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Vancouver Wolves Press Conference


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1) What's the plan for your player going forward?

Focusing on playoffs, when it's over just trying to keep myself sharp as an aging player.


2) If you was to make a show using players on the team who'd be in it and what kind of show would it be?

A cop movie with Downey, Spyro and I as the grizzled vets and most of the rest of the team as the young guns who do things differently.


3) what kind of music do you use to pump yourself up before the game.

I'm a rock and metal guy, but maybe the occasional Anime opening tune as well.


4) the season is nearly over. What do you expect for your point totals?

I finished just shy of what I did last year, which isn't horrible considering I'm becoming an old man.


5) How do you expect us to do in the playoffs?

I think we can make a deep run, possibly even win it.


6) Is their anything you miss about minors?

Not really, playing in the VHL is the dream.

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On 10/19/2020 at 3:25 AM, Emi said:


1) What's the plan for your player going forward?


Just trying to make it through my final year before retirement.


On 10/19/2020 at 3:25 AM, Emi said:

2) If you was to make a show using players on the team who'd be in it and what kind of show would it be?


Oh I don't know. Maybe some of these rookies in a Big Brother style show?


On 10/19/2020 at 3:25 AM, Emi said:

3) what kind of music do you use to pump yourself up before the game.


Anything and everything. Little bit of rap, little bit of rock, little bit of electronic.


On 10/19/2020 at 3:25 AM, Emi said:

4) the season is nearly over. What do you expect for your point totals?


I managed to hit 106 points for the second year in a row so I am very happy!


On 10/19/2020 at 3:25 AM, Emi said:

5) How do you expect us to do in the playoffs?


We are going all the way!


On 10/19/2020 at 3:25 AM, Emi said:

6) Is their anything you miss about minors?


Getting to know everyone new I met when I was new to the league was pretty awesome.

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On 10/19/2020 at 1:25 AM, Emi said:

New questions! 


1) What's the plan for your player going forward?


2) If you was to make a show using players on the team who'd be in it and what kind of show would it be?


3) what kind of music do you use to pump yourself up before the game.


4) the season is nearly over. What do you expect for your point totals?


5) How do you expect us to do in the playoffs?


6) Is their anything you miss about minors?







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11 hours ago, fonziGG said:


I think you hit this one on the head,:D never been so glad to be dished out a character in my life Phoebe is ridiculous but she has an amazing kind spirit and   to be associated with that kind of odd ball is just the ultimate compliment for me.


Also the thought of Jeff and Beav as an item makes me laugh soo hard, and  I guess you and moose would be having a torrid love affair too.  Emi as Joey would be a delight to behold :D


Thanks for making me smile Fonz

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1) What's everyone playing on bus journeys between games?
2) Who is the person paying for the team meal next?
3) What do you think we will do next season?
4) If you had to enter a celebrity boxing match against another memeber in the league who would it be against?
5) Should we get a team pet?

6) Do you think anyone will be leaving this off-season?

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1) What's everyone playing on bus journeys between games?

-Mini sticks in between the aisles of the bus, gotta stay practiced
2) Who is the person paying for the team meal next?

-Whoever get the worst plus/minus
3) What do you think we will do next season?

-I honestly am not thinking about net season as we close this one out but I guess I'd hope for more of the same as this year
4) If you had to enter a celebrity boxing match against another member in the league who would it be against?

-Someone that I could beat and not get humiliated again, so maybe a prospect
5) Should we get a team pet?

-I mean we are the wolves so I think that's a given

6) Do you think anyone will be leaving this off-season?

-I really hope not, we are  strong team but I get that this is still a business that will do whatever necessary to win

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On 10/27/2020 at 11:12 PM, Emi said:


1) What's everyone playing on bus journeys between games?
2) Who is the person paying for the team meal next?
3) What do you think we will do next season?
4) If you had to enter a celebrity boxing match against another memeber in the league who would it be against?
5) Should we get a team pet?

6) Do you think anyone will be leaving this off-season?


1. It's kind of a hype playlist of 80s rock


2. We all chip in, Spyro eats for free. Goalie love


3. Win a championship.


4. The fun answer everyone wants is Shawn Glade or Gorlab here. The real answer is all the GMs who passed on me in my draft year.


5. We have Emi don't we???


6. Me. I think I get moved during this offseason. My play wasn't spectacular in the regular season and I've been streaky in the playoffs. With two 1st round picks and Su solidly the #1 Center. Moving me makes sense.

