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Status Replies posted by DollarAndADream

  1. Times are fucked. But watching American Gods a show I worked heavily on gets my mind off shit. You peeps should check it out

  2. Sometimes life fucks you around and you question why it happens... but hey! I return in a few days i think...

  3. My agency could bring another player at the deadline. Name idea ? 

  4. This season is slowly becoming the #screwvegasseason forcing trades? Just placing players on other teams because who cares? Why don't you just take all my players I'd you are outright gonna admit to fucking me?

  5. V2A with back to back to back SO's. Vegas is now 21-0

  6. Is this recruitment drive with massive incentives the league's way of trying to take Vegas down?

  7. NHL 17 (PS4) ?

  8. It's difficult to understand some things on this forum. I need to improve my English skill little bit. 


  9. Next two games are going to be weird. Do I want Sokolov to score or do I want to keep the shutout streak alive? AKA do I hate Locke or Skye more?

  10. Las Vegas LR season thread already has 6 pages. The season hasn't even started lol

  11. VHFL happening this season?

  12. @Da Trollfecta has a post in the Las Vegas locker room called "How to Succeed at Goalie [Guide to building a goalie]"

  13. @TheWholeVHL Can you guys get your shit together and look at the update scale before updating? Thanks.

  14. Las Vegas Aces have so much talent this season that their only problem is how will they spread it out

  15. Las Vegas Aces have so much talent this season that their only problem is how will they spread it out

  16. Las Vegas Aces have so much talent this season that their only problem is how will they spread it out

  17. Jarvi ends up T4th in points in a single season. Thrower ends up 3rd in Rookie points in a single season! #SignInCologne

  18. So. Did everyone forget about VHFL?

  19. The only thing depreciated last night was my girlfriend's attitude when I made Kraft Dinner. @DollarAndADream @The Bread Man

  20. Was the site just not working for me or anyone else too? :( 

  21. All I care about at the moment is the VHLM Dispersal Draft. Where is Ironside's new home?

  22. All I care about at the moment is the VHLM Dispersal Draft. Where is Ironside's new home?

  23. Friend trying to explain to me how drinking is bad......bitch who tf u talking to?

  24. Steam users, if i buy a new laptop would I be able to transfer my games over as well?

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