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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Ping me baby.
  2. Speak for yourself... He robbed me! Jk
  3. Merrick had a great season and strong finish to the season. Congrats on the stats.
  4. Congrats @Telkster Well deserved.
  5. Thanks for the sims @Devise
  6. Nice react from 7 years ago Dil.
  7. BOOM


  8. Congratulations Duncan Montana on probably winning the most important awards.
  9. Anything by Alex Emerson. Highly recommend Nightmares and Dreamscrapes. https://www.amazon.com/Nightmares-Dreamscrapes-Special-Alex-Emerson/dp/1522995943
  10. Congrats man.
  11. Noted.
  12. What an emotion charged haiku. Beautiful.
  13. Going slightly nuts in lockdown already, but luckily I still have some sim leagues to distract me. I simply want to say thanks to everyone involved in running and participating in the VHL(or in fact, any sim or online group activities). From the blue team, to mods and updaters, simmers, VSN contributers, GM's, AGM's and every single person active in the VHL with a player, thank you. In times like these, you are all providing a welcome piece of entertainment and a chance to interact with others, despite the huge distances and timezone differences involved. You don't have to give up your time and effort to keep the league running but you do, and I simply wanted to say thanks and you are appreciated.
  14. Welcome to the VHL.
  15. LOL, would be shorter to post who didn't win. Thanks @Domg5
  16. Whoever gets it, treat them well...
  17. If they ignore us long enough, maybe we'll go away.
  18. Well after hitting 3 pages of suggestions, I fear that I'll be repetitive here. I apologize in advance. 1. Bring back the magazine. I know we have VSN who do amazing articles but I miss the weekly format thing we had, with articles, interviews and ads. I used to look forward to reading it when it was posted, but alas the VSN has improved the concept anyway so it won't return. Maybe add more contributers to VSN so that the volume of content is increased? 2. As some others have said, what about contests(even for bragging rights, not TPE....because the same few would win it) like GFX or article of the week? I think it might increase forum activity that is currently losing the battle with discord, and get more users posting and maybe improving the quality of their point tasks. 3. Also mentioned previously, add more TPE items to the store, like equipment etc. The big ticket items are regression fighters, but what about users like myself that usually don't bother with level 2/3 regression and end up with contracts dollars left unspent. I'd rather buy equipment for some TPE to be honest.
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