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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. As of about three weeks ago, yup. Girlfriend's starting med school at U of M this fall.
  2. Corgi. My girlfriend's obsessed. Problem is so is everyone else, so we may be driving 6+ hours from Minnesota to Kansas to get the dog, but worth it for a new friend.
  3. That's awesome! He looks tired out. We're talking with a breeder and hoping to have one this fall, pictures coming if it comes through.
  4. Hopefully everyone realizes that TOR G is now leading the league in save percentage, and I think his record is something like 17-1-0 in the past three seasons. All hail TOR G.
  5. Thing is with these numbers, you aren't going to see many people reach the 50 TPE threshold in that case. Assuming an 8 season career and current carryover percentages, you'd need 715 TPE to beat the threshold. That's a little high for me. Given that 400 TPE is the threshold for Welfare, that seems like a reasonable number to beat... which consequently, is just about 30 carryover (400 x 7% = 28). And speaking generally, the 75 TPE threshold, you need 1085 TPE to beat that, so what we're discussing here affects probably 5% of high-earning members that are probably recreating no matter what anyway. Just something to keep in mind (don't really care myself, I'm more in line with Victor's "if it ain't broke" mantra)
  6. If there's going to be second players, I love the fact that it's a mix. Both from a fairness perspective (we're all members here, who gets to determine who's worthy?) and from a logistical perspective (give the 10 highest TPE members a second player in the S52 Draft Class, the salary cap in S56 and S57 will be fun, then even more so after they all retire in S60 and leave a power vacuum).
  7. Despite all the theatrics I don't quite understand, this one actually is a big deal. Davos has a very legit top line, and while I know something will probably change, Cologne's only sitting on three forwards. Ballsy move by Davos might pay off. I should add, with the caveat I don't believe anything's set in stone until Robbie actually accepts the contract.
  8. I just switched my vote the other way. You're retroactively co-winners now.
  9. Cologne 2:1, Seattle 3:1, Davos 5:1, Vikings 20:1, Yukon 50:1, Fuck It, Retirement 75:1, The Bunny Ranch 1:2

  10. Remember when it was just starting up, even though I didn't join at the time. I feel old.
  11. Yup, that TPE record's never going to be touched. I hadn't gotten less than full capped points every week between S41 trade deadline and two weeks ago, and I'm still going to end up about 250 behind. Congrats on the excellent career!
  12. Give it two seasons, and I honestly do think Riga's best in the league, or at least close to it. I see a lot of S46-47 Toronto in Riga.
  13. Co-signed for next player. C'mon, you've got the clout to get it done...
  14. Very interesting. Only one year left for both players though - Davos has to win now.
  15. So they're not going to be forced to retire after one year? How thoughtful.
  16. I want real poutine. Though Wisconsin with their cheese curds doesn't do a terrible imitation.
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