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  1. Very Nice
    eaglesfan036 reacted to omgitshim in Town of Salem #24   
    Hey its ya boi. TP/LO/Spy/Esc on me.
  2. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Doomsday in Town of Salem #24   
    Damn it's good to be home. ❤️
  3. Haha
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Dom in DilCast Episode #1 (ft. EaglesFan036) [VideoPodcast]   
    I suffered watching a rocket league gameplay for "I don’t know him" 
    I want a refund for my time @Squidward0
  4. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Ptyrell in Town of Salem #24 - Sign Up   
    Me too
  5. Sad
    eaglesfan036 reacted to bigAL in Official Commissioner Resignation   
    Seriously, I might as well just copy and paste what Beav and Quik said in theirs. For real, I pulled the classic blue move of “go away for a few weeks and lose the drive to come back.” Someone else on the brink of retirement gave me the lightbulb moment when they said they “were actively avoiding logging in” and I was like, “igen, that’s me, that's a red flag.” I mentioned a bit about December’s hectic ‘goodbye tour’, but that started as a weekend away. And turned into a week. And then another end. And here we are at the end of another week, still barely active. Time to make it official, I can't do the job to the standards that this league deserves anymore.
    Oh well, it happens. I wrote a eulogy, an explanation, a reflection to go along with this, but this isn't the place to do that. Check that heartfelt look back here.
    So long, and thanks for all the fish.
    ✌️ & ❤️
  6. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to rory in official ban length dislike button   
    clownshow league 3 weeks for clicking for the dudes cousins lmfao
  7. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Dil in DilCast Episode #1 (ft. EaglesFan036) [VideoPodcast]   
    Hello People & Jardy, welcome to the first episode of the DilCast! In this podcast series, I will be randomly chatting with various VHL members while we play a mutual game!
    In the first episode, me and @eaglesfan0366play some Rocket League & talk about random bullshit! In particular, I get eagles to give a A+ -> F ranking to various prominent VHL members!
    I would ping people mentioned in this video but the list would get pretty long...
  8. Haha
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Gustav in My bad guys made the accounts before I read the coc!   
    >Writes "some of the problems I have with mods" article
    >Gets TPE banned for something "unrelated"

    I wonder how many times I've been "randomly selected" for a multi check.
  9. Fire
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Gustav in The Airing of Grievances   
    Happy Festivus! It's over, because I'm slow, but I started writing this on everyone's favorite holiday, so that's what counts.

    As anyone knows, the tradition begins with the AIRING OF GRIEVANCES, and since I don't have the energy to write about how much I hate the VHLE or something similar, I'm going to do something a bit simpler and roast every team's logo. Yes, this is me trying to be funny. We'll see if that works.
    Honestly, I think the greatest disrespect here is that the new logo was never made into a forum emote and I still have to use derphorse. How successful was the rebranding, really, if we weren't excited enough to make our forum logo up-to-date? Anyway, it's a little bit sad that everything we hated about derphorse is still present in the current logo: the grimace, the weird eye shadow thing, the mane that looks more like an emo haircut, and the horseshoe that doesn't even really look like a horseshoe. I'm not convinced that we didn't just draw derphorse again and try to pass it off as a new product. We're like Apple! The only thing that's changed is that derphorse is now wearing reins, which could be nothing but the league expressing its shift towards authoritarianism and total mod control. I see how it is.
    There's only one phoenix in mythology, which leads one to wonder: which player is the phoenix? It's probably one of the 15 S73s that just retired last season, because I find it hard to imagine current Chicago having an all-powerful mythical being and losing as much as they do. But if that player is gone, then the name is meaningless. Or are all the players collectively the phoenix? That name is meaningless as well, because Chicago has no players. As for the logo: imagine you take Toronto's logo, stretch it vertically, invert its color, draw an absolute shit ton of lines on it, and then add the worst, most what-in-the-name-of-Fred-Flintstone-is-this possible text over it unnecessarily. You've got Chicago! 
