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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Today we will just have a quick review of the standings of Calgary and London respectively, with an interview with Marcel on top. Calgary is occupying the third seed with a 34-26-3 record and 74 points to their name. It will be hard to get a higher position as they are trailing Chicago by eight points (and the Phoenix having a game in hand). London is also third in their conference with a 32-21-8 record and 72 points. The chances for the English site to improve their standings is much better, as Davos is only four points ahead and London has a game in hand. Our London correspondence John Holmes (JH) had a chance to catch the younger Janser (MJ) for an interview after practice. JH: 'Top of the mornin', gov'ner. Thanks for talking to us.' MJ: 'Always a pleasure John, best people.' JH: 'Let's cut to the chase immediately. Your present campaign promises to be the weakest since your rookie season point wise. Have you found out yet, what the reason is for such a drop in production?' MJ: 'The easy answer would be that in Calgary I had players around me with Gonçalves, Wolanin and my brother, who made it very easy to score assists. However, that would not do justice to our own very talented front row with the two Mollys and Ivan. I think it is a combination of being in Europe again, two trades (well technically three) during the season and missing Dan and his family.' JH: 'We also noted that your defensive play is still very, very solid and it is safe to say that these were the primary traits, GM Jacob Carson was looking at when luring you to London.' MJ: 'Thanks, John. I always took pride in my body work and my defensive first attitude. I hope I could fit the bill for United in that department.' JH: 'So did you have time to visit some points of interest in our beautiful city?' MJ: 'I sure did. I have been here before as a teenager with my brother and sister and we have had a blast. All three of us are interested in history and London is rich with it. Went to some musicals as well to wind down.' JH: 'Now that is interesting. Which show did you enjoy most?' MJ: 'Well I must say that I like the songs of 'Rock of Ages', but some other, more classical musicals like 'West Side Story' never get old either.' JH: 'How do you see the chances for London for a long post-season?' MJ: 'I think once we secured our playoff spot, all bets are off. Our team has no significant weakness and a good mixture of talent, grit and experience. Teams are well advised not to underestimate our ability to win clutch games.' JH: 'Thanks, Marcel for these insights and good luck.' MJ: 'Thanks John, take care.' The Jansers' stats for S88 are as follows: Marcel: 63gp, 2g, 19a, 21pts, +3, 56 PIM, 74 hits, 101sb, 1gwg, 1 First Star distinction Daniel: 63gp, 34g, 48a, 82pts, +16, 52 PIM, 125 hits, 43sb, 4gwg, 9ppg, 57.76FO%, 6 First Star distinctions. We will revert with more news on the Brothers' career in due course. https://vhlforum.com/topic/135228-a-tale-of-two-brothers-i-am-a-wanderer/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135358-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-hurt-does-go-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135399-a-tale-of-two-brothers-some-select-games/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135762-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-7-year-glitch/
  2. The Great Barrier Great White are destined for Greatness
  3. Queensland Wallabys maybe?
  4. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The regular season is approaching fast. Calgary and London have played 55 games each. Both franchises sit on a playoff space at the moment with third and second seed respectively. Our correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) got in touch with Daniel (DJ) for an interview. JLL: 'Hi Daniel, thanks for taking the time to meet me.' DJ: 'Hi Jean-Luc. Of course any time.' JLL: 'Daniel, you just secured your seventh consecutive season with at least a point per game. Congratulations to that milestone. Any thoughts you wish to share?' DJ: 'Why thanks. I always admired players who could consistently contribute to the score sheet and their team's success. Never in my wildest dreams would I have considered to be one of them on the highest level of our sport. I would be amiss not to extend my thanks for the tutelage veteran players in my rookie year gave me. Chief amongst them Saku, Johnson, Perry, Gus, Tommy and Joker. I learned a lot from these lads and I would not be the player I am now, if it wasn't for their constant support and encouragement.' JLL: 'What do you think does make Calgary such a success story?' DJ: 'I think that the upper echelon, especially Kris, do a magnificent job on the draft board. They are not afraid to draft unknown, yet promising young players. These diamonds in the rough are then guided during their minor league seasons by the coaching staff. The management is also listening to us players if we see a talent somewhere which went unnoticed or did not get an opportunity to prove themselves. That does not automatically mean that these players are then draft or acquired, but they are considered. I also appreciate that players are drafted with their character in mind and whether they will be a good fit for our locker room.' JLL: 'So there is no animosity between the players?' DJ: 'I can confidently say, that there is nothing like that in our roster. Landon for example is the leading scorer in the squad for most if not all of the season. And I really hope he can break the 100 points in his third attempt. I do not mind that I am not the top dog on the score sheet, I am happy for Wolly. And Leandro is center in the second line, even though he is more than good enough to lead the more prestigious first line. Alas, Landon and I click better than Gonzo and Wolly for reasons unbeknownst to us.' JLL: 'We heard that Gonçalves' younger sister Cátia entered professional hockey. Is she on the 'shopping list' for the Wranglers?' DJ: 'I am not involved in the evaluation process for potential future players. In my opinion it is still early in her career. To me she seems to be as talented as Leandro and far better looking. The downside is, she joined Houston which is of course a much inferior franchise than the Mississauga Hounds where Gonzo and I started our careers (laughs).' JLL: 'Okay, I think our time is up. Thanks for the insight and take care.' DJ: 'Thanks for having me and you take care as well.' The Jansers' score sheet looks as follows: Marcel: 57gp, 2g, 17a, 19pts, +6, 56 PIM, 70 hits, 90sb, 1gwg, 1 First Star award Daniel: 55gp, 29g, 43a, 72pts, +21, 48 PIM, 106 hits, 38sb, 4gwg, 7ppg, 57.38FO%, 6 First Star awards We will revert with more news on the Brothers' career in due course. https://vhlforum.com/topic/135154-a-tale-of-two-brothers-how-the-turn-tables/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135228-a-tale-of-two-brothers-i-am-a-wanderer/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135358-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-hurt-does-go-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135399-a-tale-of-two-brothers-some-select-games/
  5. Guy is working just a few blocks from where I work... never seen him though
  6. Given his name I would have expected Schrade and Scrimshaw or another blade smith to be a sponsor
  7. 1. I liked the bit about the logos of the original Eight franchises 2. Sakamoto being traded yet again was a surprise to me. 3. DJ is slacking in his production compared to the three previous seasons, but ultimately it is all about the team and there the confidence is still there. 4. All of them. Whichever is open at the moment he takes the shot. 5. Holy Yoda almost forgot about that. Maybe I will I have the original three as a DVD. 6. One of my favourites was HeroQuest / StarQuest. A tabletop RPG.
