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VHLM Commissioner
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Posts posted by Spartan

  1. 2 minutes ago, ContinentalCup036 said:


    No I want the lookout on me at last one more night. Since I am guarding the mayor there is always the possibility coven leader tries to hex me into killing the mayor by controlling me. If he does that, the lookout will be on me and easily able to confirm who that is. Lookout, stay on me again tonight

    I don't think CL can force an execution. Can only redirect one target to another, which would stop an action such as an execution. @omgitshim or another ToS nerd, can you confirm?

  2. 1 minute ago, Caboose30 said:

    Oh just thought of this. If we are going to have Barzalgoat shoot Doom, we should have a LO or someone watching to confirm the visit

    Also no guarantee that Doom is actually survivor. Could just be immune.

  3. Just now, Caboose30 said:

    For the early nights its safer if I get jailed that way we dont accidentally jail a TP or TI. Later on in the game I'll get jailed less more than likely

    Sounds good. In that case, we can probably start off by having every member whisper roles to eagles tonight if they haven't already. Eagles can then set up the role chart and start matching up names, and we can weed out bad claims and role lists. Anyone who doesn't whisper tonight and didn't whisper roles last night will be the first to get pushed.


    TP, stay on Jailor. TI's hit members who haven't been hit yet. Let's get some claims out of BigAl and Devise while we wait for more information.

  4. Just now, ContinentalCup036 said:


    Well to be fair if you were jester I would happily still call you a shitty jester


    Glad to be working with you now MR Mayor, I look forward to spending many nights in jail with you

    Not sure if this was the best play here, we're losing out on valuable information if we're just protecting the mayor every night.

  5. 1 minute ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    So @GustavMattias if the jailor jails a medusa who is stone gazing at home, what happens? Does the stone gaze occur? 


    If it doesn't,  then this (possible) medusa bait doesn't matter. Whoever is the real jailor, jail the other person, and then we don't have to worry at all about who is who. TP should be fine either way. Then tomorrow night we do the exact same thing but actually execute the other person. 

    stone gaze does not occur while jailed iirc

  6. 2 minutes ago, Proto said:

    New week, new press conference. Answer all 6 for that sweet, sweet TPE.


    1. How was your first game in the VHLM? If this isn't your first season, how'd it feel to be back?

    2. How do you feel about the first week of the season? 

    3. Do you think we can maintain the pace that we are on?

    4. What's your signature move after you score a goal?

    5. If your player had a documentary made about them, what would the title be?

    6. You just won $1,000,000 on a lotto ticket. What's the first thing you do?

    1. As a returning player, it was great to be back. A new season is always fun, especially when I have @Poptart as my new parter!

    2. First week was a great start, especially since we're tied for first in the leaderboards. Only losing 1 game is a solid start to this season.

    3. Might be a bit unrealistic to expect a 6 win/1 loss pace, but we can definitely rack up more W's than L's.

    4. Lol, you assume I score goals. I'd probably celebrate like it's a milestone point or something.

    5. Jackass: On Ice

    6. Take my D-partners out to a nice dinner, especially @fishy. Great first week in the VHL!

  7. :nya: A week into S72 and we've had mixed results. Let's break it down! :nya:


    1. Due to Esso's conflict with work, AGM Spartan submitted lines for the first two games of S72. What were your thoughts on my line management debut?

    2. Realized that I never asked this key question, but what is your goal for this season?

    3. After 7 games, what are your thoughts on the team's performances?

    4. What have you been most proud about your performance so far?

    5. What are you going to try to improve the most after our first slate of games?

    6. Lastly, what are your thoughts on our captain selections (which can be found here)?

  8. KnightRiley

    F - Hunter Hearst Helmsley

    F - dalton Wilcox 

    F - 

    D - Vladimir Pavlov

    D - lance flowers

    G - Raymond Bernard


    MexicanCow123 - Group Manager

    F - Julius Freeman

    F - Acyd Burn

    F - 

    D - Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen

    D - Berocka Sundqvist

    G - Greg Eagles




    F - Henrik Zoiderberg

    F - Phil Marleau

    F - 

    D - Lincoln Tate

    D - Roque Davis

    G - Rayz Funk


    Aye My Name Jeff

    F - Jet Jaguar

    F - Mat Tocco

    F - Owen Nolan

    D - Cinnamon Block

    D - 

    G - 



    F - Scott Greene

    F - Ambrose Stark

    F - Tyler Barabash

    D - Seabass Perrin

    D - 

    G - Jaxx Hextall



    F - Boris the Forest

    F - Jerry Garcia

    F - Kevin Foreskin

    D - Condor Adrienne

    D - Micheal Gary Scott 

    G - Michael Johnson

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