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Posts posted by ToooSaucey

  1. On 1/10/2022 at 5:25 PM, Shindigs said:


    Team Clue Press Conference

    Week of January 10th - January 16th

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1) The first day of sims had some "slight" issues with the settings, How did you like the UFC tournament that ensued?

    2) Do you think our slow start was mostly due to the Fighting issue, or are we in for a tough tournament?

    3) Who do you think has been Team Clue's MVP so far in the tournament?

    4) Word on the grapevine is that @Buddha might be interested in running a hockey fighting tournament with a similar setup in the future, would you join something like that?

    5) Pete Mitchell, the absolute legend, started off strong with 52 PIM in 5 games. How many do you think he will have by the end of the tournament?

    6) What's been your favorite part of the JST experience thus far?


    @TeeJay11 @Crstats23 @joelunk @Thode @MostTHE WAE @Kendrick @LanerDUST @EMoney002 @Insypher @KUUMA @jacobaa19 @Strider @Wheaties @Azorochi @Brodie_Landry @ToooSaucey @eagle_3450 @Spaceium

    1. I loved it! Was ready to channel my inner Ron Hextall. 
    2. There’s a ton of talent in this tournament. Staying out of the box has been a priority going into the next games to help compete with that talent. 
    3. Eldon. Always on the score sheet. 
    4. forsure! 
    5. 150ish. He’ll slow it down, was just excited for the tourney!

    6. The locker room is amazing. I’ve met some great people!

  2. Covid lockdowns aren't the only thing that were stopped this 2021... There was also plenty of pucks stopped, and many of those are curtesy of rookie goaltender Jay Sauce.


    Jay made his VHLm debut this season with the Saskatoon Wild, starting off hot with 6-3-1 record. With minimal training and experience, it was a surprise to many, but not Sauce. The young man was cool, collect, and composed - and after achieving his first win, it was on to the next. Jay surprised many, saving 28 of 30 shots, and getting the win over the east coast's finest, Halifax 21st. 


    After wins in the next 2 games, Jay felt like he was making a mark on the league. That was until he faced what many would say was his "first real competition". This came in the form of San Diego, and boy, they taught Jay a lesson. 4 goals on the first 5 shots he faced, fans screaming for a goalie change, and a kid was second guessing all his dreams. But that hesitation didn't last long, and although the Wild ended up loosing 5-2 after an empty netter, Jay was solid. After being comparable to the likes of sifter, Jay sealed off the net from post to post saving the next 20 shots. After the game, ESPN reached out and Jay had this to say:



    Confidence is a major part of this game, especially when you're in the crease. Keeping a mindset that's hungry for success was a major thing that played a big part of me making it to the VHLm, so at intermission I just needed to remind myself of that drive. That hunger. That attitude to be the best version of myself. For my team, my coaches, the fans - but also for myself.


    Two days later, Jay was watching the scoreboard run out during his first shutout of the season, a game in which he saved all 26 shots. Sauce threw on the headset for his post-game interview and had this to say;



    26 shots? Me and the fella's better go celebrate with 26 tequila shots! There's a cute dancer at the strip club down the road. I'm gonna make sure she's apart of those 26 tequilas. Coach is coming too, you better believe that! 


    That mindset continued during, and after the season. Sauce has put in WORK prior to the Junior Showcase Tournament, and wants the scouts to know he's hungry for that success. Sauce has already risen dramatically through the draft boards for S82. 


    It's not just on the ice either. Team Clue just unveiled a new logo, and new uniforms, personally designed by Sauce at the Adidas headquarters.


    After the season concluded with an unfortunate playoff sweep by the Aces, Jay has been invited to participate in the Junior Showcase Tournament, and is confident in Team Clue throughout it. After rising almost 30TPE in just before the start, we're confident in his abilities as well. 


    There's no way she'll turn you down now Jay... You're gonna be star. 

  3. You may have seen the crest on Team Clue's jerseys, and we wouldn't blame you. 


    Team Clue came out with some HEAT when they dropped their new logo, and jersey to go with it this Friday. Clue will be starting off their season this Monday, and are stoked to have some new apparel for the tournament. 


    Watch the whole Junior Showcase Tournament for the small fee of $999.99/mth with ESPN+


  4. Team Clue won't only be the best looking team at the tournament, they'll also be the best dressed. 


    As many know, the highly anticipated Junior Showcase Tournament is starting on Monday. Tons of young studs from around the league will be competing to show you who will be the players to watch in the future of the VHL. 


    But Team Clue is going a step ahead. Their team of detectives found yet another way for their team to get looks... and that's with DRIP. 


    Look good, feel good, play good. 









  5. 51 minutes ago, Shindigs said:


    Team Clue Press Conference

    Week of January 3rd - January 9th

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1) Had you hear about the Junior Showcase Tournament before being drafted to it?

    2) How do you feel about your draft position? Better than expected, worse or just right?

    3) How have you liked your experience in the JST thus far?

    4) Sims are starting on Monday. Are you excited to get going?

    5) Who do you think will lead the team in points at the end of the JST?

    6) What are your goals for your player in the tournament?


    @TeeJay11 @Crstats23 @joelunk @Thode @MostTHE WAE @Kendrick @LanerDUST @EMoney002 @Insypher @KUUMA @jacobaa19 @Strider @Wheaties @Azorochi @Brodie_Landry @ToooSaucey


    1) No. This my debut. 

    2) Stoked! Shindigs took a chance on me earlier than what I would have expected, and I think It's already paying off prior to a game even being played! 

