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Posts posted by Juice

  1. 200 IQ thread from Thad.


    First I'd get @dlamba thank you card for introducing me to the VHL. I turned him down several times before finally coming into it and I've loved every moment since. (And also I'd put in a P.S. for him to check his trade offers on Steam because I'd send him a FN ST Howl)


    Next for @fromtheinside for all his work on welcoming me, helping me out in the beginning, and overall being a great friend, I'd get him an all expenses paid trip for a wonderful vacation to Hungary so I can get him absolutely trashed on Hungarian alcohol and then upload the videos on the forums for my weekly 6 capped TPE.


    For @thadthrasherI'd get him his choice of either:

    1. A new camera for his amazing videos.
    2. A therapist because of his amazing videos.


    For @BanackockI'd get him a lovely Darren McCarty autographed Jersey to help remind him of our team's lovely rivalry.


    For @BeavissI'd get him a "Zoomer Humour for Boomers" guide.


    And finally, with the rest of my money, I'd get the lovely Horny Police ( @GustavMattiasand company) a mandatory stay in Amsterdam near the Red Light District 🥳


  2. 7 minutes ago, fromtheinside said:

    Week 7 Press Conference 


    1) Coming off the heels of a 4-0 sweep at the hands of the Reapers, do you have any thoughts on the series? How do you you reflect on this season as a whole?


    The series went about what I expected, where we put up a fight in a few games but ultimately they just have too much fire power for us to really be competitive. Overall this season I'm extremely proud we even made the playoffs, but exiting early with a sweep hurts.


    2) (For Rookies) The drafts are coming up, how have you felt your pre-draft interviews have gone so far? Do you have specific teams you hope to end up on? (For drafted players) Do you think you are ready to make the leap to the VHL next season or do you want to run it back one more year in Yukon?


    I've only had a few thus far, but I think they've gone so far so good. I've had one team really interested in me for the VHL draft so I'm intrigued to see how that goes.


    3) New Year's Eve is 3 days away. Do you normally have plans for NYE? What do you normally like to do?  Since this year is messed up, Im sure there won't be many large gatherings for NYE.  Do you plan to celebrate a bit differently this year or do you think the whole thing is overrated to begin with?


    Drink. Drink a lot. Usually with friends at a house party or even at a bar, but I think this year it'll just be at home with myself, my dog, and my girlfriend to enjoy the alcoholic festivities.


    4) 2020 will probably go down as one of the worst years in recent memory. Can you think of one good memory from this past year and share it?


    Meeting Scotty 😍


    5) Looking ahead to 2021, do you think next year will be better? Why or why not? 


    I honestly don't think any year could go worse than this one, at least we have a vaccine in sight to look forward to compared to endless quarantines. Unless like, nuclear war happens, but who knows.


    6) Do you have any New Year's resolutions or just any goals or plans for 2021 that you would like to do?


    Get a new computer, find a hobby or passion I'm truly satisfied and happy with, and overall just be more content with life would be the first ones to come to mind, but I usually don't have New Year's resolutions.


  3. Premium Photo | Drunk man sleeping on the table with a wineglass in the hand


    Pain. Misery. Suffering. Alcohol. Despair.


    These are the feelings I have after being swept in my first ever experience in the playoffs.


    Even though the Yukon Rush were not supposed to even make the playoffs, let alone up against such a deep and powerful Philadelphia Reapers team, the pain of being swept after a full regular season is possibility the worst feeling of all.


    Like putting toothpicks underneath your toenails and kicking a concrete wall, there is no joy that comes from this at all. No "at least you made the playoffs" high-fives. No "at least you got some playoff experience" pity points.


    At the very least if you didn't make the playoffs the Rush could have had a chance at a top pick in the upcoming draft (despite it being a low percentage chance) if we landed outside of the playoffs.


    But now, the only thing to look forward to is taking all the booze you got for Christmas, pouring yourself multiple drinks, and remembering the good 'ol days where your team could get a win.


    In the Yukon during the winter-time, it can get up to 20+ hours of darkness a day. And now, it's darker than ever.


    It was a good season boys, but it's quite a tragic ending.


    For the last time this season... #FeelTheRush :yuk:

  4. Now this is the type of content I love. I've done NHL custom teams and by god is the jersey creation process annoying to perfect and try to make the nicest ones possible, and I think you do a fantastic job. Even editing wise I love what you did with the cutting to all the teams at the beginning to showcase the jersey AND even winning the Cup. I would dock marks for not showcasing more Rush in the video since we're definitely going to win the cup *cries in swept* but absolutely phenomenal job. 10/10 easily and I'd actually really like you to do even more with this as the playoffs go on too!

  5. My god, this might be the best graphic I've seen on the forums so far. The logo and jersey swap is so clean it looks like it's a legit jersey even going as far as replacing the colours and making it look authentic. The name on the right of the player is extremely well thought out and done as usually people use the text over the player, however I love the idea of having it behind the player and faded to make the player pop out more. And finally the background with the logo and split between the blue and yellow is beautiful. 10/10 without a single doubt...and I might ask for you to do a graphic for me in the near future ❤️

  6. I'm excited to see where we both end up in the upcoming drafts! We've been neck and neck in the VHLM draft boards for #1, but I sure hope that we might get lucky enough to become teammates :) You're a great member of the community already and it'll be great to see you continue to soar and become a core member of it one day!

