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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. I take it no 4k Photos/Daguerrotypes available for Madame Curie?
  2. Transaction ID: 15B96455H1417740H This includes a CAD 15 Donation on behalf of @OrbitingDeath . Merry Christmas friend.
  3. 1. Well there is potentially the ProAm, which CGY will be joining. Other than that, do the work to be the best version of himself for NYA to have a better season than the past one. 2. See above, World Cups are also fun, but I believe CGY is not eligible anymore for the WJC, and just not good enough yet for the WC. 3. Some help in scoring would be nice, as CGY will not be able to contribute in that department in a meaningful way. 4. That is difficult... I hope for Calgary, but it will be very difficult. A European team will be more realistic I think. 5. Except for the playoff beards I am not aware of any, and this one is superstition, so I am a little bit on the fence (especially with players who cannot grow a beard to save their lives). 6. Some game company, maybe Rockstar or CD project red. No EA of any description.
  4. me checking the standings only to realize I somehow missed the time bar to participate this season...
  5. graphic courtesy by Leandrofg Our stalwart Swiss defender ended his regular season with Vasteras at the top of the league. He was able to improve his physical play and could repeat his last season's offensive numbers with 48 points. He lost the hit-battle, which was pretty much a two men race against Ironhide by the skin of his teeth (361 vs 354 hits). Callum has also cracked the top ten in scoring for defense men as well as the +/- rating and leads the league in PIM. Rin 'the Beast' Kagamine on the other hand maintained form by being the top shot blocker in the league (and it is not even close) as well as topscorer of her team, the Oslo Storm and eighth-highest scoring back of the VHLE. Unfortunately, the Norwegian squad was not even near a playoff spot for the vast majority of the season. To demonstrate how un-close it was: the second to last team Bratislava has almost double the points total of Oslo. There is one advantage of being in a bottomfeeder team: One gets ample of opportunities to play and improve. And this is what the Japanese prospect did. So much so, that it is expected that already next season, New York fans will get to enjoy 'The Beauty and the Beast' on ice (and we do not mean the musical, folks). graphic courtesy of Orbiting Death While the 'Nagasaki Nightingale' enjoys some rest and can spend more time singing in New York, the 'Vasteras Terror' has a mission ahead of him: Shutting the Stockholm offense down and make sure the Iron Eagles make the Renaissance cup final. It is a derby, it is a duel of epic proportions and most important of all for the crowd it is a relentless clash of titans between the two hardest hitters in Europe. Ironhide and Janser are lowering their heads and whetting their horns to settle this matter once and for all (at least for this season). Of course, both teams have other protagonists such as leading goal scorer Spanish Moon Moth, who played with CGY in Mississauga, or Sanzone another very talented forward, on Stockholm's side. Vasteras offers dishmaster Leif Reingaard or veteran winger Woolfenden. In net Syko as the only prominent Viking netminder, faces retiring goal keeper Gauthier and talent Herzlich, all three being neck-to-neck on the stats. Stockholm's biggest asset is in net with Syko who is arguably the most talented goalkeeper of the VHLE. However, Vasteras can rely on a duo which both were fit to be a number one in any other franchise. So they can swap goalies in a series should one of them go on a cold streak, which the Vikings cannot. The biggest discrepancy in raw talent between the two Swedish teams is in defense though. The Eagles sport five defenders with an average TPE level of 369, whereas only four backs hold down the fort for Stockholm and one of them is at the bare minimum of 200 TPE. A similar picture can be painted about the front rows. Vasteras has more talent and depth on their side. In conclusion, we see Vasteras as the favourite in this match-up and Stockholm has to rely on their last man to steal games, if they want to get a round further. Here the stats of Rin and Callum for the regular season: Rin: 72gp, 14g, 45a, 59pts, -46, 64 PIM, 124 hits, 287sb, 1gwg, 8ppg, 1 First Star nomination CGY: 72gp, 12g, 36a, 48pts, +26, 211 PIM, 354 hits, 140sb, 2gwg, 4ppg, 2 First Star nominations https://vhlforum.com/topic/141334-the-cgy-janser-story-part-vi-between-two-seasons/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141723-the-cgy-janser-story-part-vii-stars-spreading-the-news/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142049-the-cgy-janser-story-part-viii-arrival-in-sweden/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142307-the-cgy-janser-story-part-ix-one-third-of-a-season-played/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142493-the-cgy-janser-story-part-x-the-beauty-and-the-beast/
  6. I thought they do, but only on Epiphany as that is when the three wise men arrived in Betlehem, but I only know it from hear-say...
  7. The first season with Hybrid attributes was the S83 season. Until now in the VHLM Alexander Stroheim has had the record for post-hybrid scoring with 150 points.
  8. Callum moved through the undergrowth at a considerable stealth, considering his bulky frame. He made good care not to step on any dry twigs. The Calgary native also made sure that he stalked downwind from his potential prey. He opted to buy the Sauer 404, in the 30-06 Springfield calibre, a very popular round among huntsmen. The Vasteras Captain had seen the track of a moose earlier in the week and wanted to see whether he would be able to find its owner. And now, after hours of tracking, he did. He shouldered his rifle and climbed up a tree always keeping an eye on the King of the Woods, the Ruler of the North. Once safely nestled in a forked branch, he unshouldered his gun again and looked at the moose through its scope. It was an impressive bull. It emanates primeval power and despite its rather ugly appearance with its hunchback and the hanging lips, there was a certain grace to it. Janser kept his finger of the trigger guard, as today he has not come to kill. Neither would he be able to, as the distance was too far and the moose was in the wrong position to Cal's trajectory. It would not be a clean kill. And if he could not fell his prey with the first shot, he would not take the shot in the first place. So today it would all be about observing the majestic beast while it was taking a drink from one of the many lakes. After a few minutes, the moose pricked its ears, lifted his head and bounced. A noise must have startled it and so it was time for Callum to treck back home for a hot chocolate.
  9. Adi 'Three touchdowns goals in one game' Dassler
  10. starts also with an 'F', close enough for government work
  11. You only say that because they started as Amstel Tijgers
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