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diacope 2

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  1. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Devise in Update on SBA Partnership   
    "For the record, because you ask for details when this gets brought up every now and again, things like members of your staff and admins (Victor, Josh, etc.) shitting on SBAO a couple of days ago publicly."
    That was the specific quote in question. You name dropped two members as "shitting on your league" because they had personal criticisms of your league. Forgetting of course that members, as free willed human individuals are allowed to you know, speak for themselves without it being a reflection on the VHL. That alone is enough to warrant no longer having an affiliation with us? 
    I mean you can pretend for the optics that you weren't telling us to get rid of members specifically from roles because you never used those words exactly. If that is the hill you'd like to die on, be my guest. But in no uncertain terms we were told on countless occasion's by you and representatives from your BoD that while we had members who targeted your league, or whom practiced in conduct the SBA considers unfit in prominent positions that affiliation couldn't be considered. 
  2. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Devise in Update on SBA Partnership   
    @Tate pretty much hit most of the beats I think one would bring up in regards to this situation. However I will state that I do think the "community" aspect of leagues like this is lost on lots of people. I have had some PM discussions off and on with a couple of members, some regarding some of the SBA instances and some who are members here who had concerns about the way the league is run, or to be specific, the "preferential" treatment that some members here have received. I know a certain Builder got inducted recently that rubbed people the wrong way.
    I feel this should be clarified. Nobody, let me say that again, NOBODY here makes any decision that says that the work one person has done for this site is on any higher pedestal than the work anyone else has done for this site. Period. It takes a lot, and I mean a lot for a members contributions to this league to be disregarded to the point that had they of contributed to the league to be a builder, that we would take that away from them.
    What makes this entire situation difficult and this has been the case a few times, is that we have members in prominent positions who have had some tantrums, some outbursts, some issues. The thing is they'd be the first members to indicate that they in fact did have these outbursts. There seems to be an inclination from the SBA and specifically @Molholt that any transgressions from members here extends beyond their person and instantly becomes a reflection of the league. Framing this as such gives them the perfect grounds to argue "so and so shouldn't be in that position." You don't get to come in and take away the hard work these people have done. Josh and Victor were named? You mean Josh the man who has helped Will in regards to the Portal work and is a huge contributor here since returning? You mean Victor, whose contributions to this league do not remotely need to be justified to anyone with a history here. If you want to argue that these people have personalities that you dislike fine, I won't stop you. Nobody gets along, nobody agree's. But it's going to take a lot more than an outburst for collective management here to simply disown the people who have spent hours upon hours of their real life time building this community. 
    I don't know why people can't seem to grasp this aspect of sim leagues. They are community built, community driven, for the community. It's literally all about community. But then again, the fact that Molholt you would bring up things like selling the league and talk about a larger partnership under one umbrella shows how skewed, in my opinion, your perspective has gotten.  You want to be able to tell members they can't do jobs because they don't fit a personality spectrum? Find whatever justification you want but don't pretend that you weren't basically giving us a choice between literally forcing members out of roles they've earned because you simply dislike them, or losing affiliation. Because that's exactly what it was. Trying to strong arm community members here to fit an ideal partnership, and then pulling what is a logical affiliation system to punish members who like to hang out in both leagues is as petty as it gets. It's your decision to be that childish, not ours. 
    /Devise post.
  3. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Beketov in Update on SBA Partnership   
    Better attitude choice.
    We could argue back and forth all day but ultimately this hasn't been handled well, period. No one is perfect and neither league is innocent but at this point it's a rift that seems unlikely to close. I regret that as much as anyone but there's no point in arguing over it. I'll do my best to calm the troops.
  4. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to oilmandan in Update on SBA Partnership   
    For a league that apparently has no time or care for the VHL, their BOD sure spend a lot of time over here. That's all I'm gonna say
  5. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Beketov in Update on SBA Partnership   
    For the record, it never was until you made it so. I'm not sure what kind of power trip you're on but this isn't the man I once worked with. I haven't seen him in the past 2 years at least. Enjoy running the league I once helped save and I'll enjoy running the league you once called home.
  6. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Beketov in Update on SBA Partnership   
    Really lovely way to white wash the situation and act as if everything is on us, not that I'm surprised. I'm not fighting anymore, I'm done fighting. I'm done being told that you won't even discuss anything with me unless we basically fire parts of our staff, I'm done with you insinuating that we're shitting all over you despite that only starting after you severed ties with us and I'm done with you deciding what meets your criteria for content in a league you have no control over. We tried to improve ourselves, you didn't care. We tried to have good faith conversations, you didn't care. So yes, am I upset at all this? I am. You never once came to talk to me, despite my asking. All you ever wanted to do was search SBA on the discord and see what dirt you could dig up as evidence. The members of the VHL should not have to live under a microscope.
