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Status Replies posted by DollarAndADream

  1. Friend trying to explain to me how drinking is bad......bitch who tf u talking to?

  2. I'm always on the ropes about whether or not I'd like to be a GM.

  3. fyi Max Molholt won 6670 reg season face-offs from S47 to S50

  4. Fuck you, XCOM, for taking my life from me

  5. Fuck you, XCOM, for taking my life from me

  6. Fun Fact: both of the goalies taken in the first round of the S48 draft were traded for a Clegane the next year

  7. what is this blue garbage that my theme got changed to?

  8. Technically if we're talking about hockey, success is wins, and goals get you wins, sooooooo

  9. Stay tuned for my upcoming VHL ASMR podcast. It will leave your pantaloons in a mess.

  10. I'm going to have to think of a name for my secondary player! So unbelievablyfreaking excited!! 

  11. I'm going to have to think of a name for my secondary player! So unbelievablyfreaking excited!! 

  12. hey at least make a fake NA Game 6 thread so it's not spoiled immediately, c'mon

  13. Bears traded their whole team and are still the best team in Europe and have the best LAST 10 record. #WhatsUp

  14. Overwatch PC > PS3

  15. I have a one-game scoring streak :usa::usa:

  16. Everyone should take 5 minutes today and spam VHL recruitment on a random website. You get a free TPE for it. TY 

  17. Make that one BOG guy proud and come discuss the McCann-Gudbranson trade with me in the NHL thread!

  18. @brovy The new COD trailer has only been out for like 2 weeks and it is within the top 10 most disliked videos of all time


    #lol future space stuff sucks

    #bring back world war II

  19. Be patient, Jardy is still busy ri.gging game 5

  20. Apply for Media Reviewer today! It's an easy to earn extra TPE!

  21. Rookies, new members, anyone: Apply today as a writing grader! It's simple!


  22. Rookies, new members, anyone: Apply today as a writing grader! It's simple!


  23. Rookies, new members, anyone: Apply today as a writing grader! It's simple!


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