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  1. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Garsh in Random New Year Question   
    i've watched at at least two high school musical movies on NYE for the past three years. idc about the countdown, i just like that i created a tradition that disappoints my parents
  2. Hmmm
    fishy reacted to diacope in The resolution of the Vegas situation   
    You were one of my favorites AJ so it hurts to read your name right now, never thought you would do something to ruin the leagues integrity, hopefully eventually this feeling goes away and we can talk again, you put in some good work but it's only fair for the rest of us, if they were real accounts or not
  3. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Scurvy in fragmented thoughts with fishy #5   
    1. holidays are finally fucking over. we’re getting a lot of snow. driving terrifies me. you see where i’m going with this.
    2. i’m kind of excited because i know exactly what i’m going to do my vhl.com radio on. i hope that vhle and vhl gms actually listen to it. it’s about them and i want them to know what i have to say.
    3. as terrible as this sounds, the recent bans that the mod team has given out has been a nice presentation of the changes we’re working at. i think we’ve done a lot better about transparency, and i think that people who were exceptionally pissy at us have noticed that we’re doing better about it. we talked about those changes a while ago, but this has been the first chance that we’ve had to actually show our work rather than “we hear your complaints and we’ll respond accordingly.”
    4. it’s interesting to see how people react to bans and punishments. i think that it’s a common misconception that an individual is “bad” when they receive a punishment. specifically with the cases concerning multis, nobody thinks that any of the users who got slapped are shitty people. i have no idea who @16z was trying to throw shade at in his most recent status update. if i had to guess, though, i’d imagine that it has something to do with the fact that people don’t just disown their friends when they get smacked. i think it’s stupid to think that you would and lowkey embarrassing to suggest that i should blacklist everyone who gets in trouble. yes, people broke the rules and then they got slapped for it. no, that doesn’t mean that everyone who got caught is a shitty person. that line of thinking is outrageous. they got in trouble, we move on. they don’t do it again. why are we trying to create some kind of moral high ground over people who fuck up and then get caught? dumb. be fucking kind to each other
  4. Cheers
    fishy reacted to bigAL in Official Commissioner Resignation   
    Seriously, I might as well just copy and paste what Beav and Quik said in theirs. For real, I pulled the classic blue move of “go away for a few weeks and lose the drive to come back.” Someone else on the brink of retirement gave me the lightbulb moment when they said they “were actively avoiding logging in” and I was like, “igen, that’s me, that's a red flag.” I mentioned a bit about December’s hectic ‘goodbye tour’, but that started as a weekend away. And turned into a week. And then another end. And here we are at the end of another week, still barely active. Time to make it official, I can't do the job to the standards that this league deserves anymore.
    Oh well, it happens. I wrote a eulogy, an explanation, a reflection to go along with this, but this isn't the place to do that. Check that heartfelt look back here.
    So long, and thanks for all the fish.
    ✌️ & ❤️
  5. Like
    fishy reacted to Shindigs in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    I'd count the number of F bombs. But my math's a bit to rusty to do that high.😅
    Good listen though, hopefully this gets us some more of those scouting interviews. Even if the GMs don't necessarily find them the most useful in all cases, they also serve some purpose as a retention thing. It's nice to feel wanted y'know? So if you get approached by a VHL GM partway through your first season, showing that they have some interest in your player. That's pretty good for motivation.
    I mostly see this as a roundabout way of asking if you intend to be a lifer for your draft team, without straight up asking. An attempt at a non-leading question where you still hope for a certain answer. Though some teams have both questions, so that's clearly not always the case.
  6. Fire
    fishy got a reaction from JardyB10 in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    this is the most natural podcast that i've ever done.
  7. Like
    fishy reacted to MubbleFubbles in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    Nice listen! 
    Just cause you were interested in how your numbers compared, me and @Shindigshave had 4 teams talk to us, so there's not much difference between a recreate like yourself and a first-gen like Bo, but that 1 team difference could also just be down to one of them maybe thinking they needed a skater rather than a goalie. For comparison I only got 1 PM heading into the VHLM Draft (luckily from the team that scouted me).
    I don't think that figure particularly bothers me now, because I was more expecting to get PMs about it around the Playoff/Start of Off-season period, though I do agree with the notion that GMs should definitely talk to the players they could potentially draft. I honestly can't think of any negatives for it, like even the worst result you could get from scouting (finding out someone isn't a fan of your team) is itself a positive of scouting! 
    I feel the same about google forms, I'm fine with them and would definitely prefer em to nothing.
  8. Fire
    fishy reacted to Ben in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    Way too Relatable.
  9. Fire
    fishy got a reaction from Shindigs in HEY, GMS! YOU SHOULD SCOUT!   
    this is the most natural podcast that i've ever done.
  10. Haha
    fishy got a reaction from Spartan in Spartcast #6 - Into the Multi-verse   
    where's the podcast
  11. Haha
    fishy reacted to diacope in fragmented thoughts with fishy #5   
    I agree with it all but the confusion and tag for a vhl.com article, if you are chill be chill and leave me the fuck out of your business. Anyways peace
  12. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Dom in fragmented thoughts with fishy #5   
    1. holidays are finally fucking over. we’re getting a lot of snow. driving terrifies me. you see where i’m going with this.
    2. i’m kind of excited because i know exactly what i’m going to do my vhl.com radio on. i hope that vhle and vhl gms actually listen to it. it’s about them and i want them to know what i have to say.
    3. as terrible as this sounds, the recent bans that the mod team has given out has been a nice presentation of the changes we’re working at. i think we’ve done a lot better about transparency, and i think that people who were exceptionally pissy at us have noticed that we’re doing better about it. we talked about those changes a while ago, but this has been the first chance that we’ve had to actually show our work rather than “we hear your complaints and we’ll respond accordingly.”
