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fishy & moose talk vhfl (mostly)


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Greetings, VHL!!


@IamMOOSE and I recorded a podcast last week (Dec 16) that I have been too lazy to edit. Listening back, this has to be one of the funniest pods I've been in. 


We chat mostly about VHFL, ideas we have for change, and things that just aren't working for us. Here are some relevant time stamps, all of which are at the end because I forgot to note the others while I was editing it.



edit: Due to the nature of the language used in this podcast, I've decided to remove it. I apologize for allowing the language to be used and shared in a podcast I edited.

Edited by fishy
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I'm amused that you think that the total value per stat in vhfl is required to total 5. As @Victor I believe had said in the past, he arbitrarily made up point values when he ran vhfl.


If you want better values for this stuff, just straight up pull yahoo fantasy hockey values and also include +/- to reduce the ridiculous value differential between the best players on shit teams (who are really just average: see Riga and NYA players) and the stars on good teams. Reduce hits to 0.2 or 0.1 and increase shots blocked. Then add a half point (or subtract) for each +/-. So a +/- of 20 would net that player an extra 10.

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7 minutes ago, Spartan said:

I'm amused that you think that the total value per stat in vhfl is required to total 5. As @Victor I believe had said in the past, he arbitrarily made up point values when he ran vhfl.


If you want better values for this stuff, just straight up pull yahoo fantasy hockey values and also include +/- to reduce the ridiculous value differential between the best players on shit teams (who are really just average: see Riga and NYA players) and the stars on good teams. Reduce hits to 0.2 or 0.1 and increase shots blocked. Then add a half point (or subtract) for each +/-. So a +/- of 20 would net that player an extra 10.

i can't do math 


anyway I've decided to use more than one brain cell since making this podcast and understand that the arbitrary 5 has no significance at all so just enjoy the stupidity i recorded and will be getting tpe for 

Edited by fishy
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haha first time doing the fantasy this season but thank you Fishy and everyone that helped with it


as always Moose is just the happiest person in this community 🤣


good podcast peeps!

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Moose has some great ideas for fantasy! 


Cows milk is gross, never liked it. Soy milk is the way to go! And maybe moose should try moose milk since he says milk needs to come from the tits 😂 


Another great one fishy, keep it up! 

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The Champions League idea for fantasy is intriguing, but demands a setting of expectations or goals. The incentive for players would be to place second (for a chance at 5 TPE/season instead of 6+an average of 3.5) instead of first unless you *also* decide to stick players in second place in their own groups. But that disadvantages those who place second because now all of the players 3rd-6th in their group have less competition, which causes...


You get my point. If you want to sort people by placement in their group, you need to do it for all players at all placement values so everyone has an opportunity to average 3.5 TPE/season. But that punishes being 'skilled' at fantasy by placing you with tougher competition for doing well. If your intention is to equalize TPE earnings by externally influencing group placements, you punish people doing careful research. If your intention is to reward people for skill, randomizing the groups (in spite of Velevra's unfortunate 2nd place this season) is probably still the best way to do that.


As I'm listening a bit further - chill with the ableist slur, even if you're exasperated. Thanks.

Edited by Renomitsu
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3 hours ago, Renomitsu said:

As I'm listening a bit further - chill with the ableist slur, even if you're exasperated. Thanks.


2 hours ago, Josh said:

And same as Reno, way too many slurs. That should have been cut. 

You guys are right about this, and I'm really sorry about it. In the future, I'll be sure to cut out words that I wouldn't say myself. Tolerance is not good allyship, and I regret not cutting them. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, I appreciate it!

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3 hours ago, Renomitsu said:

The Champions League idea for fantasy is intriguing, but demands a setting of expectations or goals.

This is true, and points you bring up are great reasons to not do a champions group. I can't see anyone willingly being thrown into a group with other strategists that would put their TPE reward at risk. I suppose a champions group ultimately discourages people from doing their best in fear that they'll be screwed over the next season. 


I also think that some folks win groups out of pure luck. Some group winners were at the bottom or not even in the top 50 rankings, which goes to show that randomization probably gives more people better opportunity of clutching first place because, inevitably, some groups will be higher-scoring and more competitive than others. Good food for thought.

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Thumbs down on the changes to Fantasy Zone.

  • I think creating boutique fantasy groups with custom rules is something you can totally do on your own, but the Fantasy Zone Manager does not have to create 10 different games and manage them all. Weekly predictions are a great time to "pick the rookie with the most points this week" or "which defenseman will block the most shots on Friday's sims".
  •  The Champ's League would be a good way to give some breathing room to the first-timers in the other groups without having an expert in every group who just cleans up. That could be done easier with the Top 2 in each group moving up, so there's always an even number. Maybe even a x1.5 or x2 to points payouts in Champs League to make it worth moving up.
  • The stats are just fine the way they are - fishy's right, if you nerf all the stats you're left with literally zero. The weighting of the stats makes you pick all sorts of players, not just the highest scoring forwards. We don't need change just for change's sake.