     D.C. DRAGONS 
    D.C. is the only VHL team with punctuation in their name, and they're the only team whose location has been reduced to two letters. They had the chance to go full Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim and call themselves the Washington, District of Columbia, Dragons of Arlington or something way cooler, but instead "D.C. Dragon" sounds like a rapper who never got famous. The logo also just looks like someone took something they shouldn't have taken, traced over the Seattle Kraken logo, reflected it, and did whatever they did to Chicago where they drew a ton of lines over it and stuck a big block of text in the middle unnecessarily--so the dragon can hide itself behind something far less important and act like that one thing has enough to make the whole design great (much like the team did with Groovy Dood for 8 seasons). If you look really hard and up really close, too, you'll see that some of the teeth are a bit off, including one that's practically on the dragon's nose. 
    Davos has the league's only logo that's an actual shape. And it's one of just a few that actually works as a hockey logo. Imagine trying to stitch the absolute monstrosity that is the DC logo onto a sweater. There's also only one color, not counting black and white--none of that silly gradient stuff or that wildly unnecessary "we need 50 shades of red in this one part of the logo" stuff. And yes, there's text on the logo, but it works--you see the picture and notice that the team name happens to be there. You don't read that the team name is the HC DAVOS DYNAMO and then just happen to notice that maybe there's some mountain picture with half a box of crayons melted onto it somewhere in the background. The worst part of this logo is simply that it's too perfect to be messed with, and the VHL should be ashamed of itself for letting such perfection exist unchecked.
    I find it funny that the forum emoji abbreviation for this logo isn't "HSK" like we see in trade threads. Instead, it's "HEL", something that aptly describes what playing for the Titans is like recently. I also find it funny that Helsinki's current GM is the former GM of Oslo Minnesota Oslo, and both of the logos are just...some dude with no real connection to the team name. It's not even an accurate depiction, either. Look up any portrayal of a titan, so long as you're prepared to see a lot of pictures of naked people, and you'll see said naked people fighting each other without a helmet, in the style of good old-fashioned hockey. So it's just some dude on the jersey, who probably isn't a titan at all. But let's say he is--are you also aware that the Greek gods we think of, the ones who had all sorts of terrible relationships with anything that could walk, defeated the titans in battle? That's right, a big part of the story of the original titans was that they lost. Some team!
    United? United for what? London came into the league less than six months after Brexit, and I'm sure being thrown into the European Conference made a lot of British people mad that they were being thrown into the European Conference. Imagine if the New York Americans tried to change their logo by keeping the current logo but throwing Mount Rushmore over it and two giant bald eagles behind it (and maybe sneaking in Guy Fieri somewhere). You'd have a super stereotypically American thing that most Americans would just find funny--which is exactly what the VHL thought would be a nice little official logo as a British equivalent. That's not even to mention that the UK flag on the logo is distorted and misshapen, just like the London roster this season.
    This logo goes beyond "the text is too big" and goes right into "the logo is the text", something I wish I would never see outside of baseball. Speaking of baseball, this is just what happens if you take the Dodgers logo, bend the L a bit, change the colors, and put a star in the middle. Enough about the text, though, since that's boring. We'll talk about the star instead. The star in question is gray. No stars are gray. At first, I thought I could say that it's a neutron star and make fun of the fact that it's got no energy source and it's starting to lose its power, but then I realized that it's more of a white dwarf, which isn't even powerful enough to become a neutron star, also loses its energy over time, is also quite dense, and isn't very bright. Why a team would choose to advertise those things about themselves is beyond me.
    Oh look, the forum emoji doesn't have text on it. It's almost as though having a giant block of text on your logo is not a good thing! I wonder if the league realized that officially--oh wait, no they didn't. The bird has to sit behind some letters that explain what the bird is, because we're too stupid to know otherwise. It's also one of the logos that follows the "generic blob with a ton of different colors scribbled on it" trend--I thought I'd seen enough shades of green highlighter in my overly organized friend's pencil case, but I hadn't seen anything until I saw this thing. If they're "night"hawks, too, shouldn't they be stealthy and mysterious? Imagine getting mugged at 3 in the morning by the Nickelodeon slime bird.