  8. I seriously read '... Leandro my brother had been brothering me...' had a laugh when I noticed my inability to properly read... My recruiting was way easier: Marcel (also a younger sibling) has seen me navigating the page and asked me what it was and if he could join as well. Bam! 16 free TPE for good old me. (Maybe I should recruit my sis, she is into hockey as well). My recommendation to look at art is Instant Rockstar's work (also the non-VHL related stuff he posts in the gfx in the discord), Triller, Ricer13, STZ and Steve as well as BOOM (in no particular order). Not shitting on the other contributors at all, these are just the ones whose style/vibe pleases me most (Leandro did some amazing commissioned work for me as well, but I guess you have seen his contributions already). Of course your mileage may vary.
  9. It appears that the talent flows strong in the Gonçalves family, really nice work Cátia... Showing off my ignorance as I am not as knowledgeable about the female hockey players... who did you use as render?
  10. @FrostBeard I think capping should be take a decent amount of effort. And one can have a solid career without capping. Also if too many players are TPE-addicted competitive earners, the VHL in the long run will have a salary cap issue. I agree, that activity often results in more TPE earned. I think we need to separate the idea that only max earner are an asset/contributor to a teams success, though. There are active people in the league who are fun to interact with but do not care to max earn every week (or at all) for various reasons and there are max earners who do not interact much outside of their contribution to forum content (aka PT). And then are those who do both. I think all of the aforementioned contribute in their own way to the VHL experience and the success of their respective team. Having said that, I appreciate that retention of players/members seems to be a cause close to your heart. It takes a village in my opinion, as I can say I mainly earned at the level I did, because I wanted the Wranglers to be a success (or at least not failing because they need to carry my sorry ass). Because GM's and other members took time of their day to help me earn more efficiently. In closing I wish to point out that retention in my humble opinion is not only about earning (though it can be an incentive for some), it is more about having an amazing community and having caring GMs in place (especially in the Minors, but not exclusively there), who find a way for their players to earn at a level they are comfortable with (and is sustainable for that individual).
  11. or everyone wants them... both interpretations can be true (much like Schrödinger's cat, we have just not opened the box yet to find out)
  12. Next project: crossing the Atlantic singlehandedly in a plane...
  13. the rod looks oddly familiar... Landon must have helped himself to some the limited KGW Signature Sticks of his Captain
  14. This is an attitude I cannot get behind (not yours, the 'haters'). I mean it is 'free' TPE and if I have to invent a topic to write my MS about or get one given (for double the TPE) I do not care, in fact, I prefer it that way. I mean if people do not like the theme, they do not have to participate, or even better, come up with better ideas themselves. I am sure such participation would be appreciated by the powers to be...
  15. It is actually based on a pen and paper RPG (there may or may not have been table top games). And as far as I know there is no magic existent in the Cyberpunk universe. However, in Shadowrun (another Cyberpunk-esque RPG), there are rules for magic. The lore for that system is, that in 2012 (i.e. the end of the Mayan calendar) magic came back into the world (and with it some people mutated to trolls, orcs, elves and dwarves). So 'Cyberpunk' is what our future really could look like, whereas 'Shadowrun' is more fantasy-based. Both have in common that the big corporations own and control everything and give off '1984' vibes.
  16. Hi Sadie, first off absolutely cool idea to make the PC a little more appealing. Second, and I hate to be the guy (although I cannot help myself being a grammar Nazi), but Phoenix is spelled wrongly.
  17. I heard in the Czech Republic the mullet is sometimes referred to as 'the Jagr'... Also, is Jakotic playing for the Marauders? Because I definitely get Miami Vice vibes here...
  18. I so want to see the uniforms... And I cannot decide which genre I would give the preference, but styles had amazing songs/tunes...
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