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My Favorite VHLM Memories


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After a few month hiatus from the league, I have returned to activity as the Oslo Storm GM, and have created my new player, Chat! I have lots of good memories in the VHLM, as my first player ever obviously started in the VHLM, but also because I feel like my VHL career really took off once I became the GM of the Yukon Rush. Below I will list some of my favorite memories in the VHLM. 


1) Yukon 2 Gud


I was the Yukon Rush GM from something like S36 to S40, as I eventually made my way to Calgary GM. During this time period, I led Yukon to back to back cups, and due to Yukon's success I started spamming the phrase, "Yukon 2 gud" across the boards, and got many members of my team to start saying it as well. But in addition to winning lots of cups, that was a really fun active team, with Boom (no idea what his current username is) as my assistant GM, and @Will before he became popular, along with @Munk. The phrase Yukon 2 Gud is still repeated by some members of the VHL today years later, so that is now a piece of history I created.


2) When DT Did Not Understand Timezones


I don't remember exactly what season this was, but @JardyB10 announced the VHLM trade deadline would be at something like 7PM PST, using PST because that is where he lives. DT attempted to make a trade after this deadline at about 7PM EST, but was denied as it was after the deadline. DT then went on a massive rage fest against Jardy, telling him he should post what the VHLM deadline is in every timezone known to man because he didn't have the time in his day to take 5 seconds to compare timezones. This was followed by DT telling Jardy EST is the only timezone that matters and every other timezone is meaningless. To this day people still make fun of DT for not understanding the concept of timezones because he has a feeble little mind. If someone could please go back a few years in time and find this thread it is amazing, but it might be on the old forums.


3) When @Kesler Traded @Seth a 2nd Round Pick for a 0 TPE Player


Kesler has always made some questionable GM decisions, but this one has to top them all. 2nd Rounders in those days of the VHLM were decently valuable, and for some reason Kesler decided a 0 tpe player, who has the same value as a bot, was worth that. Said 0 tpe player was padding his stats on some shitty VHLM team, and all Kesler looked at was his point totals rather than tpe, so he decided to trade an asset for a completely useless player. 


4) My Time as VHLM Commish


I was VHLM Commish for something like a year and a half, working with the likes of @Smarch, @Fire Hakstol, @ADV, and probably others that I forget. Smarch was definitely the best one to work with, as he was the most active but also let me run the show. I enjoyed helping out the league during my time of peak activity, and think I did a great job of keeping the VHLM active by monitoring GMs to make sure they are active and helping new players, and making some rule changes to help balance the power to new players. I also can't forget to mention when I fired DT from his VHLM GM job because he was refusing to play a new member on the top two lines for some reason, and when I told him he had to play him he refused so I swung the axe. Someone tag DT please I don't know his username.


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Favorite memory of the VHLM for me:


S21 VHLM draft, selecting some semi-active guy in the 5th (it was a decent draft)

Trading the same guy to Meg for a 1st

Trading her own 1st back to her for Keon Henderson

Winning the cup and breaking assist records with the same Keon Henderson.


Basically a third of my cup winning roster (Keon Henderson, Evgeni Fyodorov, and Mattias Backlund) was acquired with a 5th and some lopsided as hell trades.

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1 hour ago, Exlaxchronicles said:

Mine is S58 when we won the cup, I won the Matt Bentz, and. Skyler Rift trophies and I scored 215 points. Great way to start a VHL career. And I've now won VHL Rookie of the year award.

Kiaskov is gonna be a HOF hopefully.


At this pace he’s more likely than louth 

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8 hours ago, UZI™ said:

Assistant GM's deserve an office larger than a janitors closet.




The member formerly known as Boom.

Ottawa doesn't even have one and I still have a three room suite in the corner of the office park reserved for one, should one come about. It's empty right now, but the rookies still have to go over and water the plants on occasion.

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