    Anyone remember the Duck Dynasty guys? They aren't very menacing, they're rednecks. Same with ZZ Top. The only difference between that and this is that this guy is wearing a crown and he seems to have a case of yellow fever. Again, much like Helsinki, the logo is just some dude. He's not menacing at all. Imagine what he'd look like if he shaved! You can tell by looking at him that he's got no chin and he's trying to cover it up...which he does by completely obscuring his mouth. Maybe if the logo looked like this:
    ...I'd look at it and not wonder how much food is stuck in his beard.
    Wow, so American! So much more than LA or Chicago or D.C., THE NATION'S CAPITAL! This logo takes the flag and destroys it in such a way that from a distance I thought I was looking at the cow-catcher on the Cologne logo. Way to be respectful! It also has the exact same sticks-and-puck clipart that graces the top of the Davos logo, something I'm sure is representative of the baseless hope to even begin to approach the greatness of the Dynamo. This logo is also one of many in a disturbing trend of "logos that look like shields", which expresses not only a severe lack of creativity among VHL leadership but also an unsettling subconscious message in the same spirit as the Calgary reins. Just like it was in medieval times, when shields of this sort were used, league leaders see themselves as monarchs and us as serfs, and DELIBERATELY mock us in this manner through logo design.
    The abbreviation for Prague is "PRG", which is, coincidentally, the noise I would make if I were ever drafted by Prague. It's also a nice abbreviation of "purge", which, on top of being what I would do to my stomach upon being drafted by Prague, is a nice thinly veiled threat that the common member will be IMMEDIATELY PURGED from the community if they dare to speak out of line. But I digress. Apart from being yet another "unnecessary text with a side of highlighter" logo, I think it just looks like Zubat. 40 HP with not much attack? That would at least explain a lot.
    I was a little bit surprised to see that Riga's rebrand has been added as an emote--the disrespect to Calgary!--but looking at said emote makes me realize how terrible it really is. It somehow participates in two previously-mentioned trends without fully committing to them, those being the shaped-like-a-shield overused thing and the way-too-much-detail overused thing. Surprisingly, it's not a highlighter logo, but that somehow didn't stop us from using 50 different colors and enough lines to make a printer run out of black ink anyway. I do appreciate that the mouth is visible, unlike Moscow, and that the teeth are reasonably placed, unlike DC, but I can't get past the fact that we sacrificed a bright orange blob for a dark orange blob. Also, what's with the red hair? I hope we're at least recycling our supplies a bit after we killed derphorse.
    Unnecessary text. Looks like a shield again. We're already off to a bad start. But honestly, how different is it really from the Riga logo? Weird red hair for no reason, fully white eyes, and the same facial expression. The thing that gets to me more than anything else, though, is that the teeth are bad. And I mean BAD. Those are some human teeth right there. Bears eat meat, and I don't see a single fang in there. Aside from just not looking too vicious, it just looks unsettling. In fact, here's a real-life example of what the Seattle logo looks like. Intimidating? I think not.
    Fun fact: I had no idea what this logo even was until I was in the league for a few seasons. I'd only ever seen it from a distance, and the ridiculously small head didn't make it very clear from such a distance that I was supposed to be looking at a bird. I did, however, notice the obnoxiously large text directly over the logo, telling all of us idiots that we are in fact looking at the TORONTO LEGION logo, because we wouldn't ever be able to tell otherwise. This is the complete anti-Chicago, really. You don't like the bird squashed horizontally? Cool, let's stretch the shit out of it. You don't like the million different shades of orange with the lines everywhere? Cool, you get one block of blue with no detail whatsoever. You don't like the bird looking right at you? Cool, you get to spend a couple months figuring out that the bird even has a head in the first place. Is it any better? No.
    Oh, look, another one that looks like a shield. And it comes after the Legion, one of the few teams I'd actually excuse that for and one that doesn't go down that road. There's something else I have an issue with, though, as usual. The implication here is that the wolf happens to be howling, and the implication with that is that there happens to be a moon present. But the way this logo would be set on a player's jersey, the wolf is going to be howling at that player's heart. What does that mean? Of course, it means that the player's heart is round, cold, cratered, and devoid of human life, just like the moon. It's also what a player's heart needs to be to fully embrace the latest meta. Do the math.