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On 10/27/2020 at 9:12 PM, Emi said:


1) What's everyone playing on bus journeys between games?
2) Who is the person paying for the team meal next?
3) What do you think we will do next season?
4) If you had to enter a celebrity boxing match against another memeber in the league who would it be against?
5) Should we get a team pet?

6) Do you think anyone will be leaving this off-season?

1. Some early 20s rock

2. Beav since he's GM

3. Win

4. Funk since whoever wins gets to GM the lynx

5. Yes, a wolf 

6. No we are in a great postion right now

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On 10/27/2020 at 11:12 PM, Emi said:

1) What's everyone playing on bus journeys between games?


Just trying to get as much sleep as possible when I can.

2) Who is the person paying for the team meal next?


Who is the youngest rookie? Them.

3) What do you think we will do next season?


Good question, should be a solid year as the young players continue to progress.

4) If you had to enter a celebrity boxing match against another memeber in the league who would it be against?


I'd love to box that guy @Garsh, just a friendly little match.

5) Should we get a team pet?


Don't we already have Griff Manzer?


6) Do you think anyone will be leaving this off-season?

Good question. We have some expiring contracts so I could see some changes coming.




Edited by JeffD
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1) What's everyone playing on bus journeys between games?

I play mostly new rock and metal.

2) Who is the person paying for the team meal next?

Jeff!  He makes the big bucks.

3) What do you think we will do next season?

Become repeat champions!

4) If you had to enter a celebrity boxing match against another memeber in the league who would it be against?

Would be fun to fight @JeffD, I can sock him one for not voting me for the All Star game when I was eligible.

5) Should we get a team pet?

We should get a husky/corgi mix.


6) Do you think anyone will be leaving this off-season?

I hope not, but that will be up to those whose contacts are up.

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AGM Asks.

1) We made it to the finals! What do you think we can do to make sure we come out as champions!
2)Who do you think is going to be the MVP of this coming series?
3)Who has been the MVP of the entire Playoffs so far?
4) Who would you say is the rookie of the year candidate?
5) What should we do to continue building on this?

6) Should we do team based awards?

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On 11/2/2020 at 12:38 AM, Emi said:

1) We made it to the finals! What do you think we can do to make sure we come out as champions!
2)Who do you think is going to be the MVP of this coming series?
3)Who has been the MVP of the entire Playoffs so far?
4) Who would you say is the rookie of the year candidate?
5) What should we do to continue building on this?

6) Should we do team based awards?

1. We need to work hard in practice every single day.

2. I think it should be Jeff Downey. He definitely deserves it.

3. Jeff Downey, again.

4. Has to be Dakota Lamb. Guy put up POINTS.

5. Just continue the trend. Keep getting assets for players and continue to draft young studs.

6. I think it would be fun, so why not?

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1) We made it to the finals! What do you think we can do to make sure we come out as champions!

-Don't get nervous, remain confident and play the best hockey we can
2)Who do you think is going to be the MVP of this coming series?

-Downey had that incredible hattrick so it has to be him
3)Who has been the MVP of the entire Playoffs so far?

-Downey has been lights out and is only a point behind the team lead in points as a defensemen 
4) Who would you say is the rookie of the year candidate?

-Norberg for sure, he did not get the pristine playing time that rookies on bad teams got and still dominated 
5) What should we do to continue building on this?

Dont disrupt the status quo, we have made the right team now we work to keep it all together

6) Should we do team based awards?

-I think that could be a lot of fun

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On 11/2/2020 at 12:38 AM, Emi said:

AGM Asks.

1) We made it to the finals! What do you think we can do to make sure we come out as champions!
2)Who do you think is going to be the MVP of this coming series?
3)Who has been the MVP of the entire Playoffs so far?
4) Who would you say is the rookie of the year candidate?
5) What should we do to continue building on this?

6) Should we do team based awards?

1. Do what we just did baby!!!! 

2. Louth was killing it.

3. Louth or Downey, two of our top guys, Spyro has also been great for us.

4. Dakota Lamb, destroyed the league this season.

5. Replace leaving pieces, keep the prospect core together.

6. Yes


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1) We made it to the finals! What do you think we can do to make sure we come out as champions!

Work as a team and just do what we did all season, which is what we did!

2)Who do you think is going to be the MVP of this coming series?

Probably Downey, dude has been killing it.

3)Who has been the MVP of the entire Playoffs so far?

Again probably Downey, been a monster all playoffs

4) Who would you say is the rookie of the year candidate?

Dakota Lamb was lighting things up, My vote is for him.

5) What should we do to continue building on this?

