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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. glad you're enjoying the league man, you've been very active, engaged and just a super fun player to have on the team. It's always nice when we can provide positive experiences as that is what it's all about, you will be greatly missed when you go up to DC haha.
  2. http://efl.network/topic/13067-beep-beep-heres-our-new-qb/ +6 efl
  3. Ruutu come join San Diego 2nd line mins + pp and pk time to kill it
  4. love to hear it. I'll be home in about 20 minutes and I'll get everything sent out to you ASAP
  5. Welcome @Caboose30 I am the GM of the SD Marlins, and I would be happy to offer you a spot in our top 6. You'd get tons of playing time, tons of opportunity for growth and the opportunity to play for a fun team. If you'd like to accept, quote this offer and we'll make things official!
  6. MexicanCow has absolutely been one of the best members here for me. From the get-go I chose him for his enthusiasm to just want to be involved and he's been driven and never lost that drive or enthusiasm through the seasons he's been my AGM. He's always open to listen, always around to help when it's needed, and will absolutely be an excellent selection for the next GM of the Las Vegas Aces. He's done his waiting in my opinion, he's been turned down, told to continue doing his thing, showing he can handle it, and I feel like every time he's been told no, he's bounced back and just been even stronger and more consistent. Go get it kid....make me proud!
  7. welcome @Grant you know you always have a place on San Diego. Right now it would be third line minutes just due to the number of guys we've signed but if you grow before them, I always reward activity quote to accept if you wanna join us!
  8. hey @Alex Bridge we spoke in the discord, you were looking for a team and as mentioned we'd be happy to offer you top 6 minutes, PP and PK mins as well (2nd line). We're San Diego and if you accept, just quote this and accept it!
  9. Love to see it! Welcome to the Marlins, I'll DM you now cheers.
  10. @Mark Parrett glad to see you took my suggestion, awesome position to pick. I'm the San Diego GM, I'd love to offer you a chance to start on our top pairing on every possible combination of lines, maximizing your minutes. We are a bit more of a relaxed, re-tooling team, so I will be upfront with you in case you do want to go straight to a competing team, but if you want to pad your stats and just get lots of points, and learn from a sim league veteran, I'm your go-to guy. If you choose to come here, just quote this offer saying "I accept", otherwise enjoy wherever you go, I hope you have a fun experience!
  11. tough tough loss there man, gg Minnesota for sure.
  12. Excited for you to join the team. I’ll be sending you a DM shortly
  13. @ng1291 Welcome to the VHL! I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, one of the newer teams to the league, and this season we are taking more a rebuilding phase to our team. That being said, we want to have fun, and if you read our graphic above this message, you know what our key virtues are within this team. When it comes to playing time, because we’re rebuilding, we can guarantee you MAX PLAYING TIME, MEANING YOU’LL GET LOTS OF CHANCES TO SCORE, ASSIST AND JUST HAVE FUN OUT ON THE ICE. If you choose to accept this, just quote it and we’ll get the process started.
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