    If you wanted more of a partnership you could have had it. You didn't want that. You wanted control and you wanted to dictate how the VHL acts and who it hires. You made it clear, we're done here. You guys didn't want ti back from the start unless you got to dictate every single term and control every single decision. Until we met exactly what you wanted you wouldn't even talk to us. So yeah, you got what you wanted. Not sure why you dragged us along for 6 months to be honest.
    That's not what my response was to. Specifically it was to being told 
    I went and looked it up. @Josh was pointing out your coding language was old and poking fun at that but not mocking the site itself, @gorlab was making a feature request based off SBAO and @Victor was basically just confused by what was happening but was responding for the lols. If that's what counts as shitting on your site then you need to get your priorities straight and understand the difference between discussion and mocking.
  7. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from dasboot in Brown Records First Multi-Goal Game   
    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - After a rough start to the season for Timothy Brown, he has finally started to produce on a red hot Saskatoon Wild team. In game 162, Brown recorded two goals in a 7 - 4 victory over the Houston Bulls.
    Brown’s first goal of the game was on a feed from linemate Keith Krestanovich at 5:00 in the 2nd period. After intercepting a pass, Krestanovich passed it to Brown in the neutral zone. Brown carried it into Houston’s zone and wired a shot, which missed its mark. The puck bounced off the boards and in front of the net, where he was able to get the easy tap in. Timothy was smiling from ear to ear after the goal, relieved that a bounce went his way for once. 
    At 11:57 in the 2nd Houston received a double minor for roughing, allowing Saskatoon’s powerplay to go to work. Three minutes into the powerplay Saskatoon winger Kazimir Komarov received a pass and carried it into the offensive zone. He left a drop pass for Brown, who fired it past a screened John Poremba for his fifth goal of the season and second of the game.
    This performance gave Timothy Brown the first star of the game. “If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time I’ve been named the first star in a Wild jersey”, said Brown. “Let’s hope it will be the first of many”.
  8. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to LittleRiDog in Saskatoon Wild press conference   
    1. Yes I can't wait
    2. We win 4-1
    3. I always set my alarm for exactly 8 hours before the game starts when we play at home.
    4. Ballin Like Curry
    5. 100 Million
    6. Idk
  9. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Boragina in Saskatoon Wild press conference   
  10. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Gooningitup in Saskatoon Wild press conference   
    1. Yes im not a VHLM star and many of our prospects are raw. Which usually leads to struggles which we have started to see now.
    2. Gary Neal or whatever his name is hes been on fire for the team this year.
    3. Score goals, and bang babes so far accomplishing both.
    4. Different player types playing off one another
    5. Komarov is when he wants to be the problem is hes has been streaky. 
    6. Friendships its the only reason i have been here for so long
  11. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to turkey2349 in Saskatoon Wild press conference   
  12. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Lefty_S in Saskatoon Wild press conference   
    1. No
    2. Me of course
    3. Getting them blocked shots
    4. Our GM and AGM
    5. Me, duh
    6. Saskatoon Team LR
  13. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to BarryBondsBalls in Saskatoon Wild press conference   
    Absolutely not. I wouldn't join a team I didn't think could win. Everybody take notice: the Wild are bringing that trophy to Saskatoon. 
    That Big Chungus is absolutely terrifying. Seeing that Chungus charging toward you is the worst part about my job. 
    I want to prove that I can stop shots just as well as I can hit home runs.
    It's so cold up here in Saskatoon all the time that we spend a lot of time together as a team. 
    5. Who do you think is the most dangerous player in the VHLM right now?
    Joakim Bruden
    Many fewer journalists than I'm used to. Now, please leave me alone. 
  14. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Gustav in Ottawa Lynx GM Job   
    I recommend this guy
  15. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Rayzor_7 in Ottawa Lynx GM Job   
    Gotta love when 7/18 replies are applications and the rest are people putting others forward. Here's a quick reminder, your endorsement doesn't mean much.
    The commissioners have the knowledge of who does what in the league, keep and eye on discord and will check through forum history. 
    Give it a rest and let the applicants battle it out and present themselves.
  16. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in I Was the One Who Ran the Squidward Prank on Discord   
    10/10 April Fools prank, funniest part for me was when Beaviss kicked the bot. I'm currently on a mission to become the longest serving Squidward by not changing my name back.
