well as well

2. I have a nice, overpriced bachelor apartment with a balcony

3. Too early in the season to tell

4. No, as I  mentioned, its my third year in the big E

5. Just keep up the positive attitudes! And maybe some pizza parties

6. Probably 3 American beers or 1 Canadian beer

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On 3/18/2024 at 6:27 PM, fonziGG said:


Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. How are you and your teammates acclimating to Oslo?


2. Have you found a home to live in for the season? If so, describe it!


3. Who’s the biggest bum in the VHLE and why?


4. Do you think you are a one and done VHLE player or?


5. What can the staff here in Oslo do to improve your experience?


6. How much beer can @CowboyinAmerica chug?

1. Finally getting used to the timezone and the city

2. No, just living in the dorm room above the stadium

3. Probably me, just a minor character after all

4. I will continue if I don't reach 400 TPA by end of season

5. Not sure, we're having a good time despite not having a good season thus far

6. If there's an endless supply and continuous drain of the tap, I'd say it'll go on forever 🤪

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Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. What are your personal statistical goals this season?


2. What is your favourite donut?


3. Who’s the biggest bum in the VHLM and why?


4. What is your go-to pizza order?


5. What can the staff here in Oslo do to improve your experience?


6. How much beer can @Rhynex Entertainment chug?

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1)      My goal is to be a top 5 defenseman in scoring, I know it will be hard but I think I have a shot

2)      Glazed/Honey Dip or Cinnamon are my go to

3)      I had no one be a bum to me so I cant answer this

4)      Pan Cheese Pizza from Dominoes

5)      Nothing, my experience has been awesome

6)      He can chug as much as he chooses to chug



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On 3/27/2024 at 3:15 AM, fonziGG said:


Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. What are your personal statistical goals this season?

Be close to a PPG and have a positive +/-

2. What is your favourite donut?

Honey Dip from Tims

3. Who’s the biggest bum in the VHLM and why?

There are too many to choose from

4. What is your go-to pizza order?

Hawaiian. Fight me.

5. What can the staff here in Oslo do to improve your experience?

Lead us to victory!

6. How much beer can @Rhynex Entertainment chug?

Probably at least 1


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On 3/27/2024 at 2:15 AM, fonziGG said:


Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. What are your personal statistical goals this season?


2. What is your favourite donut?


3. Who’s the biggest bum in the VHLM and why?


4. What is your go-to pizza order?


5. What can the staff here in Oslo do to improve your experience?


6. How much beer can @Rhynex Entertainment chug?

1. I want to hit 20 goals

2. I like chocolate frosted doughnuts

3.I don’t know many people so I won’t answer that question 

4. Meatlovers or pepperoni and sausage depends on where I go for pizza 

5. you can improve the experience by leading us to a cup

6. haha um I’d say probably 2 or 3 if we are talking back to back

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Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. What are your personal statistical goals this season?

I think being top 10 in goals would be fun. I've been hanging around that mark so far, but really need to turn it up to complete that.


2. What is your favourite donut?

Maple bacon may seem like a fancy person's donut, but damn is it good. If I'm getting the calories anyway, I'm going to make sure I'm doing it right.


3. Who’s the biggest bum in the VHLM and why?

I was teammates with Billy Joel for a full season and never once heard them sing in the locker room. Now that's just rude.


4. What is your go-to pizza order?

A Supreme pizza minus olives is the easy one. I tend to play around with my pizza, but for something quick and easy in a pinch, just give me all of it.


5. What can the staff here in Oslo do to improve your experience?

I think I should be allowed to play goalie some games. I've asked, but nobody quite takes me seriously and I'm not sure why.


6. How much beer can @Rhynex Entertainment chug?

See, I don't think they want to chug that much beer. But because of the good leadership, just to make sure everyone is engaged, they just keep going indefinitely. It's awe-inspiring, really.

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Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. What are some brands you’re affiliated with?


2. Are there any players in the league doing hard drugs?


3. Whos the biggest bum in the VHL?


4. Who has been the biggest surprise this season?


5. Do you have any suggestions for staff?


6. How much beer can @Schnee chug?

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1)      I am an unbranded player and I am fine with that

2)      None that I know of but I don’t ask around

3)      The biggest bums are my rivals Gul Dukat and Lucy Leitner

4)      Gul Dukat was a huge surprise. Did not expect him to have so many points.

5)      Keep doing what they are doing, the league is great

6)      I don’t drink so I can chug none.

Edited by Schnee
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On 4/5/2024 at 11:25 PM, fonziGG said:


Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. What are some brands you’re affiliated with?


