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VHL Brands and Sponsor's Shield Tournament


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Hello VHL. You may have noticed that @Quik has been hard at work collecting various feedback on brands. These were just the building blocks to a larger idea, that initially started with a suggestion by @Banackock and @.sniffuM which Quik and myself decided to go hard crazy on and turn into a new entire format. I'll give Quik most of the actual hard work props here, all the type up and structure of this was his doing. I'm just the designated helper. None the less, I present to you the details on the new Brand and Sponsors system, and how that ties into a new off-season tournament that will be run every non WC off-season, known as the Sponsor's Shield Tournament. 


Sponsors and Endorsement Deals!


The Victory Hockey League has 6 brands who sponsor the players in its league who will soon be finalized by their Brand Executives out of a pool that includes the following 8 brands;


Over Armour

True North Gear


Ubuyalot Games

Jolt Juice





These sponsors each have 15 slots on their roster, with endorsement deals ranging from $250,000 to $3,000,000 per season! They will also have 4 slots that they can offer to players who wish to represent the brand in tournament play, but receive no monetary compensation.


These 6 Brands will compete in a tournament, known as the Sponsor’s Shield, every 2nd off-season, alternating with the VHL’s World Cup. The format for this tournament will be outlined below.


Here are the rules for how endorsements work in the VHL:


Brand Executives

Each Brand will be run by a Brand Executive, who controls the roster slots, and runs the team during tournaments. Brand Executives cannot be seated General Managers of VHL teams. As this is a job that requires attention all season long, Brand Executives will receive payment of 2 TPE per week, capped. In addition, their player will automatically represent the Brand they manage, and receive an endorsement deal of $1,250,000. Brand Executive players will not count against the 15 paid roster slots allotted to their Brand.


Endorsement deals

As stated earlier, each team has a total of 20 endorsement deals in which they can offer to players around the league! These endorsement deals can be offered to any player who does not have an endorsement deal, with some limitations applied. The rules regarding endorsement deals are as follows:


  • Signing season begins at the beginning of the Regular Season, and closes at the start of the Continental Cup Playoffs, every season.

  • Endorsement Deals can be anywhere from 1 to 5 seasons in length (must conclude during the player’s final season of VHL eligibility)

  • Endorsement Deals must pay the Player the same amount for each season that the agreement shall run

  • Brands may not decrease the value of their endorsement deal with any player

  • Brands may move a player to a higher level endorsement, if a higher slot is available.

    • Should a player be bumped to a higher endorsement slot, this will affect the remainder of their contract, not just the current season.

  • Players and Brands are allowed to contact each other at any time, there will be no punishment for tampering - however, there will be penalties for both, players and brands, should they wish to end an agreement early.

  • Endorsement slots will be valued as follows:

  1. $3,000,000  

  2. $2,000,000  

  3. $1,500,000  

  4. $1,250,000  

  5. $1,250,000  

  6. $1,000,000  

  7. $1,000,000  

  8. $750,000  

  9. $750,000  

  10. $750,000  

  11. $500,000  

  12. $500,000  

  13. $500,000  

  14. $250,000

  15. $250,000

  16. $0

  17. $0

  18. $0

  19. $0

  • Any unpaid endorsements must be 1 season in length, signed in the signing season before the Sponsor’s Shield tournament.

  • Roster Minimum/Maximums are as follows:

    • Forwards

      • Minimum 9 Forwards

      • Maximum 13 Forwards

    • Defencemen

      • Minimum 5 Defencemen

      • Maximum 7 Defencemen

    • Goaltenders

      • Minimum 2 Goaltenders

      • Maximum 3 Goaltenders

    • Full Roster

      • Minimum 17 Endorsements (Includes Brand Executive Player)

      • Maximum 20 Endorsements (Includes Brand Executive Player)

  • Each Brand must have a minimum of 3 paid VHLM players on their roster at all times during the off-season.

    • If a player graduates from the VHLM to the VHL, there must be a new VHLM player signed to the brand during the next signing period.

    • Should a Brand not have room to replace their VHLM player in the following signing period, the graduating player will have their sponsorship terminated, becoming a Free Agent who may sign with any sponsor they wish, with no penalties due to “Early Termination”

  • No players may be traded from one Brand to another at any time


Early Termination of an Endorsement Deal

During the Signing Period, Players and Brand Executives both have the ability to end an endorsement deal prior to the conclusion of the contract. However, there will be penalties for either side, should they wish to terminate a contract without a mutual agreement from the opposite party. Should an endorsement deal be terminated early, the Player may not sign another endorsement deal with that brand for the following two signing periods.


i.e. If Podrick Cast and Over Armour were to part ways during the Season 65 Signing Period (for any reason), Cast would not be eligible to sign a new endorsement deal with Over Armour until the Season 67 Signing Period.


Player Termination: A player may only terminate their partnership with a VHL Sponsor to sign with a competing sponsor for an equal, or greater, endorsement deal. If the player does not sign an endorsement deal for equal, or greater pay, they must remain unsigned until the following Signing Period. In addition, should a player terminate a sponsorship agreement early, they forfeit whatever sponsorship money they would have received from their original sponsor for the following season.