Replace who is leaving, but try not to mess with things too much.


6) Should we do team based awards?

I'm indifferent but it wouldn't harm anything.

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1) We made it to the finals! What do you think we can do to make sure we come out as champions!


Well we managed to do it! I am so unbelievably happy.

2) Who do you think is going to be the MVP of this coming series?


I am hoping to manage to secure that, would be an awesome thing to cap my Vancouver career.

3) Who has been the MVP of the entire Playoffs so far?


I'd like to say that Brock Louth has been great so far.

4) Who would you say is the rookie of the year candidate?


Matty Socks from the Chicago Phoenix had a really good season.

5) What should we do to continue building on this?


Just keep letting these young players develop and the success should keep going.


6) Should we do team based awards?


That would be a fun thing to do for the end of the season.

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Assistant GM asks:


1) How do you think we did in the draft?

2) we traded out Downey this season. Do you think that's going to hurt us?

3) Do you think we're in with a change for a repeat?

4) What is one stat you're looking to improve this season?

5) It's one of your teammates birthday soon and you're tasked with planning a party. What do you do?

6) You're given a do over of any trade made is history. Is there any trade you'd like to take back?

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6 hours ago, Emi said:

Assistant GM asks:


1) How do you think we did in the draft?

2) we traded out Downey this season. Do you think that's going to hurt us?

3) Do you think we're in with a change for a repeat?

4) What is one stat you're looking to improve this season?

5) It's one of your teammates birthday soon and you're tasked with planning a party. What do you do?

6) You're given a do over of any trade made is history. Is there any trade you'd like to take back?

1. I think we did fantastic. Specially with bringing in @Thranduil

2. I do but if he didn't want to stay, we cant force him!

3. I think we can do that, 100%. It lies on us to do it.

4. I want to improve my point totals. Last season, I was abysmal.

5. I throw them a party with lots of liquor and hookers (this depends on the teammate but for the most part, I'd do this)

6. I trust the process the GM makes. He's intelligent.

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1) How do you think we did in the draft?

-Considering the picks we had I think we picked up some guys who have a high ceiling and can contribute well

2) we traded out Downey this season. Do you think that's going to hurt us?

-Losing a player of Downey's caliber will always hurt, hopefully our young defense will step up and take the load that Downey shouldered

3) Do you think we're in with a change for a repeat?

-Of course, last season we were not expected to win, now the pressure and spotlight is on, time to prove we are a top team

4) What is one stat you're looking to improve this season?

-I'd say assists, I hit 30 goals last season and I hope to do the same again, I need to do my part in helping my team score

5) It's one of your teammates birthday soon and you're tasked with planning a party. What do you do?

-Whisky, Scotch, Tequila, Brandy, Rum ETC. That is all you need and from there you make your own fun

6) You're given a do over of any trade made is history. Is there any trade you'd like to take back?

-I think I will save that power until I'm traded one day haha

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1) How do you think we did in the draft?


King: "I thought we had a decently quiet draft. It's good to be in a position where you can add to surplus. A rich get richer situation is always the goal and right now I think Beav sees that and has kinda pushed his value back a little bit for the future now that we are in a position to contender for multiple seasons. I'm excited to see where it all goes from here and I'm confident Boss Man will make the moves necessary to keep the engine healthy."


2) we traded out Downey this season. Do you think that's going to hurt us?


King: "Always tough to lose a top guy, especially [one] so instrumental to our success last season. It's ultimately a kind of business for the VHL though. He's gotten older, there's fresh talent coming in. I think on defense it hurts us but Adrienne, Rune, even Glade can take that next step and suddenly that void is filled and we're back to strengthening our defense. I think Beav makes a move for a D but that's my Armchair GM speculation."


3) Do you think we're in with a change for a repeat?


King: "I think so. I'm not sure we're as polished right now as we were in the playoffs last season but you always expect to compete and to win. Right now we look good, especially offensively but with two big pieces out of the lineup now we gotta step up to make that happen."


4) What is one stat you're looking to improve this season?


King: "I think it's finally the start we'll be looking for. I feel really confident that I'm ready to play and continue where I left off in the Cup [Finals]. We struggled a lot last season but I think this is finally the season we turn it around full time. I think for what it is the reverse sophomore season is what goes on here and I'll be looking for that Dustin Funk Award (Most Improved) this year."


5) It's one of your teammates birthday soon and you're tasked with planning a party. What do you do?


King: "Well it kind of depends. If it's Sandstrom we gotta go bumper car racing as a squad for them hits. V I feel like is secretly a wild child so I don't know. It depends."


