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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Will this be a L or a W for Toronto?
  2. Frank has made a free agency offer to Venus Thightrap: Anywhere but Seattle.
  3. What about the pee though, how long until that gets to room temperature? Asking for a friend.
  4. Frank


    What about the pay out for this past season?
  5. Season starts on Wednesday. Is this still a thing? @Domg5 @youloser1337 @Beketov @bigAL
  6. Maybe @Quik can give @Beketov access to the forms?
  7. Frank


    @Will skips the E, by not having a player.
  8. Inactive GM strikes again. @hylands
  9. 20763321204194220 5 uncapped Doubles Week 1 mill Seaaon 80
  10. Inactive GM wins Continental Cup!

    1. Gustav


      Where did this come from again? I'm drawing a blank on which thread it was and trying to find it is giving me nothing.

    2. rory


      @GustavMattias all of it was hidden

    3. Gustav
  11. This process can take up to 3 to 5 business days. Due to covid19 wait times may be longer.
  12. 1. Which Country you think needs a VHL team? I'd like to a see a team in Belarus. Not really sure why I've had a few drinks so it seems logical. 2. How have your playoff prediction faired this far? Terribly. My only saving grace is if Malmo can defeat Seattle. God I hope they beat Seattle, fuck Seattle. 3. Hypothetically, what would be your opinion if VHL would add suspensions into the game? Like a fight or something would give you a 1 game suspension, etc. Honestly I would love to see suspensions and/or injuries added just for realism. But that would make current records unattainable. I'd also like to see salary retention in trades. 4. What is a sport that you might not understand at all? I do not understand tennis score keeping. I also don't plan on learning it. Women's tennis is interesting though, I can enjoy those highlights. 5. How has your off-season been thus far? A little boring to be honest. Wish we were in the playoffs right now. Hopefully we all use it as motivation and update the fuck out of our players. 6. Some new VHLM GMs been announced. Amongst them was our very own @N0HBDY. Any thoughts on those who been chosen or any words of encouragement as they take their new positions with their teams? Only for our teammate @N0HBDY, you're gonna kill it buddy. I'll be seeing you in like 5 seasons. Make sure to offer my player a contract.
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