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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. No ahma?!?!
  2. Nixon Caldwell (D) and Alexander the Great (F) are missing from SEA.
  3. Kasper Kankkunen -D Timothy Brown - F @Nykonax
  4. It's been a career of down, down, down and up for Isabella Campbell. While the first 3 seasons of her career weren't anything too poor as she put up decent numbers, they weren't anything which the fans of Seattle or herself had expected. During her rookie campaign, she only managed 15 goals, 16 assists for 31 points on the season. While this number is kind of shitty, at least it was on her rookie season. During her sophomore season, she raised the bar a little bit, hit 27 goals, 31 assists for 58 points and finally looked like she was starting to heat up. By this time, she was expecting to be in the 60-70 point range. Was that wishful thinking? Probably, but it could and has been done by many before. The following season, she seen the dip and that's where she claims the "down, down, down" comes from. While it's actually "expected, up, down, up" for her career, it's safe to say she can be a little hard on herself but also a bit realistic too. Then came the season where she finally broke out. Season #4 of her career and basically time to start making a name for herself. Her HoF chances are basically out the window (which she never really cared about anyway), but there's a lot left to salvage. Now that she's broken the ice and got. championship under her belt, it's only going to continue to go up for her. Heading into the upcoming season, the Bears have positioned themselves to be a pretty strong team once again. Isabella is making it her mission to elevate her play once again to ensure her team and teammates have the best odds at being successful. We met up with her to do some quacking blabbing for that magical word count. What are your goals for this season? I want the Seattle Bears to destroy the league. I know that sounds silly, but I want to win, win, win and win some more. Big games! Huge scores! I want to be putting the puck into the net, helping my teammates collect the goals and throw up some wicked point totals. I really want to come off of this championship and scare the league. We're a powerful team on paper, but that doesn't mean anything. It's not rare for big teams like us to fail out of the gate or toward the end and having everything come crashing down. It's very likely but we're gonna try and put on a hell of a season and hopefully playoffs too! As for my predictions for my offensive game, hmm.. that's a tough one.. I'm hoping for 45-50 goals, 50+ assists, 95-100 points or more would be absolutely great and you know, a hit a game as that's something I'm working on improving too! Thoughts on the Bears moves this off-season? Woo hoo! That's basically all I can say. We added Venus Thightrap which is bad ass. She's my render twin with that absolutely gorgeous knight woman, ya know? Then we added the one and only MATTY, aka James Rose. Want to throw the cherry on top? Somehow we get one of the more elite d-men currently playing the game in Kasper Kankkunen. Yeah, his name is still difficult to spell but I think I'm hitting the nail on the head. If not, love him anyway, lol. We're a great team this season. We might even be better than last year. We've aged a bit, but we've also managed to turn the clock back on a few pieces too. Super exciting times. Go Bears Go! 610 Words Donations Double week for this week.
  5. IDK about that, pal. When I googled "derphorse logo", the new logo was the first one on the images page.
  6. Good bye baby
  7. You were good
  8. A goalie? Ffs
  9. Way too much truth in the chodesode.
  10. Oh don't you worry, 16.... the LR will be getting live pics as they come
  11. New team, but can't snub the man.. Good luck everyone! Andrew Su - F (new one isn't added???) @Nykonax You're on the clock Team Bana F - Andrew Su (CGY) F - F - D - D - G -
  12. Well, the week is over and a new week is about to begin. Spent the day doing some minor yard work, gaming, eating and enjoying my final day off before I go back to hell for 8 days. Fortunately, after spending 8 days in hell, I'll be off on a 8 day vacation to the beautiful mountains to do some hiking and fishing - so nothing can fuck up this week... right?! Time to get all the stuff done for the week so I can focus on getting shit done, speeding the time up and getting on to paradise. Off-season is dwindling down for the league, so let's get to the 15th BLAB! VHLM draft was tonight. I popped into the stream for a little bit. No clue who was on it other than @Acydburn and @Rayzor_7. There was another guy that sounded like a real yahoo! Congrats to all of the players drafted, good luck and enjoy yourselves in the VHLM. It's an awesome league if you just focus on the "NOW" and not the "THEN". The VHL is great and that's the goal, but enjoy the little things too. Seattle traded for @16z. Trade talks started late, late last night after a little bit of an announcement from the Queen's GM @McWolf. I tried to get Kankkunen from him a season or two ago, so once I seen the opportunity pop up, I did not hesitate. The member has always intrigued me and their player is good with even more potential. The trade talks went well, we both caught some sleep and then today just gave some time for other GM's. End of the day, we got our man and hopefully we helped London the best we could too. Tried to be as fair as possible given the circumstances and help out everyone involved (both GM's, teams and the players involved). Enjoyable, easy talks are always sweet! @Rayzor_7 was finally hired as a manager and I was super pumped. Fuck yes! About time. I think he's gonna do good work in Helsinki and that those playing in HSK will eventually agree. I know I've been a GM forever and honestly, I love it still. I love meeting the new people, having the best of experiences with so many people and everyone coming together from all different angles and areas of life.. whenever that cools down, it will probably be my time.. Rayz was my heir to the throne and I felt so bad that it may take a long time... happy he finally got what he's deserved!
  13. Best of luck chasing it.. but Seattle >
  14. Best of luck in Moscow!!
  15. Lol nice. You know it’s BS especially with Su not unleashing his offensive talents
  16. Good luck this upcoming season
  17. Awesome. Love how you got the questions!
  18. Thanks, Frosty. The “crew” and those times were awesome and I’m glad we’re able to keep them going. It is part of the family I’m always preaching, hah. Sometimes players part from a team and that can be it, but that hasn’t been the case with those you named and even a bunch from later teams. DA BEARZ
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