6) You're given a do over of any trade made is history. Is there any trade you'd like to take back?


I honestly don't know that's a great question. NHL wise is super hard. VHL wise definitely the Tallinder to Calgary trade from this offseason (check this comment in two seasons when they didn't win the cup oof). NHL wise... I keep thinking of Free Agent stuff or draft stuff more than trades honestly.

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On 11/10/2020 at 4:03 AM, Emi said:

Assistant GM asks:


1) How do you think we did in the draft?

2) we traded out Downey this season. Do you think that's going to hurt us?

3) Do you think we're in with a change for a repeat?

4) What is one stat you're looking to improve this season?

5) It's one of your teammates birthday soon and you're tasked with planning a party. What do you do?

6) You're given a do over of any trade made is history. Is there any trade you'd like to take back?

1. Pretty good, Didn't pay too much attention, but it seems like we got a decent crop of guys.

2. For sure, hopefully we'll be able to find someone to fill the hole he leaves.

3. Yeah I don't think we'll be as good as last season, but we have a chance.

4. Faceoffs and Defence

5. Bar time

6. Kinda wish we kept Jungkok 

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1) How do you think we did in the draft?

We didn't have many early-ish picks but I think we did fine with what we had.


2) we traded out Downey this season. Do you think that's going to hurt us?

For sure, Downey was one of our best players, lossing a presense like that is going to hurt


3) Do you think we're in with a change for a repeat?

If I'm being realistic I would be very surprised to see us repeat with the loss of both Downey and Louth.


4) What is one stat you're looking to improve this season?

I'm always wanting to be more physical but reduce my PIM ratio.


5) It's one of your teammates birthday soon and you're tasked with planning a party. What do you do?

I'm pretty tame compared to a lot of my teammates, I'd plan some kind of get together and play some board games and i guess drink some.


6) You're given a do over of any trade made is history. Is there any trade you'd like to take back?

Not sure I'm qualified for this one, I'm awful at evaluating things like that.

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New Week new set of AGM asks.

1) Who do you think the breakout start for this coming season will be?
2) Who will be this seasons Rookie of the Year?
3) Who do you think will make the best captain in the future?
4) You're down a 2 goals with 3 minutes left on the clock. Do you pull the goalie or wait and see?
5) If we had to change from the wolves but stay in vancouver what would a good idea for a new name?
6) Who is your favourite Wolf and why?

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1) Who do you think the breakout start for this coming season will be?


King: "The selfish answer is me. I think Andrew Su has a super strong year and really stands out as the right future Post-Louth but honestly I really believe every scenario points to myself really coming out strong all year. People will sleep on me as they should but this will be a welcome home party for Kevin King this season."


2) Who will be this seasons Rookie of the Year?


King: "Couldn't name five rookies this season lol. Pistil Stamen I guess lol."


3) Who do you think will make the best captain in the future?


King: "I think Spyro is our guy. Until he retires he's our rightful Captain. Once he retires Su is a logical option. Thightrap is another solid pick."


4) You're down a 2 goals with 3 minutes left on the clock. Do you pull the goalie or wait and see?


King: "If we've had zone pressure yes, if we've been struggling to maintain pressure no."


5) If we had to change from the wolves but stay in vancouver what would a good idea for a new name?


King: "No idea. Honestly Wolves works. The first thing I can think of is the Vancouver Salish or Squamish as an homage to the history of indigenous people that settled the area."


6) Who is your favourite Wolf and why?


King: "It's tough between Sandstrom, Adrienne, & Thightrap. We've been through a lot coming from the M together. I've developed a lot of history with this squad though so they're all important to me."

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1) Who do you think the breakout start for this coming season will be?

I really think it's going to be Thightrap. I think they are such a solid player that really got overlooked. With Louth gone, they will get a bigger chance to shine. 

2) Who will be this seasons Rookie of the Year?

I have no idea, honestly. I worry about the team here and that's it. 

3) Who do you think will make the best captain in the future?

My boy @DarkSpyro, I have loved him ever since I have been on his team. He's an amazing captain. 

4) You're down a 2 goals with 3 minutes left on the clock. Do you pull the goalie or wait and see?

I am pulling the goalie. Who cares if they score again? We need to score. 

5) If we had to change from the wolves but stay in vancouver what would a good idea for a new name?

The Vancouver Poutine. Because, who doesn't like poutine?

6) Who is your favourite Wolf and why?

I love @IamMOOSE , he's always been my boy

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