  7. https://nhl.nbcsports.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2011/05/lidstromgame7expap.jpg?w=512


    A touted and skilled defenseman that is available in both the upcoming VHL and VHLM draft, Kristof Welch has had an outstanding season on both paper and in regards to his development. Welch describes himself as a "Two-Way defenseman, focusing more on the offensive side but not being defensively liable", and based on his showing in the S75, I think he is living up to his self-told role.


    As a rookie defenseman, Welch has had a staggering 53 points in 62 games on the blue line for the Yukon Rush with a respectable -6 plus/minus.


    With these type of numbers, I think it would be safe to assume this projected top 3 pick in the upcoming VHLM draft and top 10 pick in the VHL draft to be very confident of how he did, however to some people's surprise it would be quite the contrary.


    "I know I produced points wise, however what might be not looked closely at is my PIM. 62 penalty minutes in 62 games is not a good look in my opinion, and goes against what I try to pride my self in as being not a buster on the defensive end. Even the -6 hurts my eyes to see, and I am putting all my extra training into making sure this type of thing going forward is avoided. I want to be able to put up the same type of points, if not more, but with more pluses and less penalties on my stat-sheet."


    Putting in the work week-by-week, any general manager eying Welch in the upcoming drafts should be rest assured that this team-first player will put in all the work needed to be the best all-around defenseman who wants to live up to his role model of Nicklas Lidstrom, and since signing with the Yukon Rush I believe the evidence is bright and clear.


    (312 words)

  8. Well, I would say I'm not surprised based on how we came into the season, but after heading into the trade deadline as sellers and sending some of our best players out for picks, you can now say that:






    This surprisingly but amazing news shocked the locker room, which caused many of champagne bottles to be busted open and lots of "This Is How We Do It"  to be blasted as loud as it can.


    On entry into the locker room, you can see:


    • Kristof Welch@Juicehaving many of his traditional Hungarian shots and then keeling over into the toilet. His current condition is somewhere between "Where am I?" and blacking out.


    • Germano Henchoz@RicoTheTrapGodtwerking in the middle of the locker room with a rhythm that would make any girl jealous.


    • The Captain himself, Vick Fairchild @GreenGatohanding the Player of the Game Pickaxe with a waterfall of tears in his eyes to the General Manager @MexicanCow123who quickly grabbed the Pickaxe before, with a serious face, disregard the entire party going on to figure out playoff tactics with a mumble of "...what if we throw a banana on the ice to stop their offense..."


    • Assistant Manager @fromtheinsideis seen running around chaotically as you could hear him yelling "We actually did it?!!?" while somehow making more of a mess of knocking things over albeit being the most sober in the room.


    • Kloxified @Kloxifiedand Andrew Bowman @BrutalBoostcould be seen arm-wrestling over a pile of beer cans over who's starting in net in game 1 whilst saying some...quite choice words to each other.


    • Everyone else in the locker room was already either passed out, or was abhorrently hammered and a walking menace to where Daddy Derek @DirtyDerekhad to live up to his name and be the team Daddy to take care of his fellow teammates.


    It was nothing but joy for the Rush players who fought tooth and nail all season in hopes that they would get to the playoffs like they did last year and live up to the potential that the management staff knew they had in them. Moments like these after such a rough middle part of the season is something to truly cherish and get excited about.


    This was until Cow received a message on his phone, took a quick glance, immediately crumbled up his written paper of tactics, and stormed out of the room sceaming, "IT WAS ALL FOR THIS?"  which shocked everyone.


    Confused, fromtheinside went to talk to Cow before coming back into the locker room to give the devastating news that would destroy any VHLM team's hearts, let alone "a scraping into the eighth seed" Yukon Rush.


    "Guys, I don't know how to tell you this, but uh, we're facing Mexico City in the first round."


    With an abrupt cut to the music, the fun times have stopped on the dime, as well as Kloxified letting Bowman win the arm-wrestling match. Now it was nothing but defeat and/or suffering in everyone's eyes and heart.


    And on cue, The Tixter @Tixterbarged into the room and said, "Hey guys, I just got signed to the team! Are we celebrating or something?"