    I will forever not understand why this logo is liked by anyone, and that's something I'd say outside of this thread as well. What kind of predator is this even supposed to be? A fox? A dog? A jackal? It doesn't look like a large animal, more like a smaller pack hunter type. It's also got some horrendously clashing colors, with blue and orange being direct opposites combined with pure black and white. This is the kind of thing you'd see spray-painted on the side of a bridge somewhere, not carefully stitched onto a hockey jersey. And if you look at it long enough, maybe squint your eyes a bit, the white patch that's supposed to be this thing's ear kind of starts to look like a second eye, making the logo look like this more than anything facing to the side. I'm not a fan.
    2,396 words, somehow. See you in a month.
  10. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Victor in Christmas Simming Break   
    Back in my day there wouldn't be an announcement about this, it would just happen. 
  11. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Doomsday in Christmas Simming Break   
  12. Haha
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Mongoose87 in Christmas Simming Break   
    1. I told my son that the simmers were robots, so thanks for ruining the magic for that little boy.
    2. My whole family was looking forward to seeing the Christmas simming results over dinner.  I hope you're happy.
  13. Angry
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Beketov in Christmas Simming Break   
    Boy I can hear the negative reactions already....
    I just wanted to throw a quick announcement out there in advance so that everyone doesn't get surprised by it. Our @Simmer team obviously works very hard all year to give the league nearly daily sims between the regular season, playoffs, and off season tournaments. There is a bit of time off here and there but for the most part it's a daily thing. We were hoping that playoffs would line up well with Christmas again like they did last year and provide us with an easy excuse to have a couple of days off for the holidays but sadly no dice this time around. For that reason we have decided that sims will be halted from tomorrow, December 24th, to resume on Monday, December 27th.
    I know it is inconvenient to have 3 days without sims but as we frequently remind our members the simmers are not robots and need time as well so a holiday break is the least we can do. So enjoy the sims today, embrace a few days with family and friends (if possible, stupid covid) and we'll see you all on the 27th for more Regular Season action in the 3 leagues.
    Thank You and Happy Holidays,
  14. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Josh in 2021 VHL Holiday Bonanza Donation Drive Results   
    Happy Tuesday everyone,
    As the last few payments are trickling in and we prepare to make our donations to the The Red Cross (both Canada and US), I wanted to give everyone an update on how well we did this holiday drive! This year the community donation we managed to raise was $3150, with $1820 coming from donations to the league PayPal and a staggering $1330 coming from direct donations. (As many direct donations were made in USD I kept track and converted it all to CAD to calculate our total).
    With the $500 contribution from the league, our total contribution comes to $3650 CAD! The balance of $2320 will be split evenly and donated to The Red Cross later this week.
    Now rewards! Please refer to the original Holiday Bonanza announcement: https://vhlforum.com/topic/113186-2021-vhl-holiday-bonanza/
    @Members may ALL claim 8 14 Uncapped and a PT Doubles!
    If you donated, don't forget to claim that first line of rewards! Lastly, the Blue team would love to thank everyone that was involved in this. I am incredibly hopeful that these drives can truly make a difference in peoples lives and am grateful for the opportunity to be part of a community of which we can all be tremendously proud. 
    Thank you!
  15. Confused
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from der meister in Halifax 21st Press Conference   
    I recently attempted to make pancakes for the first time ever and had no idea how it worked. I threw an entire bag of pancake mix onto the burner and then mixed in the water, instead of pre mixing a much smaller amount with water. I created something but it was nowhere near edible
  16. Woah
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from JardyB10 in Halifax 21st Press Conference   
    I recently attempted to make pancakes for the first time ever and had no idea how it worked. I threw an entire bag of pancake mix onto the burner and then mixed in the water, instead of pre mixing a much smaller amount with water. I created something but it was nowhere near edible
  17. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to samx in Being Proud of myself   
    Hello Friends,
    For those of you who have known me for some amount of time you probably know I have quite bad social anxiety. It's something I have been working on for a long time to get better. Especially if you knew me early 2021 you know I didn't talk to people and stuck in my shell.