2. Are there any players in the league doing hard drugs?


3. Whos the biggest bum in the VHL?


4. Who has been the biggest surprise this season?


5. Do you have any suggestions for staff?


6. How much beer can @Schnee chug?

1. I use Bauer as my main brand 

2. uh I think I know of one but I won’t say any names 

3. no one is a bum but my player is playing like one

4. the fact that I’m crazy inconsistent 

5. keep doing what your doing 

6. per his own admission none but he could still probably chug one if needed 

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On 4/5/2024 at 11:25 PM, fonziGG said:


Oslo Storm Press Conference

1. What are some brands you’re affiliated with?


2. Are there any players in the league doing hard drugs?


3. Whos the biggest bum in the VHL?


4. Who has been the biggest surprise this season?


5. Do you have any suggestions for staff?


6. How much beer can @Schnee chug?

1. I don't even remember if I am branded or not. I just wanna go out there and perform on the ice. I believe I am not and if that is the case, Brands should love that about me!


2. If I remember correctly, I was intro'd to some of the players doing them in the minors, but I never partook. Just leveled up my game and moved on from those types.


3. Bratislava (the front office) for giving up on me only to have no room for success thus far.


4. I guess the team has been the biggest surprise, considering I have not gotten much love on the ice recently.


5. Give me more shots on Goal! I need to feel useful. That or more snacks in the snack room!


6. If he ever got to drinking, I would pay to see him chug like, 3. Currently I believe he told us none, so 🤷‍♂️

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Oslo Storm Press Conference


1. What are some brands you’re affiliated with? 

Toyota Prius Ice Skates

Hidden Valley Ranch


and Burt's Bees

2. Are there any players in the league doing hard drugs?

Hard drugs as in Viagra? Or hard drugs as in Meth?

I don't know. There's probably a bit of everything here. 

3. Whos the biggest bum in the VHL?

I can't mention any names but there was one individual who was asking to "borrow" some TPE. Like, get a job and earn your TPE like the rest of us.

4. Who has been the biggest surprise this season?


I was never expecting him to jump out of the cake at my birthday, but it was very surprising.

5. Do you have any suggestions for staff?

Yes. Keep up the good work and remember I said that when reviews for raises come up.

6. How much beer can @Schnee chug?

Probably like 1 liter of root beer a day. Maybe 2 on hot days,

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  • 1 month later...

Oslo Storm Press Conference:

Week ending May 26, 2024

Answer 3 for 1 TPE/ 6 for 2 TPE


1. What are your thoughts on our VHLE draft?


2. What are your thoughts on our current team makeup and how it stands for a cup defense?


3. Were you part of the S93 cup winning team? If so, how did you celebrate the victory? If not, how are you finding the celebration in Oslo?


4. How is your player preparing for a title defense?


5. What is the goal of your player in the upcoming season?


6. Did you make the WJC? Who do you think will win the WJC?

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(For the week Ending May 26th, 2024)


1. If you're new to Oslo, what is your first impressions of the city? If you've been here, is there a spot in the city you would recommend to a rookie?

2. Do you have any individual goals set for yourself this season? What about your career overall?

3. Would you rather a team's management announce captains for the team, or the team hold a vote as to who those captains should be?

4. Do you have any hockey superstitions? 

5. What is your go-to pre-game meal?

6. The NHL is down to 4 teams - Edmonton, Dallas, New York Rangers, and Florida Panthers. Plain and simple, who is winning the 2024 Stanley Cup? 


Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, or all 6 for 2 capped TPE!

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4 hours ago, dlamb said:



(For the week Ending May 26th, 2024)


1. If you're new to Oslo, what is your first impressions of the city? If you've been here, is there a spot in the city you would recommend to a rookie?

2. Do you have any individual goals set for yourself this season? What about your career overall?

3. Would you rather a team's management announce captains for the team, or the team hold a vote as to who those captains should be?

4. Do you have any hockey superstitions? 

5. What is your go-to pre-game meal?

6. The NHL is down to 4 teams - Edmonton, Dallas, New York Rangers, and Florida Panthers. Plain and simple, who is winning the 2024 Stanley Cup? 


Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, or all 6 for 2 capped TPE!

1. It seems like a nice city. I haven't really been out exploring much, though.
2. My goals this season is to try and be a little bit more active. Maybe some PC's here and there.
3. I think that there should be a vote, but the management should vet like 3 players that will be in the voting pool. That way the management will be happy with the captain either way.
4. No I do not.
5. My go to pregame meal is some Lasagna with a protein shake.
6. Edmonton will be winning the 2024 Stanley Cup. 

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18 hours ago, dlamb said:



(For the week Ending May 26th, 2024)


1. If you're new to Oslo, what is your first impressions of the city? If you've been here, is there a spot in the city you would recommend to a rookie?

Well I haven't had a ton of time to explore yet. But I am kind of a history nerd, so I'm excited to see the museums and the historical sights. 