And holy hell Moose, are you okay? Do you even have fun being here? If all you do is complain that the league hasn't drastically changed to bend to your will, and rail on and belittle all the other members, and get angry at the sims, and talk over and get aggressive towards people that don't 'get' your ideas, why are you here? Get off your high horse and treat the people of the VHL with some respect. Just because you want to see some specific things changed doesn't mean you're smarter or better than everyone else here in every single way. When things don't go your way, there's not a league-wide conspiracy to piss in your corn flakes. I get the "entitled and whiny" vibe from you literally everywhere I see you, and I don't like it. Be a heel, be proud to be an asshole or whatever, but I don't get it. Your written work, your research, your articles are great, and as soon as you delve into commentary or opinion your attitude and mannerisms totally obscure your valid points. People would take you more seriously if you put in effort to listen to others, or try to find out why things are the way they are, instead of just calling things you don't like stupid. Just my constructive criticism to try to improve your experience here and the experience of everyone who you interact with on the forums.


Also cow milk is best milk, but it does make you gross and flemmy after drinking it. Almond and oat milk are really nice and I wish they weren't so expensive.

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8 hours ago, bigAL said:

And holy hell Moose, are you okay?

No. I probably haven't been okay since April of 2011.


8 hours ago, bigAL said:

Thumbs down on the changes to Fantasy Zone.

  • I think creating boutique fantasy groups with custom rules is something you can totally do on your own, but the Fantasy Zone Manager does not have to create 10 different games and manage them all. Weekly predictions are a great time to "pick the rookie with the most points this week" or "which defenseman will block the most shots on Friday's sims".
  •  The Champ's League would be a good way to give some breathing room to the first-timers in the other groups without having an expert in every group who just cleans up. That could be done easier with the Top 2 in each group moving up, so there's always an even number. Maybe even a x1.5 or x2 to points payouts in Champs League to make it worth moving up.
  • The stats are just fine the way they are - fishy's right, if you nerf all the stats you're left with literally zero. The weighting of the stats makes you pick all sorts of players, not just the highest scoring forwards. We don't need change just for change's sake.

I was really just trying to spitball some ideas. I do like the idea of custom group rules but that's probably the one I'd hang my hat on to do but I can understand the hesitation to it.


8 hours ago, bigAL said:

cow milk is best milk



8 hours ago, bigAL said:

And holy hell Moose, are you okay? Do you even have fun being here? If all you do is complain that the league hasn't drastically changed to bend to your will, and rail on and belittle all the other members, and get angry at the sims, and talk over and get aggressive towards people that don't 'get' your ideas, why are you here? Get off your high horse and treat the people of the VHL with some respect. Just because you want to see some specific things changed doesn't mean you're smarter or better than everyone else here in every single way. When things don't go your way, there's not a league-wide conspiracy to piss in your corn flakes. I get the "entitled and whiny" vibe from you literally everywhere I see you, and I don't like it. Be a heel, be proud to be an asshole or whatever, but I don't get it. Your written work, your research, your articles are great, and as soon as you delve into commentary or opinion your attitude and mannerisms totally obscure your valid points. People would take you more seriously if you put in effort to listen to others, or try to find out why things are the way they are, instead of just calling things you don't like stupid. Just my constructive criticism to try to improve your experience here and the experience of everyone who you interact with on the forums.

Also damn dude, I didn't know we had an issue. I'm just giving my opinion, I say something I get called out for not giving suggestions, I give suggestions I'm told I'm just complaining that the league isn't run the way i want it (to paraphrase what the Moose slander has been recently). I'm not sure who I rail on and belittle in this league (probably should've gone back and listened to the whole podcast again, oh well). Fishy and I were having a debate and sure I get loud but I would expect that if Fishy had an issue Fishy would tell me to chill the fuck out and I respect them enough to do so.


The money rework thing? Yes, I am a genius and I should be showered with gifts from my adoring public, you're welcome. It is a grand conspiracy that it has not gone further. It's a secret working between myself to be lazy and pursue it further than a passing bitch and the higher ups to ignore the nonexistent additional work to pursue it. Pure evil from all involved. As for other conspiracies,  who bought the corn flakes? How did they get in my house? Wait a minute... I don't even ear corn flakes *squints eyes suspiciously*


As for the rest of it, you really want to discuss it message me, I'm more than happy to iron it out as I have no issue with you. Little bummed you chose to ignore the good times in Miami while you were AGM in favor of the playoff nonsense but again, I got no beef with you. You were always cool in Miami.

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