    Ive started to realize how far I have come in the last 6-8 months in term of it at least in this setting. Don't get me wrong there are still days where talking to people on here is terrifying and I'm shaking my way through conversations. I still have a long way to go in my journey with it but it's definitely something I've become proud of how far I've come in such a relatively short time.
    anyways that's it. Goodbye.
  18. Love
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Gustav in Disconnection: My Story   
    So I read @Renomitsu's article in this same section of the forum, and I was about to make a long-winded response when I realized...well, I haven't earned my last 2 TPE for this week. And given that I have a few hours to do so, I'm going to do so. My response is mostly just a lot of talking about myself, but I think it's kind of relevant.
    I know how it feels to be disconnected from a sim league. I lost all interest in the PBE early on this summer (through no fault of theirs) and the EFL came soon after that. That's something I've mentioned a couple times around our forum, and it's something that I have no doubt many of you reading this article already know. But there's something that you probably don't, and it's something that I only told a couple people about--I came very close to being burnt out in our own lovely little league as well.
    In fact, before this season started, I only didn't step down from my GM job because I forgot to send the message to the commissioners when I intended to. I actually had my resignation letter typed up right here on the forum, and decided to (literally) sleep on it as I had an early shift at work the next morning. I then went to work, got to thinking, and before I could get home I had a plan for what I was going to do this season. So, I decided to follow through on that--I reasoned that perhaps I had stopped caring because Davos had not done well the past few seasons, and had therefore taken away my reason to care. It was time to flip things around, both because it was now realistic to do so and because I knew I couldn't take another consecutive season of being right at the bottom of the league (Davos holds the league record for most consecutive last-place finishes from S70-72, right at the beginning of my tenure, and I would have tied that last season if it weren't for finishing 15th last season). Though I made sure to rarely show it in public, I hated being a laughingstock, even if I believed that my team and I were generally respected.
    Was that right, and did I do the right thing? Maybe. It's also reasonable to say that I made the selfish move in sticking around when, for a couple weeks at least, I felt completely disconnected from my GM job, if not from the league as a whole. I'd even go so far as to call myself a bit of a hypocrite, as I've always personally believed that the league deserves a high standard of activity and devotion from its GMs and I know there was a short time when I don't believe I lived up to that in the slightest, at least on the inside. And if that offends anyone who considers that a mark against me, I apologize for it. But turning things around and competing was the kick in the pants I needed to be interested again--I could now actually care about sim results, my team had a chance to do things, and my numbers could no longer be chalked up to the "bad team inflation factor" that's the source of quite a few VHFL-related complaints. 
    In this specific case, what worked for me was having something specific happen that made me more interested in what was going on. I get that in general, it's going to be hard to find that something specific. There might not even be a something specific, and I'm not going to tell anyone to go out and find it because not being able to find it could end up being a point of frustration that could just make the problem worse.
    Speaking in general, I think it's been difficult to feel fully supported by some aspects of the community lately. I've found the league server hit-or-miss for some amount of time now, and I recently pointed out that forum activity has dropped off as a whole. Something I found interesting in the comments was that some of the league's more veteran members noted that activity tends to decline over the summer. That's not something I ever found out myself (until this year), but given what happened this year, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that a general trend exists. So, if it does, it's logical to think that anyone's drop-off in interest is, at least partially, due to a lack of engagement with the forum that's driven both ways--dropping off yourself and not engaging is one thing, but there could also be a lack of things to engage with that naturally leads to a lack of engagement by itself. But, if we continue the assumption that there's less to engage with over the summer, it stands to reason that there's going to be more to engage with, and that many of us who have found it difficult to stay interested here over the past few months may find that interest returning as content again begins to be generated on the same level it was before.
    There's my long-winded Gustav post, I guess. Not sure how much it's relevant or how much it helps, but there it is.
  19. Like
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Gustav in Gustav Life Update   
    Yes, Gustav Life Update--because I'm just now realizing I don't have a media spot for this week and I should be in bed already. 
