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Everything posted by Munk

  1. When did we start letting Jardy make the decisions?
  2. Munk

    VHL Big Brother

    i dont like u tomorrow k
  3. effort: 2/2 no Looks: 3/3 I like this a lot, only problem I have is that the text is hard to read. Creativity: 1/1 try something different maybe, a lot of your sigs seem to be close ups. Final: 6
  4. Effort: 2/2 better for sure Looks: 2.5/3 Now Seguins head sticks out TOO much compared to the rest of the sig. Also there is a lack of lighting which hurts and the seguin shoulder on the left side should be blended in so it isn't so distracting. The text isn't bad nor is the placement! Maybe try moving it in front of the render though Creativity: 1/1 overall: 5.5/6
  5. Effort: 2/2 sure Looks: 1.5/3 It's not bad, but the render looks really, really low quality and needs to be blended in better.. Also try not to corner lock the text! I think you would benefit from looking at some tutorials online to try different things. try searching for once that work on lighting and blending. creativity: 1/1 sure overall: 4.5/6
  6. Effort: 2/2 Looks: 3/3 I like this a lot, only thing bad is the lack of lighting. Fix that and it's a gem Creativity: 1/1 pls make me one overall: 6/6 Final: 6
  7. Effort: 2/ 2 Looks: 2.75/3 Seems a tad unfinished.. I think the stock over nash sort of ruins it as it makes it look lq. Also the border at the top and bottom seems.. unnecessary. Text is nice but and lighting also isn't bad! creativity: 1/1 overall: 5.75/6
  8. Effort: 2/2 yeah Looks: 3/3 yeah this is really nice, lighting could be better but well done m8. Oh and text outline kind of sucks dick like u creativity: 1/1 not a collab final: 6
  9. Effort: 2/2 sure Looks: 3/3 This is nice, though try to change up the text yeah? But a big improvement from last week. The render does look lq and the lighting needs to be better but not enough to dock creativity: 1/1 ya Final: 6
  10. Effort: 2/2 Looks: 3/3 Just some tiny things that need to be fixed. Like the displacement on the side of kanes head, it looks weird. The text is neat but isn't the best either creativity: 1/1 ya final: 6
  11. Effort:2/2 Looks: 2.75/3 This is nice, nice face change. It could use some better lighting and the stock at the bottom is a tad distracting. creativity: 1/1 overall: 5.75/6
  12. Effort: 1/2 Looks: 1/3 There really isn't much here m8, try looking at some basic beginner tutorials online. I like the cow tho Creativity: .5/1 overall: 2.5/6
  13. Marquis Hyvarinen Defenseman Points/7 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0)
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