I.e. During the S65 Season, Roger Sterling is entering the 2nd season of a 4 season partnership with Overe Armour that pays him $1,000,000 per season. Sterling decides he would like to terminate, and sign with Jolt Juice for $3,000,000 per season. During the S65 Season, he would only receive $2,000,000, as his previous salary was deducted from his new salary. If Sterling signs for longer than 1 season, his S66 Salary (and any following season that he is signed for) would become $3,000,000.


Brand Termination: A Brand Executive may also terminate a sponsorship agreement early. In this situation, there would be repercussions for both the Brand and the Player. Any Brand that terminates a contract early will free up a roster slot for its sponsorship team, but loses that player’s compensation for the season in which they are terminated. Any player who has their sponsorship terminated will receive what was owed to them for that season. Should the Player sign with another brand for equal, or lesser value to what they were originally owed, they will only receive their original sponsorship compensation. If the Player signs for a higher value, they will forfeit their original endorsement payment, and receive their new, higher endorsement.


I.e. During the S65 Season, Haterade wishes to cut ties with Matt Thompson, but owes him $2,000,000. During S65, Haterade would forfeit their $2,000,000 slot, while receiving a temporary unpaid sponsorship slot that they may use in the Sponsor’s Shield Tournament.


If Thompson decides to sign a one-season deal with Over Armour that is valued at $500,000, he will still receive $2,000,000 for S65.


If he were to sign a one-season deal worth $3,000,000, he would receive $3,000,000, not $5,000,000.


Mutual Termination: Should both the Player and the Brand decide to mutually end a sponsorship agreement, there will be no penalties. The player is free to sign a sponsorship agreement with any other Brand, while the Brand is free to use the vacating player’s sponsorship slot on any new Player. Should a player sign a new endorsement that is valued lower than their previous deal, they will receive the higher salary owed for that season.


I.e. During the S65 Season, Kronos Bailey, who is signed for $1,000,000, and NETFLEX decide that they would like to mutually terminate their partnership. NETFLEX would be free to sign any player who is without an endorsement deal to a $1,000,000 agreement.


If Bailey were to sign an endorsement deal with Jolt Juice for $1,500,000, he would receive the full salary, rather than just the $500,000 difference from his previous endorsement deal.


If Bailey signs for $250,000, he would still receive $1,000,000 for the S65 Season.


Sponsor’s Shield Tournament Format

The Sponsor’s Shield will be a bi-annual tournament, running in each odd-numbered off-season, alternating with World Cup off-seasons, beginning with the S63 Off-Season!


The tournament will begin with one group that includes all 6 teams. The Sponsor’s Shield Tournament will contain 3 rounds, played out as such:


Round 1: This round will consist of a double-round robin, which will see each Brand’s team face all other Brand teams twice, for a total of 10 Games guaranteed for all involved, and 30 Games total for the round. Once this round has concluded, the top 4 teams will advance to the following round.


Round 2: The second round will consist of two best-of-three Semi-Final series, featuring matchups between Seeds 1 & 4, and Seeds 2 & 3, as ranked from the previous round. The first team to win two games in each series will move on to the Sponsor’s Shield Final.


Sponsor’s Shield Final: The final round of the Sponsor’s Shield Tournament will consist of a best-of-five Final Series, to crown the Sponsor’s Shield Champion! The first team to secure 3 wins will win the series, and be named Champion!


Sponsor’s Shield Tournament Rules

While rosters may vary in size, each team must submit a roster, for each game, that meets the following criteria:


  • There must be a minimum of 9 unique forwards listed in your starting lineups

    • If there are more than 9 forwards on your roster, you may keep them out of your even strength lines, but they must be dressed for all games and appear on at least one special-team line.

  • There must be a minimum of 5 unique defenseman listed in your starting lineups

    • If there are more than 5 defencemen on your roster, you may keep them out of your even strength lines, but they must be dressed for all games and appear on at least one special-team line.

  • Back-up goalies must start a minimum of 3 games

    • If there are more than 2 goalies on your roster, the 3rd goalie is not required to start any games, but must be listed as the backup goaltender for a minimum of 2 games.


Tournament Client Files will be uploaded during the Continental Cup Playoffs in seasons where a Sponsor’s Shield tournament will be held (usually at some point during the Finals). It is the Brand Executive’s responsibility to have their lineups completed, and submitted, no later than 24 hours following the conclusion of the Continental Cup Finals. Failing that, their lines will be auto-completed by the Simmer, in order to begin the tournament in a timely fashion.



