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Everything posted by eagle_3450

  1. I forgot to change the ottawa logo and add the VHL logo lol
  2. After a slightly underwhelming season from our Russian prospect, no one expected him to do much better in the playoffs. Now here we are after 3 games and Retoslav has put up 3 points. It seems as though he may be returning to the style that we saw in the VHLM playoffs back in S82 when he led the league in scoring for 2 games. This however should be taken with a grain of salt because one bad game could throw him off of his line. He's shown this with multiple slumps this season and last season in the VHLM along with 1 point in the final 7 games of the VHLM playoffs in season 82. Now, we asked what his GM @Dil thinks about how he is performing and he responded with a very positive answer. "He's doing amazing, this is exactly what we needed him to be doing this entire time. His presence in the LR has been increasing as we've moved closer to playoffs and now it's at an all time high. What else could we ask for?" No one can really say for sure whether or not he'll keep up this pace but if he does he could be on the way to that magical 20 point mark that he just barely hit in the VHLM last season. Thanks for reading and come back next week when we talk about how many balloons it would take to lift @Shindigs's house and have him recreate the movie Up.
  3. Have we really followed the same paths though? You've outscored me in every season we've played so far!
  4. This man is gonna be big, I can feel it
  5. I know I'm only in the VHLE but I think I deserve an honourary spot on this list just because of how bad my shooting% is especially when you consider that until 5 sims ago my shooting% was 6%!
  6. After a horrible start to the VHLE season which saw Retoslav put up just 10 points in 26 games, it seemed that things were finally looking up for the young Russian player. His team went and broke the win streak record for the VHLE with 24 wins in a row, he had a 5 point game and a whole bunch of multi-point games along with 4 1st star performances, His GM dil finally listened to him and changed him from the 1st to the 2nd line and he finally got to feel what it's like to be a star on a winning team. Sadly, we all knew this would eventually come to an end. The sudden drop in points that followed still kept him getting a point per game but then yesterday, it happened, Retoslav dropped below a point per game for the first time in 24 games. Retoslav's luck could not have gone down further as it was also discovered that Vasteras had sold his private jet due to monetary issues. Retoslav lives in the same apartment building as Vasteras 1st line center Leandro Goncalves, Goncalves said he hasn't seen Retoslav leave his apartment for anything except for practice and games and that he's "worried about Ivan, last time he did this it ended with a Geneva player on the ground clutching his shoulder after Ivan slammed him into the boards." If there is anything we can take from this it's that Geneva players better be careful because it looks like Retoslav is in a bad mood again and is willing to do anything to get his scoring back. Thanks for reading and come back next week when we finally solve the debate about whether murder should be legal or not.
  7. Both of you realize that this is going nowhere right? You'll just keep disagreeing until someone else gets involved and it blows up into a massive thing. Neither of you are 100% correct. But that also doesn't mean you are both 100% wrong. Ruutu, if you want to make claims like that you should at least have solid proof. ASG has references that can vouch for him, therefore I think he's more in the right in this situation. Don't go after me, I'm just trying to stop this before a whole bunch of reports start flying.
  8. It worries me that my last status updates about blowing up the world is the most replied to in the past month

    1. Jack Johnson

      Jack Johnson

      It was just you and me back and forth. How was court?

  9. Controversy has arisen from the city of Vasteras after it came to light that Ivan Retoslav's private jet, which he had leant to the team, was scrapped for metal after being pawned off by the general manager @Dil. Video surfaced online from outside the Vasteras manager office where you could hear Retoslav screaming at the GM followed by the smashing of a laptop and breaking of a hockey stick. The exact words said were as follows. Retoslav: "ARE YOU F---ING KIDDING ME? WHERE IN YOUR MIND DO YOU THINK IT'S OKAY TO SELL THE JET THAT YOUR 2ND OVERALL PICK LEANT TO YOU? THAT'S A F---ING $17.5M JET!" Dil: "It's not my fault, the team needed money and this was the best option for the most money fast!" Retoslav: "NOT YOUR FAULT??? F--- YOU AND YOUR MONEY! YOU BETTER BUY ME A NEW ONE OR I'M TAKING THIS HIGHER UP!" Dil: "You aren't getting a jet. We don't have money for that." Retoslav: "THAT'S IT!" *followed by the sound of punching, glass breaking, and then more screaming* "THIS IS FOR ALL THE BULLS--- YOU'VE PUT ME THROUGH THIS SEASON!" Dil: "GET THE F--- OUT OF MY OFFICE, IT WAS A MISTAKE DRAFTING YOU" Retoslav: "YOU ARE F---ING RIGHT, IT WAS A MISTAKE TO DRAFT ME, AND I MDE THE MISTAKE OF PLAYING HERE YOU SON OF A B----!" Dil: "GET THE F--- OUT BEFORE I TRADE YOU TO GENEVA!" In the video, Retoslav left the office and slammed the door behind him. The door frame cracked under the force and the glass window on the door shattered. This isn't the first fight these two have had either, back at the start of the season, Retoslav fought with Dil on whether or not he should change the lines. Dil eventually did and Retoslav ended up being right on his decisions but the fact that he got into a physical fist fight with his GM may worry the likes of @McWolf with Retoslav possibly being called up to London next season. The question is, will this happen with any GM? Or did it happen because it's Dil? We may never know. Come back next week when we see how many gallons of ClueGlue™ an American can take vs how much a Russian can take.
  10. JARRRRRRRDDDDDDYYYYYYYY I reacted to the topic, can I has timestamp?
  11. 1. I wasn't pleased to start the season but then he put up 20 points in 12 games and I'm happy again! 2. PEPPERONI AND CHEEEEEEEESE 3. Listen more to the players. I didn't leave dil alone until he finally changed the lines and then all of a sudden I started performing and we went on a huge win streak. I think that's a reason to be more open to the players' opinions. 4. I'm enjoying it a lot. Force Devise to sim consistently. 5. Very VERY curved. 6. Shindigs, also coincidentally my GM and the first person I ever spoke to in the community.
  12. well I wasn't trying to be that much of a nuisance to @Spartan but if you insist!
  13. No, that was only me because Dil let me out of Vasteras for the first time in 3 weeks. I took advantage and took so much ClueGlue™ that I accidentally became the MVP.
  14. I hate the world. Any suggestions on how to blow it up?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. eagle_3450


      yep, blew up a few cars and stuff

    3. eagle_3450


      It concerns me that you had this many ideas

    4. Jack Johnson

      Jack Johnson

      Yeah, Im concerned you did not go to jail

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