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Everything posted by JardyB10

  2. Finally made it home today! Sort of, I have to stay at my parents farm, then my brother will take me home tomorrow morning. But I'm not in a hotel room or at risk of being delayed further so it's a big improvement!
  3. *LISTENER DISCRETION IS NOT ADVISED* It's as PG as it comes. https://anchor.fm/jardy-b/episodes/Jardys-Nodesode-42-Ripping-Off-My-Betters-e1shjcf It's another Nodesode! I'm still stranded up north, and I very briefly talk about BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson's continued VHLM adventure, and stuff that @Phil and @DarkSpyro literally just talked about a week ago and 8 hours ago respectively!
  4. Already paying dividends.
  5. Sorry you were having a bad time Spyro. Hugs and shit.
  6. Hey, no disrespect to Heavenly Seven content or rambling or any other content for that matter! I was more just illustrating my own downward spiraling activity and listening availability, which went from me being more choosy with my listens to me not listening at all. Not to mention, I don't think podcasters or any other creator should feel any pressure or obligation to be interesting to anyone else but themselves. Particularly when I was Halifax AGM, I could also go on and on and on about the intricacies of the team and every little thing about them. Player stats, standings races, all that jazz. Obviously that's not the most entertaining for Joe Schmoe listener who hasn't even had a player in the VHLM for the better part of a calendar year at that point, but *I* sure liked talking about it, and that's what counts. "Tanking" and staying under league caps is a tried and true strategy! I did that with a few players now. I'd be careful with the Christmas bonuses though, hopefully they don't count against the cap. You're going to rip shit up with Geneva next season! Quick and quality stuff as usual!
  7. 1. I thought the theme was not bad, it didn't make me participate in the league more, and I didn't even participate myself, but that's only because I'm an inactive deadbeat. 2. My suggestion for a theme week would be CRITICISM. Be critical or just straight up mean to any person, policy, or whatever in the league. Talk about how big of a doofus Berocka is, for example. 3. If you do a Christmas special, tell us what you're all doing for the holidays, any gifts you gave or received, maybe some light Christmas poetry.
  8. I enjoyed the speedrunning, it would be tough to beat Hogan's strategy. Your creativity is a true boon to the league!
  9. My favourite team is the Calgary Wranglers, because that's the team I started my VHL career with and have the fondest memories with! Also Phil is on that team and he's a cool guy. I've also been out of the podcast loop lately, so I can't tell you which are good. I'm getting caught up now though! Hogan's prank calls were pretty funny. Tate's goodbye podcasts are worth a listen.
  10. 1. With post season coming up do you think Miami will have a playoff spot at the end of the season? Since I am from the future, I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that Miami will in fact make the playoffs. And we don't even have to play the Lynx! We do have to play the Reapers, which isn't much better, but still! 2. Is there any players you would like to play with next season Perhaps some of my fellow S88 players, @STZ would be pretty cool. I've always wanted to play with FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist. Though I'm hoping to go directly to the VHLE, and I'm not sure if he is, SO WHO KNOWS. 3. How was your vhlm season what would you change if you could? It was quite excellent, I didn't play a single game. Which is never what I intended, but it ended up working out since I originally tried to join Halifax to maybe give them a snowball's chance in hell in sneaking to playoffs. But my inactivity paid off so I'm here instead with the power of hindsight at my side! 4. If we make the playoffs do you think we will do well if so what round do you think we’ll make it too? Realistically we should lose out to Philly in the first round, but honestly the match-up really isn't that bad, especially if @diamond_ace actually updates. I think we're allowed to play skaters out of position now, so put BjornaBjorkson on defence and Miami could find themselves with a cozy semi-final exit! 5. Do you think anyone will win awards from Miami if so who? @Ninjadude will certainly be nominated for best defensive defenceman, but Juan Ceson's stats are too good to realistically beat him out for the award. 6. Do you the Alex ovechkin will beat Wayne Gretzky’s point record? Points record? Absolutely not, he's not even close and I don't know if anyone ever will be. Goals record on the other hand? I don't follow the NHL much anymore, but he very well could. He either needs two very good/phenomenal seasons after this one, or he needs three more decent seasons. He's stayed pretty damn healthy and consistent over his whole career so it honestly seems pretty likely if he can stay fit!
  11. Claim 2/4 (Week ending Dec 25, 2022 )
  12. For the World Juniors maybe. I won't be updating past 399 TPE though
  13. Pshhh, in no world am I an "A-quality" podcaster. I'm probably a C+, you're more like an A-! I'd also love to hang out given the opportunity, and I'll gladly be your and Phil's third wheel! Very sweet ending, we'll miss you! Most of us, anyway
  14. It's a small mention honestly, while I'm talking about Christmas Auction items. Context and later mention starts around 17:45.
  15. No, he was very very specifically NOT B(j)orn in Vasteras, because fuck Vasteras (as the old saying goes). He was B(j)orn in Gothenburg, ancient VHLM rivals of the Vasteras baby eagles. He and his family were absolutely choked that Gothenburg lost their team, despite being one of the more successful VHLM franchises (I think), and meanwhile they had to sit and watch Vasteras fail for a generation or two, lose the team, get a second chance, LOSE THE TEAM AGAIN, and now they get a THIRD CHANCE!? All the while Gothenburg barely gets mentioned. No, BjorkaBjorn is coming to the VHLE with purpose. To establish himself as the best and most influential European player of all time, and to ensure Vasteras never wins another championship, and ultimately re-locate to Gothenburg.
  16. I don't know if you listened to the podcast I made along with this re-creation but I wondered as much there too... BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson Bjorkabjorn Bjornabjorkson Okay I agree actually, and will edit that post accordingly.
  17. Transaction ID: 5NM592834V434471V Doubles Week 5 TPE 1M Player Store Cash
  18. $5 donation :] Transaction ID: 5FX48946461328932
  19. Just in the nick of time!
  20. "What are your total student loan debts?" "$18 million" "So why aren't you paying your student loans?" Also the second guy did not seem to mind that Hulk Hogan 2 was calling.
  21. *LISTENER DISCRETION ADVISED I GUESS* But it's 6 minutes long, how fucking explicit could it be? https://anchor.fm/jardy-b/episodes/Jardys-Nodesode-41-Last-Minute-Re-Create-e1sersb Hello, and welcome to a last minute nodesode for the week. I literally just re-created and joined Halifax so I talk about that somewhat.
  22. Shit, I totally meant to capitalize the second B in Bjornabjorkson. Is there a way to correct that? @Commissioner
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