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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Review: Oh I see. When you aren't good at cutting out a player, you cut up a player. All kidding aside, it looks very nice indeed. I love the design and you pulled it off very well. Job well done.
  2. Review: Very cool design. I like what you did and yes, it is simple. I think you achieved your goal and it looks very nice. I am sure there are a ton of things that could be applied. but that would defeat the concept you were going for. Well done.
  3. Review: Lanny McDonald was a character back in the day. Happy to see some good'ol hockey players being used. As a first attempt, you did fine. There are plenty of tutorials at there on just about every program there is. I would take your time and learn the basics. Overall you did a fine job. Keep working at it, you will be great.
  4. Review: I like your concept. Thinking out of the box is always fun and can be rewarding. I could say you did a good job at making your point. A few technical cleanups and it would be very nice. Overall good effort.
  5. The draft finally came and went. A lot of nervous players watched closely at as the teams selected the players they had on their list. It was a happy time for Guy LeGrande who was chosen 14th overall by the HC Davos Dynamo team. Happy as hell to be selected by a team with some very good players and GM. Guy LeGrande will have his work cut out for him if he is to maintain a roster spot. This of course is not something that Guy is worried about. Hard work and dedication is in his DNA. He plans to learn his trade from his new team mates and apply himself to better the team. Guy LeGrande is very much a team player, an asset that most likely raised him up a few places in the draft. Going into the season with a good attitude and some hard work, Guy hopes to earn some minutes as he hones his skills. He will be a very good defensemen when he learns the ropes in the big league. With an talented lineup lead by a very smart GM, Guy LeGrande is on his way to living his dream.
  6. How do you feel about the off season trades? It looks like some teams were clearly going for picks for long term results. What do you see as the ceiling for this team this season? I think we are going to be in the upper half of the standings by the end of the season. What do you see as the strength of the team? Our team is built for the future and but has a strong core. I see that as a great strength. What do you see as the basic needs for the draft? A team has to keep the pipeline going or it will not sustain any position in this league. The draft is the main way to do this. What is your favorite VHLM logo and why? Halifax all the way. I am loyal to the team I played for. Who is your favorite GM in the league and why? That would be Shawn because he drafted me. Loyalty matters.
  7. About 5 hours after the limit but who am I to point this out. Good pick
  8. Gold: Canada Silver: World Bronze: USA
  9. @AcousticKazoo has passed the 50 tpe mark.
  10. 1. What do you think about getting your careers started with the 21st? It was a really fun time at Halifax. Good team and I learned a lot. 2. Any opinions on teams at the VHL level that you may want to play for? If you don't know any, that's totally fine. I am just looking for a team that has good structure and has a plan for success. 3.What's your long term goal on the VHL forums? I always check into the forums for all the latest news. 4. What are your kong term goals? Cups, HOF, etc? First off I would feed him a banana. Then my goals would be to win a cup at some point in my career. 5. Favorite NHL hockey team? L.A. Kings 6. Are you staying down in the VHLM a season or going straight up? I am over cap so I will be drafted to the VHL.
  11. Doug got hit so many times, he can't remember his own name. Thanks Acyd.
  12. Review: Not bad VanCanWinkle. Not too many people use a phone but you use what you have, right? It looks really good for what it is. I like the concept for sure. For the love of God, get on a PC and do it right, you would be awesome. Great work.
  13. Review: It looks like it has all the right elements, but maybe needs a bit of contrast in there to make the player pop a bit. Just seems a notch too far on the washed out side. Overall you did an excellent job. Every comment is just an opinion and that doesn't make any of them correct. Eyeball test shows you have skills, just needs a few tweaks. Great effort.
  14. Review: Nice first effort. Just keep at it and you will be fine. One thing I would do is make it smaller. No need to have it so large. Work on a few effects and you will be well on your way. Good job.
  15. Review: You did a great job with the jersey logo. I struggle with that effect and you got it right. The background is ok but the player really makes this graphic work. Great effort.
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