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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Gustav

  1. So what you're saying is you want a resim.
  2. I like the St. Louis logo the best but most of them suck imo.There isn't a single one that doesn't look like a default logo in the "create a team" mode of NHL (does that still exist? I haven't played in a while). Best thing to do right now is to look at every team on social media and pick one that doesn't have a toxic fanbase.
  3. Gustav

    DAV/RIG; S70

    Boi you don't even know what the whole trade is.
  4. Gustav

    DAV/RIG; S70

    Indeed. I may be stupid but I'm not that stupid.
  5. BIG NEWS! Don't worry about us, I'll stop complaining about sims now. Best of luck with everything...don't know you in real life but you seem like you'll be a good dad!
  6. What's with the tags? I searched "sexy" and got this list. Getting in the way of my VHL porn feed smh
  7. God I sound like my nose is plugged
  8. Thanks to @Berocka for talking me into this. It was an experience, even if I kind of sucked at it. Also thanks to @Esso2264 for being French. Can I claim this bad boy for the next two weeks? If so, I'll be doing that.
  9. inb4 he goes active
  10. This guy.
  11. Don't let this distract you from the fact that I'm applying for the job.
  12. I thought this would quiet down after I compared you to Greta Thunberg.
  13. I'd like to apply again
  14. One thing I don't love about the VHLM is the fact that either you're tanking or you're getting rid of all the picks you've got to build a stacked roster. If you're not doing one of those two things in any given season you're not going to win a cup. Granted, we should see this changing (a little, at least) very soon--with the increase of the VHLM cap to 250 rather than 200, it might not be the best idea to sell off your entire roster as a GM, as really anyone who isn't a TPE whore will likely spend two seasons in the minors. I'm hoping some team strategy gets built around this, but at the same time the league should keep an eye open for players being encouraged to stay down and slow their earning, which is highly unethical if done by the VHLM GM.
  15. Go ahead, but keep in mind that every Halifax GM in recent memory has disappeared. Don't want to be one of them.
  16. Would "this hurts my soul" not make him the subject?
  17. What if there were seasonal awards for "worst player" or "worst GM"? Probably won't happen officially but I'd be willing to have seasonal votes in the thunderdome if there's interest.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. McWolf


      The Anti-Awards Show: a VSN presentation 


    3. Phil


      Phil Marleau for Worst Player! I voted! 

    4. efiug


      tfw u are always worst player

  18. Nobody: Dil:
  19. The prosecution should have hired a lawyer who agreed with them, I'll admit that.
  20. Opens up Bible Clears throat
  21. Couple solid games from Jerry today, but can I start blocking shots again? I'm losing my only claim to fame.
  22. Couldn't the case be made, though, that he's referring to himself as a grader? That's how I read it and I feel like it at least works better in context.
  23. I apply as well.
  24. I'm going to call in my lawyer @diamond_ace
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