2. Do you have any individual goals set for yourself this season? What about your career overall?

If nothing else, I want to get back to the playoffs. I also want to increase my offensive and physical stats. Overall I want to have fun playing a game I love. Oh and the cup. I want the cup.


3. Would you rather a team's management announce captains for the team, or the team hold a vote as to who those captains should be?

If by management, you mean the coaches and guys that are with the team every game and can see the effect the players have on one another's game.


4. Do you have any hockey superstitions? 

Yep. I would always have a protein drink a certain time before a game. Would wear the same undershirt under my jersey. Also socks. Game socks stay if I win in them.


5. What is your go-to pre-game meal?

Protein drink and a few PB&Js. Try to keep it somewhat light.


6. The NHL is down to 4 teams - Edmonton, Dallas, New York Rangers, and Florida Panthers. Plain and simple, who is winning the 2024 Stanley Cup? 



Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, or all 6 for 2 capped TPE!


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(For the week Ending June 2nd, 2024)


1. Our roster is assembled, and the season begins this week. If you had to predict our team's MVP at season's end, who would it be?

2. The VHL is entering it's 94th season, approaching it's 17th real-life birthday. What were you up to 17 years ago? 

3. Which team do you think will be our VHLE rivals this season? Do you hate any other team already for any particular reason?

4. Have you been to the movie theatre recently? What did you see/want to see?

5. The Arizona Coyotes have moved to Utah, and they are yet to announce a name or logo. What name would you give them?

6. What NHL player would be the best comparison to your VHL player?


Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, or all 6 for 2 capped TPE!

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5 hours ago, dlamb said:



(For the week Ending June 2nd, 2024)


1. Our roster is assembled, and the season begins this week. If you had to predict our team's MVP at season's end, who would it be?

2. The VHL is entering it's 94th season, approaching it's 17th real-life birthday. What were you up to 17 years ago? 

3. Which team do you think will be our VHLE rivals this season? Do you hate any other team already for any particular reason?

4. Have you been to the movie theatre recently? What did you see/want to see?

5. The Arizona Coyotes have moved to Utah, and they are yet to announce a name or logo. What name would you give them?

6. What NHL player would be the best comparison to your VHL player?


Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, or all 6 for 2 capped TPE!

1. Too close to tell right now.

2. Not born yet, but 17 is a good number.

3. I like all teams, don’t have any rivals as of now.

4. I recently went to watch Julius Caesar in a Shakespearean theatre. I don’t know if that counts.

5. I want to say the Utah Frost, something generic but nice.

6. I based my build as a Zdeno Chara, but right now it’s looking like a Jan Steber.

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(For the week Ending June 2nd, 2024)


1. Our roster is assembled, and the season begins this week. If you had to predict our team's MVP at season's end, who would it be?

Clearly the referees as the Storm cannot win if they don`t have the man advantage.


2. The VHL is entering it's 94th season, approaching it's 17th real-life birthday. What were you up to 17 years ago? 

I think this would have been right around the first time I went to Japan to teach English but I cannot remember since I am so old and wrinkled.

3. Which team do you think will be our VHLE rivals this season? Do you hate any other team already for any particular reason?

Uh, a two part questions. Our rivals this season will be ourselves Oslo Storm since we cannot stop stepping and falling all over our own feet. We will be lucky if we win any games with a joke of a roster that we have here. Bratislava as everything so nice and great about that team. Clearly the Chad of the VHLE and should win everything this season. Just wow!! I also thought we were playing in the VHLM this season so that we had a chance at winning a few games?


4. Have you been to the movie theatre recently? What did you see/want to see?

Yup, Something about a storm trying to sink a boat but a lighthouse saved the day and the storm couldn`t do anything!!  Perfect Storm maybe or something like that but it clearly wasn`t perfect to be defeated by lighthouse!!


5. The Arizona Coyotes have moved to Utah, and they are yet to announce a name or logo. What name would you give them?

Utah Watchmen since the Watchmen are clearly the best team name around. Cannot call them Utah drizzle can we!!


6. What NHL player would be the best comparison to your VHL player?

Pierre Marc Bouchard like duh!!


Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, or all 6 for 2 capped TPE!

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1. If you're new to Oslo, what is your first impressions of the city? If you've been here, is there a spot in the city you would recommend to a rookie?


Thanks for letting me join your press conference.  I recommend fans just bring a crying bucket when Bratislava comes to town and beats their ass.  It will make going home in a pouting mood easier.


2. Do you have any individual goals set for yourself this season? What about your career overall?


Just want to do my best to help Bratislava win it all.


3. Would you rather a team's management announce captains for the team, or the team hold a vote as to who those captains should be?


No opinion on that.


4. Do you have any hockey superstitions? 


I have to wear a freshly washed and air dried jock strap.  Same with socks.  


