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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Sweet. Glad you’re feeling the VHL vibe.
  3. SEATTLE - it’s a topic most players in most professional leagues don’t ask themselves until it’s all over. The prospect of a career ending doesn’t cross one’s mind at the start or middle of the career and often doesn’t set in until near the end or at the very end. It’s at the time of taking off the gloves for the last time, I’m tying skates, and lifting the jersey over your head one final time that it finally hits you. As if your life were ending your career flashes in your mind and eyes. You were left, reflecting .It’s at the time of taking off the gloves for the last time, I’m tying skates, and lifting the jersey over your head one final time. Did it finally hits you. As if your life were ending your career flashes in your mind and eyes. You were left reflecting on the career that you had and you no longer will and you begin to question what is next for you. Where will you go from here? What will you do? Will you still get to be involved in the VHL? This is a question that Mikhail Kovalchuk was recently asked at an interview. This is what they had to say! “ i’ve been very honoured to be able to play in the VHL like my father Maxim did. I have been able to live the dream that so many young hockey players, all throughout the world dream of. I’m very fortunate to be in a position where I still have a lot of hockey left to play too. i’ve had a lot of special moments in my career. I’ve been able to play in North America and in Europe, and in both locations I’ve had an amazing time. Prague was very cool! Experiencing the culture and just hockey there was a very neat experience. I played pretty good hockey too. In London it was also very cool, and I gotta play it under management that I really enjoyed. The team was also very good and a close group. I’ve also been fortunate enough to find my way back to the team that drafted me when I was just a rookie player starting their dream. Seattle has always been my home and I’m very happy to be back but I’m also very fortunate for all the experiences I’ve had elsewhere. Who knows maybe before the end of my career I will end up somewhere else! for my statistics I have been very consistent and usually in the 60 point range. While I would like to be higher, I don’t think anyone can argue that I haven’t been a consistent player and generally I’m pretty good. I was really expecting to step it up this season in my return to Seattle, but it hasn’t turned out like that so far. I mean I guess I’m doing pretty good in all stats, but I would definitely like a lot more points. I’m really hoping to turn that up. It’s fun to reflect on my career as often times you can kind of get lost in it. I know some players can’t even get bored of a career which is very surprising, but I understand. This reflection is made me happy that I still have a lot of time left in the league and as long as everything goes well I’m very excited for it.” 570 words. With a broken hand Yep Yep Yep
  4. Bana Blabs Down Under #65 S88 VHL Index G'day, everyone. For the second time today, I am back and wishing you all well. I figured it is degen hours, my girlfriend is at work, and I am at home with my fractured hand and arm in a cast, so might as well write my media spot and get the week finished for earning. Outside of what’s going on in the last article, I am still looking for jobs in Australia. Literally the day after I got back from the hospital and seen the x-rays of my fractured metacarpal bone, I got four phone calls about jobs. Two were from agencies, one I never ended up speaking to, and the other was an employer, letting me know that I was hired for the position of helping them export bees from Australia to Canada. Unfortunately after the weekend and some thought I had to decline.. skip forward a week and a day, and I have been shortlisted to another job, which is good news. Aside from the job search, I am sad that I have a cast because this means I cannot go swimming. RIP. I also can’t do many other things which leaves me with the ability to lurk on the VHL and what a good time it is to lurk in the shadows. Season has started, and things are really feeling good throughout the league. Activity is decent and new members are joining, the drama is low and I feel like things are just moving along smoothly. This also includes the regular season! With that being said, let us blab my people. 9-0-2 is the record of the Seattle Bears at the time of writing this media spot. I think based off looking at a roster a lot of people thought that Seattle was going to be good, but I think the record that we have for any team at any time is pretty remarkable. I’m really happy with how the entire team has played. Not a single player. Hasn’t played the role on the team or hasn’t contributed to the success that we’ve had so far as a team we have come together and have built something very special. North America seems to be struggling a little bit. I think Seattle has a seven point lead on the New York Americans who are in second. I expect this gap to close as the season progresses. However it’s just crazy how different North America is to the European conference. Helsinki and Davos lead the way over there and it’s also very surprising that Riga, and Moscow are struggling. Additionally, to the European conference, I was somewhat surprised to see Prague as high as they were. I guess them selling off those players like they did and that one massive trade made me think things were maybe going to go backwards for them. However, looking at the roster they’re pretty damn good they’re going to potentially be a strong force in Europe. I must say, I truly enjoy the salary cap bump as well as the bracket changes. I really hope that the league decides to keep things as they are as it feels like the small room and adjustment changes have really helped ease the pressure that was on the system this system I felt as though I was about to burst it’s definitely opened up the gates, a little bit and has a loud and natural flow. This is good for so many reasons. ONE Bana Australia Fact or Learning from the week #4: This week I struggled to pick between two options. The one I chose not to talk about was how shitty the drivers are in Perth. Maybe we will get to that one next week, but I think it’s an important fact for people who are coming to Perth to know. They’re horrible here. This week I wanna be a typical Canadian in Australia and talk about the weather. It’s pretty beautiful over here in Perth I’ve noted and it’s well known that in the summer times it’s very dry, very hot, with very few clouds in the sky. We have now progressed a little bit into fall and while it’s still very warm throughout the day, it’s neat how cool it feels in the evenings in nights. We still hit mid 20s throughout the day but at night time it might drop to 14 and one day this week I think it’s supposed to hit 10. These