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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Im probably pretty close to Rubin with Vlad Komarov he started with so much hope but only hit 500 TPE.
  2. Top line killing them so far Boeser, Keller, Mcknight, Jones, Rayne on fire
  3. Future GM? Giving away another GM opening not announced yet ?
  4. Even as a second language english speaker though id rather be as consistent as possible, i hated losing TPE for it but its a primary english league. I was in the SHL for abit, watching some of the media by guys like Mczherl was painful because nobody kept him in check
  5. Honestly i probably dont make Sergei as good as he is if grading was still around. It takes me 2hours to write a media piece now(yes i know im not amoung the norm). Part of Vlads downfall was when we graded, was it took me 4-5hours to write a media piece to lose TPE despite going over it(mind you my english was worse than now 4 years later). If grading was still around it adds about an hour to my time, and i still probably lose TPE as my grammer/punction arent great given its all self taught.
  6. Who is this sergei komerov
  7. Komarov comes in game 6 says screw this done playing games i got this boys
  8. I hated when we marked grammer as a non english speaker lol. But it did help me grow abit that people to not notice as much that english is my second language
  9. His first season Komarov started off with a bang, 101 points as a rookie a scoring pace that would have him easily win ROY last 3 seasons. 187 hits, 73 shots blocked and a +29 showed he was more than just offense and a future star in the making. Season 58 started full of hope, but Komarov finished with a weak 53 points, along with 294 hits, 37 shots blocked and +15. Well his 2 way game was still strong his offense fell right off a cliff frustrating the young star. Season 59 was an improvement finishing with 65 points. Once again cracking 298 hits, 27 shots blocked to go with a +20. Still a great two way force however would his offense ever really return? Season 60 is where people went wow, finishing with a career high 103 points. Going along with 253 hits, 32 shots blocked and an amazing +66. Is this what we can expect from him untill retirement or is this another one off only time will tell. If Komarov wants to make the HOF he will need more seasons similar to this.
  10. Another nail biter like this series has been the whole time so far
  11. Ottawa vs Saskatoon if there was predictions for who would fight for the cup this woulda been 99% of the choices
  12. Arent you defense? I saw you in the defense vote
  13. Im about 99% sure you cant create both players same year they still have to be 3 seasons apart @Beaviss @Smarch @Will Can any confirm this
  14. This game is more what i expected lol
  15. So Vegas is the first to be crushed
  16. Backstrom reminds me more of good old Adam Oates than Francis but still similar player.
  17. My hats in the rings if @Beketov opens my PM but many good candidates to choose from if they apply
  18. Youve done a great job as GM/Simmer sad to see you step down. Helsinki will be different without you at the Helm
  19. @MWHazard @STZ @MexicanCow @pennypenny @Beaviss @Arthur @Beerfridge
  20. I dont think we will get an ego now. I think beating Pens unlocked our ability to just relax. This series against tampa is some of the best hockey ive watched us play in the Ovi era. Fluery has been amazing but hes also been a train wreck when against Ovi in his career. Either way certianly not a series i predicted i even had us going out second round again. But one ive been waiting 25 years for as a caps fan lol
  21. 40minutes just gotta keep playing with heart. Probably be drunk if we win, or lose if i dont have a heart attack first
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