    4. it’s interesting to see how people react to bans and punishments. i think that it’s a common misconception that an individual is “bad” when they receive a punishment. specifically with the cases concerning multis, nobody thinks that any of the users who got slapped are shitty people. i have no idea who @16z was trying to throw shade at in his most recent status update. if i had to guess, though, i’d imagine that it has something to do with the fact that people don’t just disown their friends when they get smacked. i think it’s stupid to think that you would and lowkey embarrassing to suggest that i should blacklist everyone who gets in trouble. yes, people broke the rules and then they got slapped for it. no, that doesn’t mean that everyone who got caught is a shitty person. that line of thinking is outrageous. they got in trouble, we move on. they don’t do it again. why are we trying to create some kind of moral high ground over people who fuck up and then get caught? dumb. be fucking kind to each other
  13. Cheers
    fishy got a reaction from Shindigs in fragmented thoughts with fishy #5   
    1. holidays are finally fucking over. we’re getting a lot of snow. driving terrifies me. you see where i’m going with this.
    2. i’m kind of excited because i know exactly what i’m going to do my vhl.com radio on. i hope that vhle and vhl gms actually listen to it. it’s about them and i want them to know what i have to say.
    3. as terrible as this sounds, the recent bans that the mod team has given out has been a nice presentation of the changes we’re working at. i think we’ve done a lot better about transparency, and i think that people who were exceptionally pissy at us have noticed that we’re doing better about it. we talked about those changes a while ago, but this has been the first chance that we’ve had to actually show our work rather than “we hear your complaints and we’ll respond accordingly.”
    4. it’s interesting to see how people react to bans and punishments. i think that it’s a common misconception that an individual is “bad” when they receive a punishment. specifically with the cases concerning multis, nobody thinks that any of the users who got slapped are shitty people. i have no idea who @16z was trying to throw shade at in his most recent status update. if i had to guess, though, i’d imagine that it has something to do with the fact that people don’t just disown their friends when they get smacked. i think it’s stupid to think that you would and lowkey embarrassing to suggest that i should blacklist everyone who gets in trouble. yes, people broke the rules and then they got slapped for it. no, that doesn’t mean that everyone who got caught is a shitty person. that line of thinking is outrageous. they got in trouble, we move on. they don’t do it again. why are we trying to create some kind of moral high ground over people who fuck up and then get caught? dumb. be fucking kind to each other
  14. Like
    fishy reacted to Gustav in S81 HOF Discussion   
    The thing I thought was a way bigger deal to everyone else earlier was S79--there's absolutely no doubt he had the best single season out of any of the defenders, and because of that the awards are a bit more impressive. I don't know why I never really noticed him before that point, as I was always under the impression that he underperformed for a large portion of his career (which isn't even true).
    One other thing to note is that Letang only played 7 seasons, so I think it would be fair to place him over someone like Davis who put up similar stats in 8. But if we want to weigh that heavily, Socks also looks like a good candidate (having only played 7 as well). I might be a bit more on the Letang train myself after looking at the stats season-by-season--peak Letang was more dominant and lasted longer than peak Davis or Killinger. In my opinion Letang > Socks for awards, just to clarify that one.
    Right now I'm kind of thinking: Letang > Socks or Killinger > Davis. But as I've already changed my opinion once it's not something I say super confidently.
  15. Cheers
    fishy reacted to Beketov in S81 HOF Discussion   
    Depends on the person. Usually it’s for people who have contributed a lot to the league over the years but there’s definitely some that haven’t had any huge roles and get in off of more or less longevity: see my builder article which was from before I hit BOG or Blue.
  16. Woah
    fishy got a reaction from JardyB10 in A Man Above Others, What Causes Their Success?   
    did someone rename my podcast without telling me?
  17. Like
    fishy got a reaction from N0HBDY in A Man Above Others, What Causes Their Success?   
    did someone rename my podcast without telling me?
  18. Haha
    fishy got a reaction from Shindigs in A Man Above Others, What Causes Their Success?   
    did someone rename my podcast without telling me?
  19. Fire
    fishy reacted to rory in Official Away Thread pt. 2   
    vacation dec. 27 - jan 7th
    bye nerds
  20. Love
    fishy reacted to fonziGG in TPA Dump via Charity Drive   
    Everyone, you are all incredible folks for just even suggesting giving me your TPE for your builds.
    Honestly, I walk into the charity drive every year with my Christmas bonus in order to give to those who need it most. So, I don’t personally feel scammed because I was going to give it to someone in need anyways (for those of you who think I’m a baller, I absolutely am not haha).
    No matter what, I just want everyone to remember why we do the charity drive. Don’t worry about giving me your TPE, spend it wisely (except you @jhatty8, I’ll help you build if you need it).
    Just build strong and WIN everyone!!!!
  21. Like
    fishy reacted to youloser1337 in VHL Fantasy Zone - Paused   
    Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that this week there will be no Fantasy Zone. Obviously with the Christmas Simmer pause it would be tough to do anything for the week. Enjoy the week off and happy holidays!

  22. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Shindigs in i do titles the same way i do intros and outros   
    the backtrack is a bit too loud but it's my first time including it so i don't want to hear shit about it
  23. Like
    fishy got a reaction from der meister in Christmas Simming Break   
  24. Boring
    fishy reacted to Doomsday in Christmas Simming Break   
    wow way to not support the simmers, that's literally cringe
  25. Like
    fishy got a reaction from mediocrepony in Christmas Simming Break   
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