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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Review: Thinking outside the box, I love it. I like the whole concept. Haven't really seen anything similar to it's design. Well done.
  2. Review: Looks really good. I like the background effect. Logo looks great. Well done sir.
  3. Want to claim a doubles week for week ending 6/2
  4. I haven't a clue how to make a graphic but I am trying to learn. I WILL be better. First step for everyone.
  5. 1. I look at it this way, every team is our rival. We want to beat them all. 2. It's going to be close. They are both very talented and I believe they are just heating up. Going to be fun to watch. 3. I need to be consistent. 4. Team chemistry is great. Everyone works together like a Swiss watch. 5. I have been really working on my puck handling skills along with defensive structure. 6. My team mates would be one of the best parts of my experience so far in the VHLM.
  6. Review: Nice work. Looks like you really put some thought into this project. I like how each one is a completely different concept. I would be happy to wear any of them.
  7. I give you permission to go pee.?
  8. Name: Guy LeGrande Age: 18 Position: Defense Height: 6’3” Weight: 210 lbs. Birthplace: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Guy was raised by his father, Ron, as his mother died after giving birth. She was actually dead before the birth due to a horrible car crash and determined brain dead. Her body was kept stable so Guy could be born. A tragic time for the LeGrande family. His father was a hard working man. Devoted to his wife and now his only son. He handled it the best he could and if not for the strength of his father, Guy would not be the person he is today. During the first year, Guy was cared for by his best friends wife Tracie. She was a very caring woman with two young children of her own, so Guy fit in just fine. His dad worked long hours but always had time to spend with his son. He was there at every milestone in a babies life. First step, first words, first everything. Guy was his world. In turn, Guy's father was everything to him and all he had. As he reached the age of 5, he had already shown interest in playing street hockey with the kids on his street. Everyday there would be a few of them out there playing and Guy wanted to be a part of that. Guy was not a small kid, tall and stocky for his age, the right ingredients to compete with the street kids. Guy's dad was nervous and happy at the same time he wanted him to play. He did everything he could to instruct him on what to do. His dad played years ago in a Beer League as a Defensemen so he had the insight to show him some things before he went out for the first time. Guy played the whole day. He was beat and battered and loved every minute of it. The neighborhood kids fully embraced him and wanted him to play all the time. That was the start of Guy LeGrande, defensemen in the VHL. By the end of the year, he was on his first pee wee team. Guy's father was happy for Guy but not happy about making hockey the only thing in Guy's life. Guy was in for some rule changes, dad's rules. Back Down to Earth Guy had a great first season in hockey. He was playing defensemen like he wanted, because his dad did. All was great until the end of the season and dad had “the talk”. Ron explained to Guy that he really wanted him to continue playing hockey but not until he was further along in school. He didn't want his son to be stuck in a low paying job and to not rely on some fantasy about making the pros someday and being rich. He wanted his boy to learn and be smart. Be smart with his time, his work ethic, and his money later on. The whole growing up plan laid out in front of him at a young age. Guy was so young, but did not even question a word his did said. If that's what his dad thought, it must be the right way. So school was first, hockey second. This really was one of the early defining times in Guy's life. It would prove that his father was a very smart man and cared deeply for his son. The next several years Guy excelled in school. He actually loved school and had a knack for making friends. He was able to join the High School Hockey team, and records started to fall. He was a natural at skating. His team mates loved him. The coach couldn't believe he had a player in the school that way outclassed anyone in the school league. It was a great time in the life of Guy LeGrande. By the time he was in his senior year, he was being scouted by many colleges around North America. The pressure to succeed was never higher, but he didn't miss a beat. One scout commented on his skating and positioning are on par with some comparable superstars when at the same age. He was a standout, they all knew he was more than a big kid with a stick. College, Short Lived Well, Boston, here he comes. Looked like a great place to get some real development. He approached college just like high school. Learning first, hockey second. Well that might of worked back home but here in the big city, you played hockey, ate hockey and drank hockey if you wanted to play hockey. You study on your own time. It really went against everything that Guy's dad had instilled into him at a very young age. This was going to be a problem, one that would end his stay at Boston College on his own terms. He did play very good. He loved his team and they loved him as well. You have to have self worth in life and if you feel you are doing something wrong, you fix it. Guy played his heart out and did all of his studies, though it wasn't what he thought it would be like at all. He was there to learn something, and play hockey, in that order. It seemed to him that learning was just a byproduct of playing hockey for them. Well, he talked to his dad about the problems he was having and he wanted to play hockey but wanted to learn something. His dad was very proud of him for having learned those values and understanding what it meant to commit to a life long plan to succeed. Guy decided, drop out of college, go back home and attend a local college. He could always play hockey on his terms on any local team after his studies. That is exactly what he did and not only did he get a BA in law. He also stayed in shape, grew to 6'3” and 210 lbs. A hulking young man with a brain and a degree at only 18, amazing. Now the next stage, “Big Defensemen Looking for Team”. VHL to the rescue This was enough to get a call from VHLM GM Thranduil, asking Guy to join the Halifax 21st as one of their defensemen. From this point on Guy had started his professional hockey career and intends to entertain the world. Now in his first season, he knows he has full faith from his father and teammates and intends to build upon that to become the elite defensemen he knows he will be. Word count: 1104