temperatures would be beautiful in Canada. I’m unsure if my body has acclimated to the warmth that is here. I know for sure I sweat a lot less during the day which is fucking beautiful but these temperatures that would normally be warm in Canada are cool to my skin. Also, in Perth, it rains a lot in the winter. While it hasn’t rained a crazy amount yet this fall we have had a couple days and wow is it pretty cool. I think I’ve seen rain three days while in Australia, and in all three days it poured as hard as it possibly could. One minute you’re watching TV and the next you’re looking out the window because you just hear this intense noise from inside.. very cool for someone that really likes weather like that. About the photo: This picture was taken on one of our last nights in Sydney Australia. You can see the beautiful CBD lit up in the background as well as the opera House. The lights were incredibly beautiful. Sometimes the bridge would be lit up for the pride, events happening, and some of the buildings to. We were on our way back from having dinner with a drink after spending the day in Sydney adventuring the park and other things. It was such an amazing incredible experience to be able to spend a week in Sydney. I really wish we had another week so we could just check it out more. Another thing that I missed from there Is the ferry rides. The rides like this in the evening and even the ones in the morning we’re absolutely beautiful and very peaceful. You can definitely say the opposite about any train ride or bus right here in Perth. if you were taking the line from Mandurah to Perth you better hope it’s during the daytime hours. Quite the characters once you start going that way. We had so much fun in Sydney and it was honestly one of the best times of my life getting to experience everything that we did with the person I got to experience it with. By no means are we a perfect couple and yes we fight but this picture sums up pretty well, the overall of our relationship. Thank you to anybody who took the time to read this. It’s been a lot of fun sharing my times in Australia with y’all. While it is still very crazy that I am here, It’s been a lot of fun and definitely something in life I am never going to forget and will probably always have an effect on my life. Until next time VHL stay well! Claiming for this week and next week 10-16 17-23
  5. Bana Blabs Down Under #64 S88 VHL Index G'day, everyone. I hope things are going good for you in life and that everyone had a good Easter weekend. Myself and my partner ended up doing absolutely nothing this weekend. I introduced her to Game of Thrones, and despite her having her doubts, she became incredibly hooked to it, and that’s how we spent her four days off. Sunday night we made a nice little vegan dinner, which was mashed potatoes and gravy, cooked carrots and broccoli, a salad and The magical, vegan form of turkey. For the VHL, Lots has been happening as the regular season has gotten underway. Probably one of the more electric times during the season, other than maybe playoffs if you are involved in the playoffs. I think most teams are at least 10 games or so into the regular season so let’s quickly blab. My player has struggled slightly out of the gate. To be fair five points in 11 games isn’t great but overall the rest of their statistics are pretty solid. I do think I am going to start banking now as regression is going to tickle me good. we recently had back to back games against the Calgary wranglers, and managed to beat them in both games. While I understand, we are very fresh into the new season, it is very nice to pick up two big wins against a very big team. I feel very alive this season as general manager of the Seattle Bears. When you have been going this long as hedgehog, and I, I think it’s normal to sometimes feel the longevity shutter on our bones from time to time. Never has it been an issue but this season I feel very very alive. I’m very grateful for the team that we have and the amount of work they put into making Seattle as good as it is. Thank you bears!
  6. Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #3 Press Conference Rules Seattle Bears Team Page S87 VHL Draft S87 VHL Index S87 VHLE Index S87 VHLM Index This season's PC's: #1 #2 *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! 21. @CowboyinAmerica recently broke the record for all time TPE earned in a career. How did the Bears help him celebrate? 22. Seattle is off to a hot start. is this surprising for you? Why do you feel they’re as hot as they are right now? 23. how happy are you with your players performance so far? 24. Seattle is coming out with a new cologne brand. What is the name and what is the scent? 25. Outside of Seattle, what team has been the biggest surprise so far this season? 26. A fan made a sign for your player in the stands at a home game. what did the sign say? What did it look like? 27. Who is one of your biggest rivals on the ice in the VHL?
  7. Both goalies playing big this season @DarkSpyro
  8. @Mr goalie welcome!!
  9. Hi DeGroot This Booberry guy is pretty good. Maybe that’s why Seattle traded for him?? Makes sense now! BEARZ
  10. @RstortonYT hi
  11. Welcome! @Asneakysnake65
  12. @ItsItzNick welcome! How are you finding things?
  13. Bana Blabs Down Under #63 S88 Index Hello, everyone. I hope the weekend has been good to you and if you’re celebrating Easter or any of the other things right now that it’s all going well. VHL season is now underway - almost 10 games deep and you can feel the excitement in the league. Lots of new members too which is always great to see. I’m sure others have been good at it too but props to @AJW for his consistency welcoming new members. Has motivated me to hop in on some too.. outside of that, let’s quickly blah to earn the final TPE I need to get 12/12. Seattle is off to a hot start and it’s nice to see. 5-0-2 to start S88. Things are clicking and feeling good but lots of virtual puck left to play. Heads down, keep grinding, Bears! Big congrats to @CowboyinAmerica for grabbing the most TPE record earned in a career once again. Neat accomplishment to hold and one that will be challenging to defeat. Very few can come close I’d assume! I think both times they’ve grabbed the record they’ve been on Seattle too! PPosting some nice numbers so far this season too! HAPPY to see Bogatyrev @Bojovnik get the start they have deserved for so long. Tons of time and effort into their player.. I was so pumped to draft them and turned down a different draft option that shocked a lot.. and have been happy with this choice! I’m their biggest fan and we’re gonna get em that Dustin Funk!!! LASTLY.. @Berocka Posted Wednesday at 03:29 PM Is it actually called sweet Thai chilli sauce in WA? Here it's just sweet chilli. Have you tried sweet chilli Philly yet? In my fridge waiting:
  14. Dear VSN, Please see: VHL Drug and Alcohol Policy.
  15. BEARZ
  16. Go Slater Go!
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