    Some of us who were here some months ago might remember a few threads I put up that were deep and meaningful to some and probably cringy to others. While I'll do my best to be emotionally honest in this article, I promise this is not me complaining about my life or feeling sad about myself again. Rather, it's just me talking about what I'm up to!
    I had my last exam Thursday, which means I'm done for the semester! I also think it was the last final I'll ever have to take as an undergrad. I'm pretty sure I did OK, though the night before kind of threw a monkey wrench into things--I got ZERO sleep, not because I wouldn't but because I couldn't for some reason. I wasn't nervous; it just didn't happen. Thankfully, I'm fine, and though I haven't seen for sure yet, I did fine! Speaking of the end of the semester, I'm actually a little bit sad that it's over. This was the first back-to-normal (with masks) semester I've ever had that involved more than one class in my major. I did some cool things, learned a lot, and for the first time ever, made a few real-life friends in college. Break is going to be a bit lonely, but I suppose that's for all the best reasons. And speaking of the end of school, I'll have my degree in the spring! It's a little scary, because I don't know what my life will look like in a year... ...though I do know I'll be in a grad program! I got into one school you may have heard of, and I'm waiting to hear back from the rest. I don't expect other decisions until January, though the fact that one got back to me so quickly (2 business days after I applied, for someone with zero research experience, no less) is a bit encouraging--I'd heard that applications are going to be fewer and credentials are going to be lower in general this year, especially for domestic applicants, so this could go really well! Even if it doesn't, I've got a guaranteed spot somewhere. I'm working more at my usual terrible job, and hating it as always. I said (informally) that I should be paid a bit more, as I've been there over 4 years and practically led the department for short periods of time during that, and was told that minimum wage is going up in a couple weeks. That's cool, and at least New York has a decent minimum, but I still get paid less than high school kids at McDonald's. I've been a bit quieter on Discord lately, and I think that's okay. I don't miss the days when I'd spend 4 hours at a time in genchat. I know I've said this before, but it's a bit more so most recently and it's worth reiterating. 
  20. Haha
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Dil in Join the Squidward Madness!   
    I’m being forced to do this. Do not choose to do it willingly.
  21. Angry
    eaglesfan036 reacted to JardyB10 in Change Ricer's name   
  22. Haha
    eaglesfan036 reacted to Fire Tortorella in Halifax 21st Press Conference   
    1.) Well, I already got traded once. At this point, I think I'd like to stay, just so I can still play as a starter.
    2.) Jackbox Night could be fun - allows audience participation so even if you're not playing, you can still participate.
    3.) I'm actually almost done! I'd say 90% - just need to get one or two small things for the wife.
    4.) I think someone is doing a cooking stream or something? That might be one of the "if we get X amount of donations" ones, but either way, that's what I'd like to see.
    5.) Shout out to @WentzKneeFan036 - need you to re-create. Also shout out to our boy @Squinty - time for you to come back!
    6.) I have two - one is for cooking reasons and the other is for personal injury reasons. For the cooking one, I had first started cooking and was making Rice-A-Roni. "Brown the rice" accidently turned into "blacken the rice" and it was pretty distrusting - just very crunch and basically inedible. For the personal injury story, I was browning ground beef for something and couldn't figure out why the beef wasn't actually cooking even though the range was on. My mom has an electric stove top, but one of the older ones with the coils, not the flat surface. I had accidentally left the cover over the coils, so the pan itself wasn't getting hot. This must have happened for at least a couple of minutes, if not a little longer. I realized what happened , but I was distracted with something on my laptop (possibly VHL?) and without thinking, I used my index, middle, and ring fingers to slide the cover off the burner like I had countless times before...except all those times, the burner wasn't on high heating up cover. I left skin marks on the cover from where I slid my fingers and immediately filled the bathroom sink with cold water and stuck my fingers in there. Eventually, I ended up at Urgent Care with 3 very burned fingers that started to swell up. Did not tickle. 
  23. Like
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from mediocrepony in Graphic by GrittyIsKing09   
  24. Angry
    eaglesfan036 reacted to JardyB10 in Graphic by GrittyIsKing09   
  25. Haha
    eaglesfan036 got a reaction from fishy in Graphic by GrittyIsKing09   
    why you little....
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