  17. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Banackock in Ottawa Lynx GM Job   
    Ottawa Lynx GM Job 
    New logo, new GM? Thank you to @Acydburn for his time, efforts and tenure with the Ottawa Lynx. Great person, equally as great of GM. Consistent throughout his entire time and it was good to have him in the ranks. Best of luck moving forward outside of the M, man. 
    With that being said, we're looking for someone to fill them shoes. We want you to be active, have a grasp of what's going on and be all about promoting the M and it's well-being. Our jobs as commissioners and GM's in the VHLM are important for retention and development of our new and seasoned members. Who is ready to commit? VHLM.. it's lit. ?
    @VHLM Commissioner
  18. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Gooningitup in Russian losing focus on the ice   
    Komarov started off the season hot. However, recently his play has dropped off abit he has not been seen at practice often missing it. Hes been described as lazy, and that makes him a russian stéréotype. 
    When things are going good for the Russian, he plays like a man on a mission. However when things are going poorly he has not. He often has taken shifts off, or hogging the puck. It must be frustrating to the Wild fan base as they can see he clearly has all the talent in the world to be a star player. 
    Coachs have been benching him lately, trying to send a message to the russian. Talking anout making him a healthy scratch has surfaced as well as he continues to just not commit to working out. Vancouver has been reached out too for aid as they own his rights in the VHL. 
    Only tine will tell if the russian will get the memo or fade into obscurity. 
  19. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Victor in I Was the One Who Ran the Squidward Prank on Discord   
    Won't someone ask the bot how it feels
  20. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to eaglesfan036 in I Was the One Who Ran the Squidward Prank on Discord   
    On April Fools day I changed everyone's name in the discord to Squidward, much to the hilarity of some and annoyance of others. My favorite was spending five minutes in a name changing faceoff with @Peace. @GustavMattias and @Doomsday seemed to really enjoy the Squidward names. I thought it was a funny joke like many others, but some people it seems got really upset over it. My question to you is if getting your username changed on a discord for a simulation hockey league truly gets you that upset, how do you get through your everyday life? In my opinion people get angry at things way to often in real life and for unreasonable stupid reasons. Relax a little and stop letting the little things bother you. 
    Also, many people thought a bot was changing your usernames, but it was me. Probably spent like an hour total on April fools changing everyones username lol. I named the bot Squidward as well, and it was funny when Beaviss kicked the bot thinking that the bot was the one doing the name changing. 
    April Fools!
    Squidward out
  21. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Gustav in Town of Salem - S71   
    The thirteenth day begins, and this time only three of the four who went to bed last night have woken up. 
    It's pretty clear who's died, and why--it's another WEREWOLF night, and this time our werewolf has claimed @enigmatic, the final member of the MAFIA.
    But today is different. No post-death discussion, though enigmatic's last will is read:
    @Mike stands in silence, waiting for @Nykonax and @pennypenny to say something.
    A bird sings in the distance. A few tree branches shake, and a lone top hat blows across the village square.
    Nyko and Penny smile at each other, both revealing a nice set of fangs. They know who to lynch today.
    Here's a link to the dead people's Discord server, for anyone who wants to join in the postgame discussion (consider this thread open to talk as well): https://discord.gg/YgBHhW
    And here's a spreadsheet, for all you nerds: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q-xpYZo5sCaIbVy2naM0tEADzjvfTRWSryG05tvznjs/edit#gid=0
    GAME OVER! See you next season.
  22. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to DoktorFunk in Greene in Isolation   
    Due to the current coronavirus epidemic, drastic measures have been taken to make sure that none of the players are exposed. But, despite a general quarantine and other various restrictions that the Victory Hockey League has put in place, Scott Greene of the Seattle Bears has placed himself under a self-imposed isolation. We caught up with Greene via video chat to discuss his drastic measures. Bedraggled, and looking like he hasn't shaved in years, Greene said the following:
    "I've been controlling my player with a video game controller since the beginning of the season. I really don''t want to get exposed to the virus because it might shorten my career overall. I want to keep playing hockey until I die, and I really don't want that to happen. The person that you see on the ice is actually a minor league player that I've installed an advanced microchip into. He's pretty good, but a couple more Cybernetic enhancements will make him truly great."
  23. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to McWolf in Rookie's Scoring Slump Continues   
    It'll turn around soon. I hope. I don't know.
  24. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Doomsday in Houston Bulls Ready to Brave Rebuild with Alcohol   
    Big things happening in Houston, I love it. 
  25. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to SweatyBeaver in Houston Bulls Ready to Brave Rebuild with Alcohol   
    Player with the worst +/- has to foot the bill at the end of the season
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