    (530 words)

  9. Well I hate to be unoriginal, but like everyone else I'm a lover of sleek and clean graphics, definitely when it comes to the name popping out in the middle! The player as your choice for the main point of the graphic is also perfect and high res which makes it overall a wonderful signature graphic! My only critique would be that I think you focused so much on the effect and the name that there wasn't much done in regards to logo swaps (for both the shoulder patches ((haha get it, patches?)) or on the tiny bit of the front crest) so that would be my only knock. 8.5/10, might need to you make me a graphic one of these days if minimalist type artistry is your thing ❤️

  10. I have a feeling you played off the Team North America from a few years ago, and I gotta say that I'm loving this. I'm a sucker with black with a distinct other colour (in this case gold) popping out that makes it look extremely crisp and badass. The logo swap in the middle was done really great as well, and I love the look of the background as well with the logo backdrop! The only criticism I could give is that the left shoulder (our right) is a bit blurry, but honestly I feel that's really nitpicky for how great the entire graphic turned out. 9/10, would love to play for Team World 👀

  11. On 12/20/2020 at 8:12 PM, fromtheinside said:

    Week 6 Team Yukon Press Conference



    1) We have finally reached the end of the regular season and it has been an interesting ride for the Rush this season. We had high hopes going in and although we are a playoff team, we admittingly fell a bit short of our expectations. Nonetheless, It looks as though we will be matching up against Mexico City in the first round of the playoffs.. What would you say our chances are of upsetting the 1 seed and moving on to the second round?


    Honestly as of late, our defense I would say has been solid with some good goaltending the last few sims, so that means our offense is the only thing that needs to be picked up. I say we have slim chances, but I'll just put it out there that Columbus had good defense and good goaltending "only going for them" against Tampa in 2019 👀


    2) Going into the playoffs there are multiple teams this season who look absolutely dangerous and primed for a cup run. If we end up getting knocked out, what team do you think might go all the way this season and why?


    My money was on Philly all year...but Mexico City is looking still scary as ever and has not slowed down. I would put my money on them...and then us if we beat them 😎


    3) The offseason will soon be approaching everyone. What are your plans for the offseason? Both the WJC and the Victory ProAm tournaments take place in during the offseason before the next draft. Are you interested in participating in either of these tournaments?


    Oh I'm doing everything and anything possible, even if it's just for show and fun. I wanna get more used to everyone and how everything is setup, and the sooner the better! It would be nice to get tips on the WJC more though as I'm not quite clear on it yet 😄


    4) If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?


    The ability to cook the perfect pizza pop...as I always seem to get them to be blistering hot or too cold :(


    5) If you were hypothetically given the chance to know your entire future, but the cost was forgetting  your entire past, would you take that deal? Why or why not?


    I feel like this might be a bit of a controversial answer, but I believe who you are now comes from your past and your experiences truly shaped your personality, thus I don't think I'd take it up.


    6) If you won the lottery, let's say 20 million dollars.... what would do in the first couple days and overall what would you do with your winnings?


    1. Buy a plane ticket to Ontario

    2. Have Scotty cook me a steak

    3. STONKS

    4. Probably just be boring and invest it in the bank and let it rack up over time.


  12. 1 hour ago, Hex Universe said:

    I'm applying for any and all available GM positions.

    I want to take that next step to further my VHL resume no matter what. I am extremely active and take great pride in organizing and seeing over my duties. As a WJC GM, I will show that I am able and ready to handle a full team day-to-day operations and keep our LR active throughout the entirety of the tournament.

    I am not applying as unfortunately I'm extremely busy with work as of late, however I hope Hex gets an open GM spot as I know how active and great he would be for the position! :)

  13. On 12/15/2020 at 2:35 AM, fromtheinside said:

    Week 5 Press Conference


    1)  What is your favourite Christmas movie? If you aren't a movie person what is your favourite Christmas song/carol? If you hate Christmas altogether what is one of your favourite non-Christmas songs at the moment?


    My favourite Christmas movie would have to be Elf, more so because that's the only that that comes to mind. I actually don't watch many Christmas movies, as usually around Christmas it's more blasting the classic Christmas music and drinking lots, and lots, and lots of alcohol :D


    2) What is the goto meal for Christmas dinner? Alternatively what is your all time favourite meal on non holiday days?


    The goto meal for my family was always ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, and the usual western Christmas dinner foods, however now that I'm in Hungary the main one is a fish soup!


    3) Season 75 is slowly winding down. Did it turn out how you thought it would and what do you think Season 76 is going to be like for your player?


    Honestly being brand new to VHL I was a bit nervous coming in for several things, from how to interact with others (as I'm not the most social guy) and how to properly build the defenseman I want to make (a point producing but defensively sound defender), but I feel like I gone about it quite well! I hope that I've proven my worth to a team that wants to take me in the upcoming draft, and I believe S76 will go pretty well with me going to be nearing that 250 TPE sooner than later :)


    4) How have you felt about your player's own performance this season? Did they over or under achieve?


    I would say in my eyes a bit of an under achieve, even though I've been on quite the tear as of late. Although in my eyes I've hit my point total that I wanted to hit (at least 40 points, hoping for 50) I am not as reliable defensively as I want to be (currently -4 with 50 PIM in 54 GP) so that is a knock on my player currently. I would say overall I'm doing above average, but I'm an over-achiever so I want to better.


    5) What would you say is your biggest fear?


    Wide open water where you can't see more than 5 feet in front of you. That shit is way too spooky 💀


    6) If you had a time machine to back in time to any time and/or place where and when would you go?


    I would go to back to the time before I found out @MexicanCow123's age so I would still think that he was an old and wise intimidating man :kekw:


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