    3) It's been amazing. Shindigs a gem of a GM and the roster as whole is filled great guys, attitudes and minds.

    4) Can't wait. They don't have a CLUE how good our teams gonna be. 

    5) Our first pick TeeJay11 knows how to bury a puck.

    6) .900% + save percentage, <2.2GAA, 0 losses.

  6. 11 hours ago, Bulduray_1 said:

    Presser Time Once Again!
    Answer these questions for easy 2 TPE!

    1. When was the first time your player encountered Ice Hockey?
    2. As the season progresses, is your player happy with his role and performance in Saskatoon?
    3. Best Holiday movie?
    4. How does your player handle the stress of big and important games?
    5. How is your player planning to spend the holidays?
    6. Do you prefer the city or the country?
    @Blakemac22 @BraydenPoint @Walllle919 @wwefan12 @Grape @GoldGear88 @Slick @Turnip67 @Thode @KnightRiley @Robbie the Robbie @rotbag @Azorochi @Strider @ThatsGreissy @ToooSaucey


    1. I skated before I walked. But like, forreal. I was a lazy kid, skating was easier.

    2. Yes in a sense. I'm a UFA, so can't expect to many starts, but with a 900 save percentage & points in 9/11 games, I think it's a matter of time before the Coach starts calling my number more. 

    3. Not a movie guy tbh hahah Elf lowkey slaps though.

    4. "Back home where it's legal" lol. If you know, you know.

    5. Making money at work and partying at night. Basically just adding family to the equation.

    6. Big city boy even though I live in a small Canadian city in the sticks. 

  7. On 12/6/2021 at 10:43 PM, Bulduray_1 said:

    Awnser these 6 questions for easy 2 TPE

    1. Does your player have a rivalry with another player?
    2. After staying around in many different VHLM cities, what city is your player's favourite?
    3. What type of locker room personality does your player have?
    4. Anything you look forward to in 2022?
    5. What's your favourite part of the holidays?
    6. Best meal you've ever had?

    @Alesime @Blakemac22 @DisplayName @BraydenPoint @Walllle919 @wwefan12 @Grape @GoldGear88 @Slick @Turnip67 @Thode @rotbag @MrMonkey @Strider @Advantage @N0HBDY @ToooSaucey

    1. Not really... Being a UFA pick-up, I don't have the clout to "rival" our first overall pick goalie. But, with a 4-1 record, there may be some shit to talk... (think Mike White/Zack Wilson situation if any of y'all like football).

    2. No place like home. Saskatoon.

    3. I'm the one Italian on the team, so stereotypes like "Don Carleone" or other mobsters are there... I just like making pasta for the squad.

    4. Making money! Finishing school up in September, so I'm stoked to push my career forward.

    5. The food. I'm Italian, so we get really boujee lol.

    6. Where do I start... Lasagna, pasta, gnocci, home made cured meats (salami, porchutto, mortadella ext). If I didn't have the metabolism of a hummingbird I'd literally be 5'6 and 225lb like my player.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Bulduray_1 said:

    Presser Time! Answer these questions for easy 2 TPE!

    1. What's the biggest thing we can improve on in our upcoming games?
    2. What are your season expectations for our team?
    3. What's your favourite sports team jersey?
    4. How is your player fitting in with his new team on the ice?
    5. Favourite movie or show?
    6. Coca Cola or Pepsi? 

    @Alesime @Blakemac22 @DisplayName @BraydenPoint @Walllle919 @wwefan12 @Grape @GoldGear88 @Slick @Turnip67 @Thode @rotbag @MrMonkey @Strider @Advantage @N0HBDY @ToooSaucey


    1. Staying consistent. Keep scoring like last game, keep stopping pucks.

    2. Playoffs. We have a deadly squad, just need to put it all together. A few signings/trades away from being contenders.

    3. Probably the Arizona State for any sport. That colour combo is insane.

    4. 1-0! Life's good so far between the pipes.

    5. Goodfella's

    6. Pepsi

  9. When the Wild win, everybody wins in the city of Saskatoon! 


    The Wild are proud to announce a new sponsorship with Tim Hortons, on the corner of Igloo Avenue & Wheat Crescent. All 273,000 residence of the Saskatoon Metro area will receive the luxuries of a free medium double double coffee when the Wild win! Bring in a cigarette for a free upgrade to large, and enjoy a "Canadian breakfast" while watching your favourite teams victory highlights from the previous night. 


    Igloo/Wheat Tim Hortons has opened a secondary drive-thru to accommodate the influx of lifted pick-up trucks and tractors after the wins. Although there hasn't been many yet this season, one player has his sights on changing that. Jay Sauce, back-up goalie of the Wild, said the following when asked about the sponsorship;


    Oh f*** ya bud, the boys are looking to put Timmie's in bankruptcy after this season, eh! I'll even have time to drink my double double while riding pine for most of the season. Coach doesn't let me smoke on the bench tho eh.


    The Wild are 3-6-1 to start the season, but have there eyes set on making a playoff push as the season progresses. 

  10. 14 hours ago, BrutalBoost said:

    Howdy @ToooSaucey


    Welcome to VHL. I am a GM for Saskatoo Wild. We are looking for a back up goalie. So, I am reaching out to you to see if you would be interested in being our back up goalie. If you are, all you got to do is quote this post with "Go Wild." Once I hear back from you I will add you to the team.


    Hope to hear soon from you.


    Go Wild! 

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