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Status Replies posted by DollarAndADream

  1. can we bring back chat already lack of chat is why league dying

  2. can we bring back chat already lack of chat is why league dying

  3. Hello the VHl. I just want you to know that the hottest thread in the league right now is a thread that only 10 people are allowed to see.


    Kay bye 

  4. Now that I'm all happy optimistic and high looks like what I did yesterday was stupid as fuck. Stupid as in I went too far and crossed some lines. But that troll was asking to be fed. And he makes himself an easy target cuz there's a big for sale sign hanging from his fly. And he has a carticacture face. Wow that's a big word for a ESL like me. Ok punkhippie out I shall start on my coursework because I have big ambitions this time and taking uni quite seriously

  5. Now that I'm all happy optimistic and high looks like what I did yesterday was stupid as fuck. Stupid as in I went too far and crossed some lines. But that troll was asking to be fed. And he makes himself an easy target cuz there's a big for sale sign hanging from his fly. And he has a carticacture face. Wow that's a big word for a ESL like me. Ok punkhippie out I shall start on my coursework because I have big ambitions this time and taking uni quite seriously

  6. Now that I'm all happy optimistic and high looks like what I did yesterday was stupid as fuck. Stupid as in I went too far and crossed some lines. But that troll was asking to be fed. And he makes himself an easy target cuz there's a big for sale sign hanging from his fly. And he has a carticacture face. Wow that's a big word for a ESL like me. Ok punkhippie out I shall start on my coursework because I have big ambitions this time and taking uni quite seriously

  7. Now that I'm all happy optimistic and high looks like what I did yesterday was stupid as fuck. Stupid as in I went too far and crossed some lines. But that troll was asking to be fed. And he makes himself an easy target cuz there's a big for sale sign hanging from his fly. And he has a carticacture face. Wow that's a big word for a ESL like me. Ok punkhippie out I shall start on my coursework because I have big ambitions this time and taking uni quite seriously

  8. The past few days of VHL have been among my favorite. Both you turds mouthed me off for so long. "What a shit GM this guy is,." "Suiting person for Stockholm." I put both you clowns on tilt to the tune of one flame war and one GM retirement. Hey at least you can sleep on a bed of money tonight Zimmers, lol.

  9. Finally back from camping since Wednesday. Time to catch up on VHL stuff.

  10. Finally back from camping since Wednesday. Time to catch up on VHL stuff.

  11. Hey yo where da Sims at. What is this season 55?

  12. i miss getting a bunch of chat tabs going :(

  13. Gabriel McAllister, Mattias Forsberg, Xavier Laflamme, Aleksei Federov, Ay Ay Ron, Key Perought... Possibly better than Calgary's Scheel, Leblanc, Gowecny, Savard, Volkov, and Jacob or Toronto's Reinholdt, Boeser, Do, Sokolov, Lane, and Ironside?

  14. What's the point of the VFHL if there's no feedback/interaction during the season ? 

  15. So are GFX worth 7TPE now? I see a bunch of people claiming that...

  16. So are GFX worth 7TPE now? I see a bunch of people claiming that...

  17. Why is Gowecny not on the Wranglers roster in the sim? He's the GM player of all people. I demand re-sim

  18. Oh shit! Just saw that @Frank is 175+23 TPE. Savard + Aleksei + Ying = Vegas repeat?

  19. How does TC work now? Back then teams had a budget to choose which workouts would be available to the team. I don't see anything in the TC forum about it.

  20. It's a bird, it's a plane... no it's @Kendrick crying. Call the Wambulance, his VHLM team is going nowhere lol

  21. The Robbie Zimmers agency pulls off the rare VHL and VHLM title in the same season. SWC3 retires a 3 time champ and V2A makes the jump to the VHL next season a 2 time VHLM Champ. Oh and the Aces are going for back to back championships maybe even back to back to back

  22. Will be releasing a MS "You're Pathetic" this week. Won't name the person I am talking about but he will know.

  23. Ladies and gentlemen, your shoutout record holder Asterisk Moon*

  24. Ladies and gentlemen, your shoutout record holder Asterisk Moon*

  25. Times are fucked. But watching American Gods a show I worked heavily on gets my mind off shit. You peeps should check it out

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