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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. Four game winning streak and above .500 for the first time in team history! Keep up the good work boys!
  2. Now THAT'S more like it! Great game boys!
  3. You weren't supposed to notice him until later! Good game Davos, we'll bring it next time!
  4. I don't think I've ever been a free agent other than my very first player in my very first football league, due to joining after the season started. Too damn loyal to ever make it that far.
  5. Nobody's tried to fight me yet, it makes me sad.
  6. I don't think I've ever seen a player get injured in the VHL, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Someone's got to be the first one to do it.
  7. Honored to lead these fine young lads into Season 42! Looking forward to torching your homes, plundering your villages and winning many victories for the glory of Stockholm!
  8. $20 for S42, I'll take an extra doubles week.
  9. Player Name: Jack Kowalski VHL Team: Stockholm Vikings Cash you have: $6,000,000 Purchase Name: Two Attribute Points Cost of Purchase: $5,000,000 Cash Left: $1,000,000
  10. Thank you for your continued professionalism.
  11. The blue team couldn't give less of a shit about Stockholm, why on earth would you expect a correct roster?
  12. 2? This should be worth as much as a media spot.
  13. Watch his shift in overtime and you will understand the rage.
  14. Bryz would at least occasionally do something funny. Vinny doesn't even offer that. Speaking of Bryz, he had a MONSTER game tonight!
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