Sponsor’s Shield Tournament Prizes

There will be prizes for players who are on teams that make it to the Sponsor’s Shield Final, paid out as follows:


Champions: 2 Uncapped TPE per player

Runners-Up: 1 Uncapped TPE per player

Edited by Devise
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2 minutes ago, Beaviss said:

Sounds exciting 


@Quik and I have been really excited about it honestly, been kind of hard not to talk about the whole plans a bit more openly. It was one of the few "newer" ideas we saw in the BoG that immediately gained traction from a variety of members of different periods. Like I mentioned in the OP Bana had suggested just a system for extra player store, and then Muffins suggested that it could also be tied to a tournament of some sorts possibly. At which point we kind of just took off with the idea to get pseudo GM's involved and make this more of what we tried to do with the long lost Super Cup. The Super Cup's biggest fault was the work required to do drafts everytime we ran it. As it was a draft of the entire VHL to determine teams each time we ran it. Running a tournament in the off-season we don't do WC was always fun, but with that much set up and no connectivity there isn't really much pay off. 


We really feel with the user generated Brand Names, and the competition of Brand Executives battling it out to build teams with a far different format than what your used to should hopefully create enough continuity to make this an event up there with WC in terms of engagement. So I'm very much looking forward to see how the community takes to some of this, and the challenge of managing the Brands/Rosters as well.

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2 minutes ago, Devise said:


@Quik and I have been really excited about it honestly, been kind of hard not to talk about the whole plans a bit more openly. It was one of the few "newer" ideas we saw in the BoG that immediately gained traction from a variety of members of different periods. Like I mentioned in the OP Bana had suggested just a system for extra player store, and then Muffins suggested that it could also be tied to a tournament of some sorts possibly. At which point we kind of just took off with the idea to get pseudo GM's involved and make this more of what we tried to do with the long lost Super Cup. The Super Cup's biggest fault was the work required to do drafts everytime we ran it. As it was a draft of the entire VHL to determine teams each time we ran it. Running a tournament in the off-season we don't do WC was always fun, but with that much set up and no connectivity there isn't really much pay off. 


We really feel with the user generated Brand Names, and the competition of Brand Executives battling it out to build teams with a far different format than what your used to should hopefully create enough continuity to make this an event up there with WC in terms of engagement. So I'm very much looking forward to see how the community takes to some of this, and the challenge of managing the Brands/Rosters as well.


So there is going to be bidding wars on players? For example Louth might be a hot commodity all the brand's have to try to get him?

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2 minutes ago, Beaviss said:


So there is going to be bidding wars on players? For example Louth might be a hot commodity all the brand's have to try to get him?


Yeah. I mean the bidding war wouldn't increase passed the salary slots available. But if someone has a highest slot available and you want it, and the other team interested in you doesn't want to offer their highest slot. The contracts being signed are all by the players. It'll all start off with a giant FA with the only players being associated to the Execs own player. Upon first opening the FA period for Execs it'll just be a feeding frenzy because all players are available, and it's all their choice where they want to go. 

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1 minute ago, Devise said:


Yeah. I mean the bidding war wouldn't increase passed the salary slots available. But if someone has a highest slot available and you want it, and the other team interested in you doesn't want to offer their highest slot. The contracts being signed are all by the players. It'll all start off with a giant FA with the only players being associated to the Execs own player. Upon first opening the FA period for Execs it'll just be a feeding frenzy because all players are available, and it's all their choice where they want to go. 

Jut to add, brands can also poach by offering equal/greater endorsement deals, so that’ll be fun as well

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Oh I forgot we do have a image for the Sponsors Shield itself as well, which will get plastered with whatever Brand wins the tournaments logo. That way the tournament has some "Banner" level treatment for the winner. Again credit to @Quik to coming up with it. 



Edited by Quik
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Just want to make sure of something: a player is not required to sign for the highest offer, I assume? Example: if Over Armour offers me 1m and I don't care for the brand, but True North offers me 500k, I can still choose to sign for True North even though it's a smaller amount?

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7 minutes ago, diamond_ace said:

Just want to make sure of something: a player is not required to sign for the highest offer, I assume? Example: if Over Armour offers me 1m and I don't care for the brand, but True North offers me 500k, I can still choose to sign for True North even though it's a smaller amount?


Yep. The higher Endorsment slots have nothing to do with TPE or being counter offered and are entirely determined by the player. A common thing you could see is a Brand that a player likes, offering them a lower slot as they presently don't have any higher available with the verbal agreement to promote them to a higher slot once one opens up.

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On 10/8/2018 at 12:11 AM, BOOM™ said:

Odin Sr is sponsoring Vaydar. You can keep your paltry dollar amounts.$3 million? Just like Robbie, that's play money for me. 


You're coming to my agency Boom. 

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On 10/7/2018 at 8:02 PM, Devise said:

Oh I forgot we do have a image for the Sponsors Shield itself as well, which will get plastered with whatever Brand wins the tournaments logo. That way the tournament has some "Banner" level treatment for the winner. Again credit to @Quik to coming up with it. 




I hadn't uploaded it yet before hand, but I cleaned up the shield and mocked it up to show what it'll look like when a team wins. I've already got the template for most of the sponsors in the pool ready, so these should be ready to go and be posted in the final game thread when the tournaments are ended.

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