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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. vhlm noobs look here
  2. Oslo put in a claim for Maximum Lock, but i just changed waiver titles to avoid confusion, so that claim carries over to here.
  3. Yay another S47 prospect tbqhimho
  5. Do you like Mortons?
  6. graper rigged my lines imo
  7. Jaime Hill beats up Francis York Morgan at 1:19 of 2nd period Hell yeah! Great start to the season IMO
  8. I dislike this move only because it brings some NA competition to Calgary now
  9. eaglesfan036


    wow big stuff going on
  10. ah yes devise is back :3
  11. league parity is pretty great tbqhimho last season we had new york, calgary, davos, helsinki, and riga as all legit cup contenders
  12. what am i doing fesler?
  13. Anyone looking for jobs to earn moar tpez? Speak with @Mike about a potential recruitment crew job

  14. accept. Thanks for the easy neogotiatins greggy, you are my new trading buddy :3 Cap space for dayz
  15. I just got you guys confused because both of your players are Finnish
  16. Kopowho? TebowScrub? Both the players you mentioned have cup wins beb
  17. Team Scandinavia is going to have some talent between Koponen, TebowGow, Bernie Gow, Max Moholt, Ruutu, Jakobssen, Valmount, etc.
  18. Just be like my first player and come back from being inactive and make a solid career out of it :3
  19. Bratislava claims Sleeman
  20. agreed. New signing looking good :3
  21. Quebec just shouldn't do part 2 now
  22. After some discussions with Coach, I accept. I owe them another season. Other GM's have been PM'ed. Best of luck, glad to have you on the team while you were here ditto
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