  9. Guy LeGrande Player Profile Name: Guy LeGrande Age:18 Position: Defenseman Height: 6’-3” Weight: 210 lb. Birthplace:Thunder Bay, ON Guy LeGrande Guy was a big kid with a big heart from early on. Devoted to become a great hockey at every level he played in. Through many development years and being well coached, he caught a chance to begin a dream he has had all his life when Halifax 21st signed him. Now he needs to put in the time and practice to reach his goal of being one of the best defensemen in the league. This will be a defining time in Guy's hockey career. Positives Structure- Guy has always been a nuts and bolts player. He understands the systems he has played in and follows the game plan very well. He prides himself as a fundamentally sound player that stays in his role on the team. He thrives on doing his job the best that he can within the system implemented. He is a responsible defensemen in every sense of the word. Work Ethic- Guy would be considered a “workaholic” by many. He is very focused and has dedicated himself to being a prepared as possible. He always shows up for optional skates and takes time during practice to work on any part of his game the coaches direct him to. He loves the gym and it shows. Some players just go through the motions but Guy is there to learn and better himself and the team. He is the kind of player that brings lifts other players to a higher level, even in practice. Coachable- There are some high skill players that are set in their ways and then there are some that coaches love. Guy is one that coached at every level have admired him for being so receptive to instructions. A your player needs to grow and learn. Guy would be the first to admit that he has a long way to go to get to the top of his game. He interacts well with teammates as well. Some of the older vets would give very good advice to him and you could actually watch him use that advice in games. “Like a lump of clay” one coach commented. You can tell him to try anything and he will give it his all to do what you ask. Very coachable. Negatives Penalties- As with many young players, penalties can be an issue and Guy has had his fair share. He needs to work on controlling his stick when checking players into the boards as most of his penalties are stick infractions. He also is trying to break a bad habit of reaching too much when he does get beat. That almost always leads to a penalty. It isn't anything that is incurable, like anything else, hard work and practice will hopefully do the trick. Puck Handling- Guy really needs to step up his puck handling skills to compete at this higher level. He has good hands but needs to learn how to use them better. With his size and skill set, he isn't using his hands to their full potential. You will see him get robbed of the puck on occasion when there really isn't any reason for it other than he needs to focus on it more or he will be exploited on a nightly basis. Skating- While Guy has a decent top speed, his acceleration leaves a lot to be desired. In today's game, all players need to move quickly as well and move the puck fast. I find the problem with Guy is that he is lacking in that burst speed from the start. A downside to his game that he hopes, through coaching, he can continue to get better at. Looking Forward- Guy is a big young defensemen that wants to excel in the VHL. He will overcome his shortcomings and continue his quest of becoming a premiere defensemen.
  10. Review: I love this sig. The edgy font and the sick effect make it look very good. I also like the color blend. I don't see an issue with anything really. The face and name anyways what I look at first and you did a great job with both.
  11. Review: Very nice face shot. Nice and clear, very well placed. As for the text, well that is kinda all over the place. I do like your choice of font for the last name, but the first name looks out of place with its font and placement. I would also get rid of the side text. Overall a very clean signature. A few moves away from being outstanding in my book.
  12. review: What is not to like about this? I think you nailed the name font and placement. Very bright player face, which is good in my book. Not sure if I like the background contrast but it does do the job. Well done.
  13. review: Great format. I really like a lot about this card. The name placement and player look to be well balanced. On the visual side, it doesn't really "pop" like it could. Some additional work could be done to make this a real thing a beauty. Great card really with some extra work.
  14. review: I really like the black and white background. It really makes your player and effect pop out like it should. Well done on that point. I would have to say that your choice of font and font placement could be better as it seems to take away from the image morer than compliment it. Very well done though.
  15. Review: I really had to look twice at this one. I love it. Very dramatic, dark and to the point. Highlighted faces are really what I focus on and I think that is the whole point. Well done.
  16. review I love your card. I see what others have said and I agree that the format might not be as good as it should be. I would make your name the biggest eye catcher and lose the stats. Great job.
  17. Guy LeGrande 4601-1258-0507-4457 doubles week doubles week (claimed) 5 uncapped TPE (claimed) 1 million (already claimed)
  18. As Guy LeGrande enters his first week in the league, he is finding out that being a young defenseman is tough going. He is working on his game every chance he gets in hopes of making it into a game where he can showcase his defensive talent. He knows there is a lot of work ahead of him if he is to reach his ultimate goal of being an Elite shutdown defenseman, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill his dream. As and young man he has plenty of growth ahead of him and he is working on his skills daily. After watching his work ethic, nobody would doubt that he will indeed reach his goal at some point. Lucky for him he is surrounded by very talented teammates that push and encourage him along the way. Guy LeGrande may not be known to many now, but in time, he will be a legend.
  19. I fixed it. First day and made a mistake. A lot to take in but I hope to do better. Thank you for pointing that out. I need better glasses apparently.
  20. I am here because of you. Confirmed.?
  21. Player Information Username: Steve Player Name: Guy LeGrande Recruited From: Member (VanSlagen) Age: 18 Position: D Height: 75 in. Weight: 210 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
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