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Devise last won the day on November 26 2021

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  1. @JoshSo I know the portal web pages were designed with like, logical game lengths in mind. But uhh yeah you kinda have to click on the full game to know the result of this one, too much for the portal page to show.
  2. INDEX @VHLE GM Hey hi here is your tag, apologies that the index was a bit late but we are nearly ready to get started here. We have Wildcard action to get us started with Geneva and Vasteras going head to head. You guys all know the drill send your lines in via the portal and if you have any other notes or changes to make that aren't there shoot me a DM. We'll get going as soon as I have lines from both Wildcard teams. Have a good playoffs everyone.
  3. INDEX Sorry it was late but the index is indeed here. @VHLE GM You all should know the drill but if not, lines get sent to the portal and are input into STHS before each sim. If there are any roster or player issues just let me know. As always, if you acquire a player and the index has yet to reflect this, you can always put a bot in it's place and send me a DM with your line notes. Looking forward to another good season here everyone.
  4. A sweep in the VHL Finals, and the VHLM ones only go to 5? Pschhh, apparently the E is the place where the REAL VHL still happens around here! 



    1. Dil


      which vhl finals did you see

  5. INDEX It's that time of the season again yet again, boy oh boy do these seasons ever blow by....anywho; PLAYOFFS. @VHLE GMDoing the tag since 5 of 8 GM's are in the playoffs and it's easier, sorry to the 3 of you whom didn't make it, better luck next season. You should know the drill GM's lines go in the portal, a reminder to make sure your sending lines in with this indexs league file, not the regular season one. I see a stagnant set of lines sitting in the portal that'll likely not work. We got Wildcard action starting off which is a Best of 3 between Istanbul and Oslo to see who moves on, all the other series will be a best of 7. That is about it for me have a good playoffs everyone, let me know if you have any issues or concerns as always.
  6. INDEX @VHLE GM Here just in time for tomorrows season start is our index. GM's should know the drill send your lines in via the portal and feel free to liberally use bots and send me notes in cases where players aren't in the lineup. With that in mind, rosters were what I saw on the roster pages today so if there are any start of season hiccups or players missing let me know. Schedule wise, we do have a bit of a change. While teams will still be playing the same number of games, with the addition of the Wildcard round (it happened last season too but the regular season index was not properly adjusted to reflect the change to the number of teams who qualify for the playoffs) all the teams needed to be lumped into one giant division and Conference to allow STHS to accommodate an uneven number of playoff teams. This means that all teams will play each other a minimum of 10 times, with each team playing their remaining two games randomly assigned. However the Wildcard round and stats will be included in the playoff index as was intended this season. Thanks for indulging my rambling, lets have another solid season best of luck to everyone.
  7. Actually scratch that; I should be able to swing 9. I'll send roles out sometime Thursday here so any stragglers have until then to get in. I'll list the changed role minimums for the smaller game in the opening post.
  8. Womp womp. Sorry all, I may see if I can tweak things to work with 9 but we don't have enough to get a game going as the rules are currently stated, sadly.
  9. Bump. Need 3 more, spread the word tell your friends lets round up a few more faces. @JardyB10 You play Pallet play this! *runs*
  10. Sitting at 7 signups currently. I'll leave this open another day or so, 12 is our minimum to get started so I'l leave signups open for another day or so so we can at least hit our min. Thanks for signing back up btw everyone, it's appreciate after the hiatus/last game.
  11. Mass tagging the folks who played in the last game that was run to completion. Was burdened by a lot of stuff when I was running this last time, so I wanted to give a nice long break to make sure the next time I ran it, I had the time to commit to it proper. So here we go, is anyone still interested in giving this another go? Recruiting for Game 4 now! Just reply here to sign up.
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