5. What is your go-to pre-game meal?


PBJ, and if there is no jelly, then a fluffanutter sandwich on fresh white bread.


6. The NHL is down to 4 teams - Edmonton, Dallas, New York Rangers, and Florida Panthers. Plain and simple, who is winning the 2024 Stanley Cup? 


Probably Rangers but I’d like Panthers or Oilers to win, especially since Boston lost,


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21 hours ago, dlamb said:



(For the week Ending June 2nd, 2024)


1. Our roster is assembled, and the season begins this week. If you had to predict our team's MVP at season's end, who would it be?

I think I've gotta give this one to the tendy, @Royski

2. The VHL is entering it's 94th season, approaching it's 17th real-life birthday. What were you up to 17 years ago? 

17 years ago I was 21 and in my 3rd year of college. I remember a lotta cold ones watching hockey during the season.

3. Which team do you think will be our VHLE rivals this season? Do you hate any other team already for any particular reason?

I would like to think Rome will be our rivals, because, who do they think they are?

4. Have you been to the movie theatre recently? What did you see/want to see?

Yep, Wife actually dragged me out a few weeks ago to see Fall Guy. Fantastic movie. The studio failed to market properly.

5. The Arizona Coyotes have moved to Utah, and they are yet to announce a name or logo. What name would you give them?

The Hockey Team of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

6. What NHL player would be the best comparison to your VHL player?

I am not sure if it is correct or not, but I am trying to model him after Detroit D-Man, Mo Seider. I am from Detroit, and watching him the last couple of years has been a great time.


Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, or all 6 for 2 capped TPE!


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1 hour ago, mintusaurus said:

I am not sure if it is correct or not, but I am trying to model him after Detroit D-Man, Mo Seider. I am from Detroit, and watching him the last couple of years has been a great time.

Look at my sig ;)


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(For the week Ending June 2nd, 2024)


1. Our roster is assembled, and the season begins this week. If you had to predict our team's MVP at season's end, who would it be?


During my few practices so far with the team, I'd probably have to put my money on Chrispy R @Crstats23. His shots really hurt. Like a lot. I've got a few bruises already so I feel bad for the opposing goalies when he's really trying to wire one in.


2. The VHL is entering it's 94th season, approaching it's 17th real-life birthday. What were you up to 17 years ago? 


Pondering on my magic orb, as I usually do as a time waster. Thoughts ain't what they used to be back then let me tell ya.


3. Which team do you think will be our VHLE rivals this season? Do you hate any other team already for any particular reason?


Probably whichever team we beat in the cup finals. Hate is a strong word; but I get paid very handsomely to strongly dislike other teams. Also thank you other teams for not drafting me. But I also hate you for not drafting me. Not because you didn't draft me but because I'm on a different team that is not a team that didn't draft me. So it's not personal (it definitely is) when I say that I don't like you for not drafting me because I wanted to go to Oslo. I love it here! 


4. Have you been to the movie theatre recently? What did you see/want to see?


I haven't left the arena in 3 days. I don't even remember the last movie I watched


5. The Arizona Coyotes have moved to Utah, and they are yet to announce a name or logo. What name would you give them?


My two favourite ideas are the Utah Blizzard or the Utah Outlaws. They just sound badass. I just hope their logo doesn't look like a bantom team


6. What NHL player would be the best comparison to your VHL player?


Probably Linus Ullmark. Not just because of their similar playstyles, but also because he tries to hug every one of his teammates after each game.


can't claim this for TPE I just love answering pressers. I'm not addicted I can stop whenever I want


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On 5/28/2024 at 4:41 PM, Daniel Janser said:

Look at my sig ;)


I tried, but its not showing the first two pictures. Is it that its Claude Lemiux? I see the file name is all. That's cool. I never really hated Colorado, just him. I was and still am a big fan of Sakic. The Rivalry is sadly dead and gone.

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(For the week Ending June 9th, 2024)


1. After 14 games, the Oslo Storm sit 7 points out of the playoffs. What has to change to get us where we want to be?

2. Have you checked out the new player profiles on the portal by clicking on your name (mine for reference is here: dlamb (vhlportal.com))? What do you think of them? How many players have you had, and how much TPE have you earned total?

3. We are averaging about 10 PIMs per game through 14 games. Why are we so angry? Should we be more disciplined, or are they mostly warranted penalties?

4. The Summer weather (where I am) has come and is seemingly here to stay. What's your favourite summer activity?

5. Do you follow the 2024 NHL Draft at all? Is there any prospects that you like or want your favourite team to draft?

6. The 2024 Stanley Cup Finals features the Florida Panthers vs. the Edmonton Oilers. Who do you think will win, who do you want to win, and how many games is it going?


Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, or all 6 for 2 capped TPE!

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